
Heroes Rising

The time has come that it should no longer be left to a single person to save lives using their magical power, new strength comes in a group of people who believe they must do what's best and sacrifice themselves for those weaker, who lack the confidence and courage to stand up for themselves. A time of change and revolution comes, as magic refuses to hide anymore, as those who were once weak realize how much strength lies within their souls. There will be no more spirits who were killed unjustly as a group of heroes rise to the occasion to take back what was rightfully their's in the first place. It's time for a Hero's Rising to begin.

Cannibal_Alien · Fantasía
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36 Chs

A Place To Stay (1.18)

Jaxon followed Reaper as they made their way away, it seemed they finally reached a far enough distance between Malachite and themselves that he thought it was safe to speak about the Shadefall Manor.

"So those who have nowhere to go," Jaxon explained, "will come with me to my house."

Everyone spoke amongst eachother until eventually Reaper spoke up.

"And how do we know if there's enough space?" She hissed. "You're parents also must be as hospitable as they come if they're willing to let a bunch of kids in masks stay over."

"I don't have parents." Jaxon muttered before taking the lead, he didn't really care all that much, if they needed a place to stay they would take his offer. He didn't care if they went somewhere else, it was probably safer for them anyway.

Most people headed off to their homes, but the Masks stayed with Jaxon as he headed to his house.

Elizabeth didn't completely trust Jaxon, how could she? She was letting this person she barely knew lead her and the people she grew up with to some unknown location. But she had no choice, since they had nowhere else to go, none of them knew their parents enough to know where to find them. They would end up on the streets desperate if they turned Jaxon down.

"Before I show you where my house is," Jaxon looked back at them all, "I want to know your real names."

"Not a chance." Flail muttered, whilst the others looked amongst themselves.

"Why not?"

"Because we don't trust you, is that good enough?" Reaper hissed.

"Fine," Jaxon sighed. "I guess you'll have nowhere to stay then." He began walking away, an emotion close to annoyance rising up in his chest.

Elizabeth watched the silver haired boy walk further and further away before looking over at the other Masks.

"So what now..?" Sarah looked around. "We have nowhere to go, do we really wanna turn down his offer?"

"She's got a point.." Dominic sighed. "Maybe we--"

"Not a chance." Elizabeth kicked a tree, splitting the bark as she did so. "Why should he feel entitled to our names?"

"It's probably a trust thing.." Darren sighed. "But it doesn't matter we've already chased him away..."

Swam swung down from a tree above Reaper, who spun on her, turning her bowstaff into a scythe and almost slashing the girl open.

"Bad move turning the fire boy down."

"And why is that?" Reaper hissed.

"Because he's the most trustworthy person you're gonna find out here." Swan hopped down, did a flip and landed on her feet, gracefully as always. "You stand no chance trying to find a home on your own with the amount of magic hunters rising right now."

"What do you know about danger?" Reaper clenched her teeth. "You should just go back to whatever safe little hiding hole you came out of."

"No thanks, I'd rather annoy you." Swan smiled, taunting her.

"Fine, do you know where he headed off to?"

"Yeah, I used to live in the place before it burned down." Swan started in the direction Jaxon had headed, she had a good feeling about the silver haired boy. She knew how much he reminded her of her old mentor wasn't just a coincidence.

Darkshadow tossed six daggers out in the direction of their apprentice, they smiled as the white haired girl dodged each one with grace. Her red eyes glowing with pride as she stood panting.

Darkshadow gestured for her to attack them and she dashed for him as quick as she could, six daggers in her grasp ready for her to throw. Dark dodged each one without even looking, her move was too predictable.

She continued to dash towards them, trying to knock their focus and distract them so she could hit them, but it seemed like it was impossible. The former assassin was too quick for her, there was no way her short little legs would be able to keep up with them.

"How are you THAT fast!?"

"How are you that slow?" Dark snickered as he sent a dagger towards her.

Swan swiftly caught it and sent it back at them, last time she had done this she had aimed at their face, so she knew they would expect an attack on the shoulder. But instead she sent it straight for their chest and actually managed to barely slice them in the side as they dodged.

"Very good." Darkshadow praised her. "But next time try to be quicker, now I want you to go to the training ground and work on your speed and agility." They ordered before jumping up a tree to watch over her practice.

Swan sighed as she thought of her old mentor, their death would never be forgotten or erased from her mind. The flames that climbed into the sky that night were a terrifying memory.

Swan took the lead and lead them to the Shadefall Manor, she looked around realizing just how much of the place had been repaired and sighed. The place had been completely repaired from the last time she saw it.

Jaxon looked out the window and saw that Swansong had lead the Masks to his house and groaned in annoyance.

He opened the door and looked out at them all, sighed and gestured for them to come inside, his bright blue eyes shining as the light from the setting sun hit his face. They changed for a moment as the voice laughed through his mind, but they changed back to blue quickly as the Masks entered the house.

Elizabeth looked around, taking in her surroundings and watching her teammates enter the unfamiliar property. She could tell Jaxon was slightly uneasy with them all being there, but he was the one who offered them a place to stay in the first place.

This would be her home for a while, until they figured out a new place to stay.