

Multiple kids enroll in a High School For kids with superpowers and they all get in unexpectedly and all get assigned to the same class. The kids all become apart of a special Force Called The Heroic’s.

THAGOAT_82 · Cómic
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15 Chs

Class Trip

Multiple days later

Kai wakes up and head out for breakfast

He eats cereal and rushes out the door

He arrives to class in a hurry being a few minutes late

Kai takes a seat in the classroom

Everyone was waiting for him to arrive

Motteru: Your late and loud

Motteru: Please take a seat

Kai: Sorry I had woke up late

Motteru: Today class we will take a trip to the Heroics Museum

Class are jumping in excitement

Motteru: With that let's head to the buses

The class walks out with there belongings and head towards the blue buses

They get on the bus

Kai sits towards the front next to Motteru

Kai: Mr Motteru is this seat taken

Motteru: No, you can sit here

The bus starts to move and they began heading to the museum

Kai: Mr Motteru I have a question

Motteru: Yes ask away

Kai: I would have to guess your strong and if you are why do you decide to teach instead of being a hero

Motteru laughs

Motteru: I do it to teach the next generation like you to be as strong as me

Motteru: There will always be people to protect the innocent but there won't always be people to train the potential

Kai smiles and he sits back and relaxed

They arrive and they gets off the bus

Kai ends up next to a student from the class named Sami

Sami: I seen you talking to Motteru

Kai: Yeah he seems strong

Sami: They claim he is the strongest in the entire school

Kai looks at Motteru in shock

They enter the museum

Motteru: I want everyone to keep up and keep quiet

They walk around seeing different people

They stop at a specific person

The screen says

"The Strongest Hero To Ever Live"

A student ask

Student: Woah who is this?

The man has longer white hair and he carried a beautiful black sword

Motteru touches the statue next to the screen

Motteru: It's….. My father….

He says sadly

Motteru: He was the strongest Hero to ever walk earth

Kai: He looks like he was amazing

They continued to walk around in the museum and wraps up the tour

They get on the bus and heads back to the school

They arrive and Kai heads home

He heads home before a female with pink hair stops him

Girl: Hey are you Kai?

Kai: Uh- yeah that's me

Girl: Hello my name is Sugi Tamako and I'm a junior

Kai: Hello and why are you looking for me

Sugi: The high council wants to see you

He reads a number on her back saying "Three"

Kai(Mind): She number- three in her GRADE!

He heads to the council room and walks in to see 6 males and 2 females sitting there

To be continued….