
Small waist, Bloody Face...

Jasem, who was being held up by the man who seemed to be the leader of this group, thought about ways to warn his two friends who were taking care of Luna's injuries about the five men who were walking slowly towards them.

Jasem wanted to shout as loud as he could to warn his friends, but he knew that the men would kill them if he did that.

Jasem wished he had Dean's [Telepathic Communication] ability as he glanced back at the man who was grinning wickedly behind him, holding a sword to his neck.

Jasem looked back ahead and saw the five bandits who were sneaking up on his friends were getting dangerously close, and he couldn't stay still any longer.

Jasem considered activating his [Diamond Skin] ability to rush towards the five bandits, but he knew that he would be much slower if he did that. He also knew that he couldn't escape the man's sword without using his ability.

Jasem, who was desperately thinking about a different solution, finally made up his mind and activated his [Diamond Skin] ability. He shouted at his two friends, who were oblivious to what was happening.

"Be careful, bandits are behind you!" Jasem shouted as loud as he could. The man holding the sword to his neck tried to cut his head off immediately, but what happened was something that the leader of this group didn't expect at all.

The sword he was holding broke immediately as soon as it touched Jasem's skin, which was covered in diamond-hard skin. The sword was old and rusty, and it was no match for Jasem's unbreakable skin.

At the other side, Dean and Adam, who had heard their friend's shouting from afar, turned around immediately to find five men rushing towards them with their swords drawn, their eyes filled with malice.

Adam and Dean were so panicked that they didn't even think about using their weapons, which they had just bought the other day. They were frozen with fear, unable to move or think clearly.

The two used their skills instead in an attempt to fight the men off. Dean used his [Shock Waves] ability to take down one of the men, and Adam used his [Time Acceleration] ability to throw a barrage of stones at the other man, knocking him down.

The other three men were still standing, completely unharmed. They were now directly in front of Adam and Dean, who were frozen with fear. The men raised their swords, ready to attack.

Even though they had multiple ways to escape or defend themselves, the two heroes froze completely where they stood as the three men swung their swords at them. It was the first time in their lives that they had seen human beings with such a murderous look in their eyes.

Dean and Adam closed their eyes, bracing for impact as the swords swung towards them. They were shaking with fear, and they knew that there was nothing they could do to stop it.

"[White Claw]"




Dean and Adam opened their eyes in surprise to find the three men lying dead before them, each with a single hole in their heart. Luna was standing over them, her hands covered in their blood. She was shaking and looked like she was about to collapse.

Luna was completly bloody as she looked back at Dean with a warm smile on her face. She spoke with a gentle voice, "Don't worry Master, Luna will protect you."

Adam was shocked and terrified. His heart was racing as he looked at the dead bodies lying before him. He looked back at Luna, who had her sharp claws out and was covered in their blood. He knew at that moment that she was extremely dangerous.

In the other hand, Dean was looking at Luna with an admiring smile on his face. His heart was pumping just as fast as Adam's, but for a different reason. He was excited by Luna's strength and courage. He knew that she was someone special, and he was glad that she was on their side.

Luna, who was looking at the two heroes, turned around when she saw the other two men that Adam and Dean had taken out at the beginning. They were getting back up, their heads covered in their own blood.

The men were about to attack Adam and Dean when they saw Luna standing before them. They stopped in their tracks, their eyes widening in fear.

"They have a savage with them! We need to retreat!" one of the men shouted. He turned and ran, the other man following close behind. They fled back the way they had come, their fear of Luna driving them onward.

But they stopped shortly after, their fear renewed when they saw Jasem emerge from the shadows. He was covered in diamonds, and he was dragging their boss behind him. Jasem's eyes were filled with anger, and the men knew that they were in trouble.

Jasem stopped in front of them and threw their unconscious boss at their feet. He stared at them with cold eyes, and his voice was like ice when he spoke.

"Drop your weapons... NOW!" The two men immediately threw their swords to the ground when they heard Jasem's command. They knew that they were no match for him or the savage girl who was standing behind them.

