
Heroines are obsessed with me

After Alex's death, he finds himself in the body of a villainous character from a Chinese novel—a character who was killed off in the early chapters. Aware of his doomed fate, Alex desperately tries to change his destiny and escape death. However, all his attempts end in failure, and he meets his end once again.But his story doesn't end there. In a pivotal moment, Alex is sent back in time, now armed with a mysterious power that could be the key to his survival. He now has one final chance to rewrite his fate and alter his tragic end.Will Alex succeed in defying destiny and escaping his dark fate, or will he remain trapped in the same cycle of death? Join Alex on a thrilling journey through time, filled with challenges and dangers, as he fights for his survival.

Farouk_ben · Fantasía
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43 Chs

Destruction of the café (2)

The Magical City

>> Alex's POV

"Alright, we're done."

"Thank you for your hard work."

"It's no problem. Well, I'll be leaving now. Take care of yourself."

Yoon Ira nodded at me and led me to the door. After leaving her shop, I arrived at my café. I pushed the door, but found everything shattered: chairs broken, tables overturned, the coffee machine thrown to the floor, and utensils and glassware smashed everywhere.

"What the hell is going on?" Then I looked around and saw Xia Wan'er lying on the floor covered in blood, with Yan Ran in her lap.

"Damn it!" I ran toward them and placed my index finger on Xia Wan'er's hand. I saw that her pulse was stable, though she had some fractures in her body. I took out my needles, stopped her bleeding, and turned my attention to Yan Ran, checking her pulse.

"Her pulse is unstable. Damn it! She was hit directly in her temple. If this continues, her brain might lose connection with the rest of her body, which could lead to a possible cardiac arrest." I placed three needles in her head, trying to stimulate her blood circulation, then listened to her heartbeat.

"Damn it! Her pulse is still unstable. If this keeps up, she might lose her life." I inserted one of my needles directly into her heart to keep her heartbeat stable for at least 25 minutes. "I need to get her to the hospital to use a defibrillator."

I carried both Xia Wan'er and Yan Ran to my car and hurried to the hospital.

Upon arriving, Alex carried Yan Ran in his arms, got out of the car, and rushed into the hospital.

"Doctor! I need a doctor! Her condition is unstable!"

A nurse rushed toward me with a gurney.

"Put her here." After placing her down, I said, "Her pulse is unstable. She was hit directly in the temple and needs her heartbeat stabilized until the brain reconnects with the rest of her body."

"Don't worry, sir, we'll take it from here."

"And I also need some nurses. I have a friend who lost some blood and has fractures in her body. She's in my car."

"Alright, I'll call some nurses to assist you."

Alex led a few nurses to his car, and they carried Xia Wan'er to one of the rooms to give her blood and treat her injuries. Meanwhile, Alex stood in front of the emergency room where Yan Ran was being treated.

"It seems I've been too kind to my enemies for them to betray me like this." Alex clenched his fist, gritted his teeth, and his eyes filled with anger.

Inside the Emergency Room

Yan Ran was lying on a bed, surrounded by a few doctors.

"What is this? Why are there needles in her head and heart?" A doctor with blue eyes, wearing a mask, replied, "It's acupuncture. The needles in the head are to accelerate blood circulation to the brain, and the needle in the heart keeps it stable."

All the doctors there were stunned. "Alright, let's discuss this later. Prepare the defibrillator."

After preparing the machine, the doctor placed it on Yan Ran's chest, and her body jerked.

"No response, increase the voltage."

The procedure was repeated twice until her pulse stabilized again.

"Very good, her pulse is stable now, but she may not wake up for a while due to the severe brain injury. Get an X-ray to check the extent of the injury and send me the files in my office."

"Understood." The doctor turned to the nurses and asked, "Where are the patient's family members?"

"She was brought in by a man, and there's another injured woman. He's waiting outside."

"Alright, I'll inform him."

>> Alex's POV

Why am I so worried when I've only known her for a day? Why should I be concerned? I'm not a saint to care about everyone I meet.

"Hello, are you a family member of the girl in the emergency room?" I turned toward the voice and saw a woman in medical attire.

"Yes, she's an acquaintance of mine. How is she?"

"Her condition has improved, but we won't know the extent of the injury until we conduct a thorough examination."

Alright, that's not important. I've already examined her, and there's no injury except for her temple.

"Okay, please take care of her."

"Of course, it's our duty. But do you know who placed the needles for her?"

"Well, an elderly man passed by and helped us with that before disappearing."

"An elderly man!!"


"Alright, I'll be going now."

Ah, the headache, I'll go check on Xia Wan'er's condition.

End of Alex's POV

Alex headed to the room where Xia Wan'er was. Upon arrival, he found a nurse and asked, "How is she?"

"She's in good condition. All the lost blood has been replaced, and all fractures have been set. She needs rest to recover, and everything will be fine."

"Thank you." But they were interrupted by a portly elderly man in medical attire who said, "Are you the one who brought the girl and woman here?"

Alex turned to the man and said, "Yes, is there a problem?"

"Yes, I need you to pay for the treatment and the blood transfusion for the woman."

"Alright, how much is it?" The man looked at Alex and said, "300,000 won. If you can't pay, we'll have to discharge you and file a lawsuit...." Alex interrupted him immediately.

"Alright, where do I pay?"

"Follow me, I'll show you where to pay." Alex nodded at the man and followed him. Upon reaching the reception desk, he said, "Put them in a first-class suite, and it would be best if they were together."

"Alright, it will be 100,000 won per night." Alex paid an advance of one million won. "Take good care of them."

"Don't worry, sir." After Alex finished paying, he returned to the room where Xia Wan'er and Yan Ran were placed.




»» Jo Shiner's Company

Jo Shiner was sitting in her office reading a file, with Shin Min staring at her lustfully. Jo Shiner looked at him with disgust and coldly said, "Your contract is rejected."

Shin Min snapped out of his daze upon hearing her words and said, "Why? The terms outlined will help you gain 30% of the profits."

"No, thank you, because it's a very long-term gain, and I'm not willing to work with you. You can leave now."

"But..." Jo Shiner picked up her phone and called security, "Come escort our guest out."

The door opened, and two guards entered, saying, "Please come with us." Shin Min looked at the guards, then stood up and said, "Miss Jo, I hope you reconsider my offer." Jo Shiner paid him no attention and began working on some documents.

After leaving Jo Shiner's company, Shin Min started shouting, "Damn it! I failed! Damn it, damn it, damn it! What should I do now? Well, it doesn't matter. If she doesn't accept my offer, that means she won't accept Shin Haner's offer either. Then I'll tell my grandmother to marry her off to Hin Rao so she can save our family, and I'll become the heir and gain the support of the Hin family. Hahaha, I'm truly a genius! Hahahaaaa!"