
Hero Steps

Flores_0324 · Fantasía
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27 Chs


the street appears to be having a festival as the people are in their kimono. The people are enjoying their leisure with their loved ones as happiness is written all over their faces

On a dark alley, a girl in a mask with a black glove, aviators, and a fit hood is leaning on the wall. She seems to not play out the concept of the nearby festival as she appears to be waiting silently and deep awareness to her surroundings

Her phone vibrates and notifies her of an incoming call. She picks it up and a distorted voice is heard

"Set your timer to 10 minutes. Be sure to retrieve the item undetected. Leave no tracks behind and good luck" the voice said

The call ended and the girl responded as she proceeds to move. A slight breeze blows her blond hair as it glimmers with beauty

A nearby museum has a built in sky lights. The girl peeks in and tries to find something. Her expression changes as she appears to have found it

Before proceeding she breaths breifly to meditate herself. She removed her glove and gesture her hand to glass nearby. The glass breaks into symetrical shards creating a human size hole and produces almost no sound whatsoever. With her manipulation she put some of the shard glasses away and some stays afloat near her side

She then leaps inside the museum. A stand post nearby has a guidebook indicating a display name. She veers her direction to an old and preserved book inside a glass vault with nothing else nearby making it eye catching

The girl then change her glasses into a new and bulky one. She was able to see several green detecting lazer traps surrounding the book. She gestured her hand towards it and the broken shards flew towards and bends the direction of the beams. Using it, a way is paved for her to cross. She comes near the vault and easily broke the 3 inches thick glass covering the withered book

She extends her hand to reach the book. In the midst of reaching she stops and speculates. She inspect closer and gently blow the book and a clean breeze of air soothes out

She steps back and returned near the stand post. She flip the pages of the guide book and found a small red pocket size book inserted accordingly to the rectangular cut outs in the pages

The book has an old appearance and texture to it but looks entirely different to the other one. The girl holds it with her other hand on a glove and blows the book gently and dusts was blown away

The book clears up and a flower stamp can be seen. She puts the book in her pocket and traces her steps back. The broken glasses automatically attaches back to its former state. The girl leaps back through the sky lights just in time for the glass to be fully repaired. The festival's fireworks display covers up the sound of the moving shards

She returned to the alley she once posted and picks up an incoming call. The distorted voice once was heard

"Time is up. The item you retreived holds a significant value according to the client's demand. But before that, hand it over to me first for I need a certain page belonging from it" the voice said

Another night sets and the blond girl is sitting near an unlitted bus stop on a bench

A bus stops and the driver thought of the blond girl to hitch a ride. The girl gave him a cold look and the driver drove off with disappointment

A second pass and the girl phone notifies her. She picks it up and the voice said, "The new client wants you to obtain a rare guitar kept inside a family house of musicians. It is a delicate item and a limited creation. The client said that the couple who lives in the house comes home very late for work leaving the house vulnerable. This will be your last mission for the year. I bid you farewell"

The line cuts off and an email is received by the girl's phone. A location of a place is marked

The girl sets off and proceeds to leave

She went near a house. The house has no lights signaling the absence of people. The girl leaps on a balcony and search each for a room with a guitar. She leaps on the last one and found an electric guitar just leaning on the wall placed on the floor

She opens the glass door to enter and gently closes it. She inspects the guitar and approves its authenticity

An eyes of red displays an ill intent lights up behind the girl

The girl realized the presence and dodges a full swing baseball bat intended to batter her skull

The bat misses and hits a family picture place above a clothe dresser. The frame brokes and the picture fell on the floor. A picture of parents, between is their child that is Kyouka Jirou

The girl backs away and flustered by the attack

"I had always thought that someone will set their eyes on this priced gutiar and claim its value. Good thing I'm staying the night here to be on guard against lowly criminals like you" Jirou said

The girl stands up and became on guard

"Aren't you a bit too young to be theif? Youre about my age" Jirou asked

The girl never responded and went out through the balcony. She leaps down and run through the backyard lawn

She stops and looks back as she catches a small flower vase with her left hand

A sound wave hurls in the air and broke the vase she is holding. The shards of glasses broke in front of her and scrape some of her clothes but a obvious cut went for her hair and right ear. Her ear bleeds out and a shocked is written on her face

Her hand is spilling blood as the cut from her ear flows. A realization then came to her head as she notices her hair is cut and drenched in blood. A mild anger is visible on her expression as she looks intently towards Jirou

"I'm really sorry I might have gone too far" Jirou said with an obvious grin

A piece of a wirelike organ is in Jirou's ear and connected to a hand wrist mini microphone. Jirou jumps down the balcony and assumes a battle stance

The blond girl grabs a knife like glass shard in her pocket and attacks Jirou

Jirou countered with a swing on her hand holding the glass

The girl sways according to the swings momentum and grabs another glass knife in her pocket.

Jirou barely dodges as the glass cuts a small part on the edge of her nose.

The girl attack again with the glass to stab Jirou

Jirou raises her hand with the speaker and releases a sound wave that broke the knife

"I made it sound weaker, so other people won't notice. You could atleast thank me for that" Jirou said

The girl attacks once more

"You don't learn do you?" Jirou said and countered with a sound attack

The shard brokes and Jirou swings the bat to the girl

The girl was prepared for that as she dodges with ease

"That's enough, surrender yourself to the authority this instance" Jirou commanded

The girl breathes breifly and regains her composure. She then waves her hand. The broken glasses spirals around her hand similar to stars on a galaxy. The glass attaches back and forms a longer blade

She attacks Jirou with consecutive slashes and Jirou responded with her bat

Jirou notices the difference between their power and skills. She attacks with the sound wave to broke the glass

The glasses broke but it attaches back again

"This is bad. I feel like I underestimated her skills in using her quirk" Jirou thought as she tries breaking the sword again and again

As the glasses keeps reattaching itself Jirou realize something

She bashes the hand holding the blade intently to lose the girl's handling

This time, the girl spins to attack the defenseless side of Jirou as Jirou's swing is still in motion

As she was about to end the fight she notices Jirou's hand with the speaker already waiting and prepared to blast a blow in her liver part

As her spinning momentum is in motion, the position for Jirou's counter attack is becoming more ideal

"Death chord" Jirou chants and her attack blows the girl away

The girl gravel in the ground breathing heavily because of the impact

"I noticed that everytime you move the glasses with your quirk you have to hold your breath. At first I couldn't notice because how calm your emotions are. But everytime I break the glass blade you have to breath again to repair it" Jirou claims as she walks towards her intending to catch her

The girl breathes breifly again and Jirou notices. The girl activated her quirk as she leaves a glass she is in control near the guitar in the room. The glass strikes the chord and mades a rift sound

Jirou looks back to check. But the girl disappeared in a blink as Jirou realize the intention

"Damn it" Jirou said and was annoyed