
Heroes Rising

The time has come that it should no longer be left to a single person to save lives using their magical power, new strength comes in a group of people who believe they must do what's best and sacrifice themselves for those weaker, who lack the confidence and courage to stand up for themselves. A time of change and revolution comes, as magic refuses to hide anymore, as those who were once weak realize how much strength lies within their souls. There will be no more spirits who were killed unjustly as a group of heroes rise to the occasion to take back what was rightfully their's in the first place. It's time for a Hero's Rising to begin.

Cannibal_Alien · Fantasía
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36 Chs

A Secret He Doesn't Know About Himself (1.19)

Jaxon lay in bed, unable to fall asleep as the moon drew higher and higher in the sky. His eyes glowed a beautiful red that reflected light on his ceiling.

"Heheheh it seems I've gained enough power to maintain my shadow form..~" The familiar and annoying voice that rang through Jaxon's ears was now heard from outside of his head, as if there were another person in the room with him.

Jaxon looked around frantically trying to find the person who stood in his room, until his gaze landed on the figure of a man that seemed to be forming out of the shadows.

He had the same hairstyle and clothes as Jaxon, but not the same colours anywhere but his clothes. His hair was flame coloured, his skin was dark grey and half his face was burnt and bloody as if he had been burned alive. His eyes glowed red and he had a mischievous looking smile on his face.

"Aren't you going to welcome me back?"

"W-who are--"

"It's me, Phoenix!" The man exclaimed, dancing about the room. "Though I doubt you remember me.." His eyes went dark for a moment before lighting up again. "I'm that thing in your head heheh."

Jaxon backed away, who the hell did this guy think he was to terrorize him like he had been doing?

Elizabeth could hear Jaxon panic in his room, it was near midnight and she became annoyed that she wouldn't be getting her full eight hours while he freaked out.

After an hour of Jaxon's racket, Elizabeth got up, stalked over to his door, knocked and then barged in.

"Shut the fuck--"

"SHIT" Phoenix realized he'd been seen and vanished, leaving Jaxon sitting confused as Elizabeth stared at him.

"Who the fuck was that?"

"I would in fact, be lying if I told you I know." Jaxon wasn't technically lying, he had no clue who Phoenix was, though Phoenix knew who he was.

"Well anyway, shut the fuck up you're too loud." Elizabeth hissed before leaving and slamming the door.

She walked to her door, but noticed someone out on the balcony. The person stood staring down, leaning on the railing with their hood up. She carefully snuck over and stood by the door to see what they were doing.

Elizabeth watched the person look up slightly as if reacting to something, and then vanished as if they'd never been there.

"Whatcha staring at me for Violets?" Elizabeth almost spun around and killed Swansong right there, but instead fell backwards onto the ground. She could see the white haired girl snickering happily at Elizabeth's failure to punch her in the face. "Aren't you supposed to be an elegant and graceful assassin or something?" She leaned down and held out her hand for Elizabeth to grab, only to pull away before Elizabeth had a chance, causing her fall back again.

Elizabeth glared at her, her hair falling in her face and blocking her vision slightly.

"Can't you find something more entertaining than terrorizing me?"

"Hmm I guess I could, but I'm not in the mood to, so you have to deal with me."

Of course the curly haired Swansong picked Elizabeth as her person to annoy, and of course Elizabeth had no place to go so she had to stay there.

Swan grabbed Elizabeth by the hand and pulled her up, a smirk on her face. She then sighed and headed back onto the balcony, Elizabeth for some reason following her.

"So you still haven't told me how he survived my ability." Elizabeth sighed.

"Huh, I guess I haven't.." Swan leaned on the creaky railing, her gaze hitting the forest floor, it seemed the grass around the house still hadn't all grown back even after so long. She felt the familiar breeze brush against her skin, this was the same balcony she used to sneak out to go training on her own at night.. now it was more of a dark memory as she remembered having to jump from here to escape the fire and breaking her leg as she fell from the railing as it had crashed under her weight. "It's because he's cursed." Swan sighed, she could see Elizabeth raise her eyebrow in annoyance.

"Cursed with what?" Elizabeth glared, how was it a curse to survive her ability, did Swan not know how painful it was to die by her hand.

"He is cursed to be in horrible pain forever, without any chance of the release of death." Swan sighed before hopping up onto the railing and balancing herself carefully. "Though Jaxon has no clue what's to come to him.." Or for him.. Swan thought.

Swan looked down, her eyes shifting from the grass to the shadow that just flew through the bushes too quickly for the wind.

She lost her balance, falling downwards towards the ground. Until she stopped, feeling a hand grab her own, she looked up at the purple haired girl staring down at her.

"Are you so stupid as to climb up there in your heels?" She hissed before dragging Swan back onto the balcony.

She brushed some her hair out of her face, before turning around and heading for her room. Why was it so hard for her to just get one night's rest? Was it really that difficult for everyone to behave?

Swan sighed and headed to her old room, her copper eyes narrowing at the still slightly burnt walls and ceiling.

"What a mess.." She huffed and carefully stepped in, remembering the horrible things that happened here before the fire. "That kid has no memory of anything that happened in this house does he..?"

The shadows in her room whispered through the room, she closed her eyes tight and took a step out of the room, silencing the voices.

"I guess even as a demon I still see things.." She stepped into the room and sat in her bed, picking up the dagger that Darkshadow had gifted her when she was a child. Why did this house have to bring back so many memories? So many horrors..