Jasem looked over to his two friends, who were standing behind Luna. He was relieved to see that they were completely unharmed. He had been worried about them when he saw the men attacking them, but they had managed to defend themselves somehow.

Adam started tying up the men who were before him, while Dean patted Luna on the head with a goofy smile on his face. Luna purred in contentment, enjoying the attention.

Jasem deactivated his skill, taking away all of their weapons and storing them in his Storage. He then went to help Adam tie up the men.

The three heroes stood over the bandits, who were sitting before them with their hands tied behind their backs. Their leader, who had been unconscious, slowly began to wake up.

"What was that you said?" Jasem asked the bandit leader, who had just woken up. The bandit leader flinched when he saw the three heroes standing over him. "Please forgive us," he said. He knew that they were in trouble if the heroes took them to the nearest outpost. They were wanted in most of the kingdom for their crimes.

Jasem shook his head when he heard the bandit leader's plea for forgiveness. "Nope, that wasn't what you said," he said, speaking to the leader. "You said something along the lines of 'YoU mOve, yOu DiE!' Acting tough and attacking people when they are vulnerable, but look at you now, crying before me. I should slap the shit out of you for what you did back there."

Jasem was shouting at the bandit leader, his anger boiling over. He was still shaken up from what had happened earlier, when the bandits had surprised him while he was relieving himself. He had gotten some urine on his pants, and he was humiliated.

Jasem stared at the bandit leader for a few moments, his eyes full of anger. Then he turned away and looked at Dean and Adam, who were standing behind him.

Jasem turned to Dean and Adam and asked, "So, what do you think we should do with these three idiots?" Dean and Adam looked at each other and smiled. They were thinking of the same thing.

The two heroes didn't say anything back to Jasem. They turned to the bandits and started searching them for anything valuable. They thought they might find something interesting.

The heroes were disappointed when they didn't find anything valuable on the bandits. They had hoped to find some gold or jewels, but all they found were a few coins and some worthless trinkets. In their frustration, they started kicking the bandits, hoping to teach them a lesson.

"Agh, please stop!" they bandits said after they started feeling the pain of those kicks.

Jasem watched as Dean and Adam kicked the bandits, but he didn't say anything at first. He wanted to see what they would do. But when they started kicking the bandits for no reason, he couldn't stand it anymore. He ran over and stopped them.

"Hey guys, why are you kicking them suddenly?, stop" Jasem said, to Dean and Adam, who stopped after their friend came there. They started shouting at the bandits who were covering themselves from them

"No wonder you are stealing from people when you this broke."

"You should be ashamed of yourselves, calling yourselves outlaws when you can't even afford a piece of bread."

Jasem sighed as he brought Dean and Adam away from the bandits. He knew that they were angry, but he didn't think that violence was the answer. "Stop and think about what we should do with them," he said. "We can't leave them here."

The three heroes stared at the bandits for a few minutes, trying to come up with a plan. Finally, Dean spoke up. "I have a brilliant idea," he said.

"They must have a hideout somewhere, how about we go and raid that place, they must have a lot of money over there." Adam and Jasem looked at him at the same time, before slapping the back of his head together.

"We barely managed to take these six down thanks to Luna, and you want to go to their base when we don't don't have to, and risk facing a lot of them?" Dean nodded at Adam silently, while he grabbed the back of his head. Adam and Jasem sighed before Adam spoke again

"We can leave them tied up here and risk them attacking other people like us, or we can hand them to the next city we come by, but if we do that we risk exposing ourselves to the kingdom, what yall think?" Adam waited for Jasem and Dean who were quiet as they didn't know what to do, before Luna who was sitting at the back resting while hearing everything they were saying started speaking suddenly.

"I can take care of them if you want." The three looked back at Luna when she said that, before they looked at the bandits, who were shaking in fear as they knew what she meant by those words.

"I think we should bring them to the nearest city like you said." Jasem said

"Yeah that's sounds awfully good right now." Adam said

They started dragging the three who were tied up behind them as they left this place. Luna who was finally able to walk started following Dean, who was looking at her with a smile in his face, before he looked ahead at his friends who was walking before him.