
Heroes Rising

The time has come that it should no longer be left to a single person to save lives using their magical power, new strength comes in a group of people who believe they must do what's best and sacrifice themselves for those weaker, who lack the confidence and courage to stand up for themselves. A time of change and revolution comes, as magic refuses to hide anymore, as those who were once weak realize how much strength lies within their souls. There will be no more spirits who were killed unjustly as a group of heroes rise to the occasion to take back what was rightfully their's in the first place. It's time for a Hero's Rising to begin.

Cannibal_Alien · Fantasía
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36 Chs

Scared Of Torment (1.10)

The truck that was hauling their transport trailer stopped and everyone started to panic. The boy with the gas mask came around and blind folded everyone, before his teammates began dragging people out and shoving them into a building.

Jaxon didn't want to struggled, especially since he couldn't see, but he could hear Ion struggling lots and trying to shove their kidnappers away form himself.

Jaxon eventually felt everyone stop in what he assumed was a large room, and then, his blindfold was pull off from over his eyes and he looked around, everyone seemed scared. It seemed like they were all put into seperate cells, obviously they had someone sharing those cells with them but they were all seperate for the most part.

Jaxon ran for the exit of his cell, but the boy in the gas mask slammed it in his face. "No attempts to escape around here." He muttered before walking away, leaving a boy, who seemed only a couple years older than him, to guard the area while the rest of the masked children left.

The only two masked people left was a boy with spiky black hair and a pitch black mask and a tall man, with four extra arms and an insane smile on his face, his eyes were blank of expression and it seemed like his face was stuck that way. He seemed to add an extra layer of dread to the room, making everyone even more terrified than they already were.

The tapping of feet came along and someone came inside. He was a man who seemed to be in his middle ages, with one glowing eye and a staff. He surveyed the room before walking up to the first cell, which had the boy with lavender hair.

"You, tell me now, will you join the group or will you suffer the consequences of being forced to against your will?" He rasped, his eyes narrowing as he glared at him. The lavender haired boy smiled and spat in the old man's face, a gleam in his eyes like no other. "Bloom take this idiot to my torture chamber." He grimaced and looked at the girl who shared a cell with him.

This girl had a white curly, asymmetrical undercut, that slowly faded to black at the ends. Her eyes were a piercing red and and had dark circles around them, she was obviously exhausted, but she wasn't acting like it.

"You, answer the question." The man spat. He had rubbed the spit off his face and was glaring at the girl, who seemed to ignore him. "Can you not hear me bitch?" He hissed.

"Nah, I just wasn't listening, what was the question again?" She smirked, showing that same stubborn look in her eyes, but the man didn't care.

"Answer the question, I know you heard it." He hissed. "Or you'll be next to receive punishment." He glared at her with hatred in his eyes as she shook her head. The man looked at the monster and nodded as it took the lavender haired boy away. "Lantern, take this bitch to the panic room." He ordered the other guard, who quickly grabbed the white haired girl and dragged her out if the room. The boy with the gas mask then came in as the man left with the other two.

Jaxon saw Siren glaring at the boy with the gas mask, standing in between Ion and the cell door, obviously doing a good job at guarding him, for the most part.

"So I guess we can all actually talk now.." A girl with icy blue patches of scales commented, she was sitting in the cell next to Jaxon and Avery's. "Can gas mask over there hear us is the question though..."

"I can definitely hear you." The boy replied replied, he adjusted his mask slightly and sighed before looking around everyone and shutting up again.

"Well at least we know these psychopaths can talk." Siren smirked. "Can you tell us your name at least gas mask?"

"It's Flail." He muttered while staring right at Siren, who didn't seem to scared by his glare. "I'd prefer it if you guys quieted down for a bit now.." His voice sounded slightly echoed with the mask on, and it was quite odd, he didn't seem aggressive, but more sad than anything.

"Well you heard him, make as much noise as you can!" Avery called, before hollering and shouting, Jake and a few others joined in, Jaxon guess they all thought they could annoy their way out of this.

Flail just looked panicked and kept looking back at the door as he tried to quiet everyone down. Eventually the girl with long purple hair came inside, holding a scythe in her hands.

"What the hell is all the racket about?" She hissed and everyone looked at her, only a couple people making more noise. She glared at them all until it was only Jake and Avery left making noise.

Avery eventually shut up but Jake still took his time until the girl got right up to his cell door. Her mask was dark green with a grey skull and she wore a purple suit and tie. She pulled a glove off one of her hands and opened the cell door, dragging Jake out with the hand that still had a glove on and throwing him on the ground.

Everyone watched in terror when she barely touched him with her bare hand and he started screaming pain. She took a step back from his and soon enough, every vein turned black and he was coughing up blood and writhing in pain. Lastly, his eyes exploded and blood poured from his skull as he lay lifeless on the ground.

Jaxon took a step back from the cell door and fell to the ground. It was just a day ago that his parents had died, and now he had to witness another death right in front of his eyes. Not that he was very fond of Jake, but it still terrified him.


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