
Heroes Rising

The time has come that it should no longer be left to a single person to save lives using their magical power, new strength comes in a group of people who believe they must do what's best and sacrifice themselves for those weaker, who lack the confidence and courage to stand up for themselves. A time of change and revolution comes, as magic refuses to hide anymore, as those who were once weak realize how much strength lies within their souls. There will be no more spirits who were killed unjustly as a group of heroes rise to the occasion to take back what was rightfully their's in the first place. It's time for a Hero's Rising to begin.

Cannibal_Alien · Fantasía
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36 Chs

Bad Feeling (1.9)

Jaxon ran into Ion and Siren on their way to school, Ion seemed annoyed while Siren seemed just as happy as normal.

"So how was your evening yesterday?" Siren asked. Jaxon didn't know what kind of lie he should make up if he was asked anything else, but he sucked it up and decided to reply.

"It was good, my mom helped me dye my hair." Jaxon pulled his hood down, showing off the sleek black hair with red streaks.

"Amazing, you must have payed a lot of money for dye like that." Siren observed, before shoving his hands in his pockets and smiling. "Or it's because your hair is really easy to dye considering it's naturally silvery white." Siren laughed a bit.

Ion rolled his eyes and kept walking, his ears flattened against his head and an annoyed look on his face. Siren quickly began trying to catch up, while Jaxon fell behind.

Jaxon had a bad feeling about today, but he couldn't figure out why. So he just pushed the feeling aside and carried on, chewing on the skin around his nails and mouth to try and push it away.

As they reached the school Jaxon spotted someone unusual, it was a girl, too young to be going to highschool, wearing a mask and looking around. But then she noticed him staring and ran off.

Jaxon shook his head and made his way to class, assuming he was just seeing things and ignoring the bad feeling that was welling up inside him.

Jaxon got to class and did his best to finish any work that was given to him, he was bored by it, but it was a better distraction then thinking about the strange feeling he had.

But here came, the first group of villains, for his first day as a hero. Jaxon heard the announcement of a code red lockdown and watched everyone begin to panic, only a few students remained calm as the teacher lead them to a hiding spot.

Jaxon could see some of the calmer students begin to shake under the pressure once they began to realize this wasn't a drill. He could feel that feeling as well, knowing exactly what was happening. That girl he saw wearing the mask must have been sent out as a scout for whoever would be attacking the school, and she definitely did a good job at disappearing.

Jaxon then saw some sort of mist begin rising from underneath the classroom door and immediately covered his face with his sweater sleeves. The fog began to thicken and he saw a few students getting drowsy, while others were already unconscious, including their teacher.

Jaxon started to panic now, seeing Ion and Siren begin to pass out and he could feel himself breathing in the strange gas. He got up and looked around, trying to find an escape, but all the windows were locked.

As he began to stumble from breathing in the gas, he could see a boy about his age in the doorway, wearing a gas mask and spraying out more of the gas from his wrists. This was some sort of magic ability, and he obviously knew how to use it properly.

Jaxon's eyes widened as he realized he had passed out. He felt the bumping of a vehicle moving and realized he was sitting in the back of a transport trailer, with chains wrapped around his wrists and ankles, keeping him from moving.

He knew he should have listened to that bad feeling he had that morning and was now kicking himself for it. He then looked around to see who all was in the trailer with him, he could recognize Ion, Siren, Avery, Jake and a few other people who he'd seen in the halls at school before. But there were also people he'd never seen in his life, such as, a short boy who wore a well known private school's uniform and had curly lavender hair, a girl with white hair that seemed familiar but he didn't know from where and a girl with pale blue hair and patches of scales in some part of her face and neck, as well as a bunch of other people.

But there were also the masked children, including the boy who was spraying the gas from his wrists. They all seemed very menacing and Jaxon didn't like the way the feeling that could obviously felt between all of them; a desperate sense of dread that seemed to always loom from all of them.

Jaxon tried to speak but quickly realized no words would come out of his mouth, for a second he thought maybe it was another memory, but then the girl he had seen scouting the school out earlier spoke up.

"Since all of you are awake I'll fill you in." She hissed, her voice was quiet and shrill, like, if a sheep could talk, that's the voice they'd have. "First of all, none of you will be able to speak unless I let you," she hissed, "second of all, when we get to our destination you all will be asked one by one to join our group, if you are to refuse you will be tormented until you accept." She stared at each of us one by one. "Then we will commence your ranking ceremonies and more information will be given to you afterwards." You could tell she was smiling, even though she was wearing a mask.

"You've all been chosen as you've been scouted out for your unique magical powers and skills, it would just be best if you all accepted this immediately instead of having to go through torment." A girl with long, wavy purple hair said, boredom in her tone. "And trust me when I say you don't want to face the wrath of Malechite in the torture chamber." She muttered under her breath, just loud enough for the closest people to hear her.

Jaxon heard someone swallow hard, probably in fear of what would come once they reached their destination. He looked around at each person to see the expressions on their faces, most looked scared, others looked pissed off. But a few stood out, the boy from the private school seemed intrigued, Ion had a look on his face as if he were solving a math equation in his mind and Siren had a smirk on his face, hiding any type of emotion form everyone else.

All Jaxon could feel, was that awful, bad panicked feeling he had since that morning.