
Hero of Card (Dxd)

Tells the story of a boy who longs for a hero figure in a book he is reading, one day the boy meets a mysterious man who comes suddenly when he is still engrossed in his favorite book. The mysterious man asked the boy "Do you want to be a hero?" asked like that, and of course, the innocent boy answered enthusiastically. "YES!" From there, the mysterious man gave something in the form of a ring with a symbol engraved Ω after giving the ring he spoke again "Promise me, that you will not give up on your wish" with eyes full of trust he stared at the innocent boy, as the boy's response was nodding while answering "Yes, heroes often experience difficulties but don't give up until the end!. and so do I!" eagerly answered. The man smiled happily at the innocent boy's answer and then unconsciously disappeared when the innocent boy turned his eyes briefly in a different direction, like an illusion but real because the ring the man had given him was already attached to the boy's ring finger. Furthermore, how the boy's story fulfills his childhood wish, stay tuned for his story.

Fuku_San · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
48 Chs

Train Isamu


"I didn't expect it to turn out like this"

"Hmm...you mean?"

Currently, Sona was conscious on my shoulder while my hand stroked her hair gently.

"It never occurred to me that our relationship would be like this, you know. We weren't close at all before, our relationship was just like an acquaintance. But who would have thought it would become like this" I said, Hearing what I said made Sona giggle.

"Hihihihi~...that's true, even though I had harbored feelings for you since two years ago, but as long as we were in the academy, I too maintained my image as a reliable heir and leader"

"Is that so?... I didn't realize, besides you always look serious so it's hard for me to get along with you"

During these two years, our relationship has not been friends but just acquaintances, but since a supernatural incident that suddenly happened to my life. we became close to each other. new students, at that time Sona had the opportunity to say a welcome speech to new students.

On stage she looks beautiful, that's what I and other students think, but the next day my opinion of her dropped a little because of how serious and strict she is.

"Hey...you're thinking bad things about me right?"Sona instinctively realized that I was thinking bad things about her when she lifted her head to look at me. as well as the dark aura that suddenly appeared on her.

"Err...no, I was just thinking how charming you were when you gave the welcome speech at the entrance ceremony, that's when I saw you in this academy, you know." I tried to lie, even though what I said just now was all true except for the last part.

"Eh?... Is that so"

Sona seemed to believe. "Yes, it is so."

"Ehehehe~" Sona's cheerfulness came back when I just praised her like that. For some reason, when I saw her cheerfulness like this, I remembered something.


I felt a vibration from my pocket, and it came from my smartphone. when I saw it, it turned out that my alarm was active, which indicated it was time for me to go to work, but remembering Sona said if I didn't have to work anymore, it made me feel inferior. When I started to depend too much on her that's when I felt useless as a man.

"Sona, I have to"

"Work right?" Sona guessed, I haven't even finished talking and she has guessed exactly what I want to convey.

I could only nod when she saw him, she sighed "Did I tell you that you don't have to work anymore?"

"I know, however. I don't want to always depend on you, there is one thing I want to avoid which is being useless. Including things like this, I know you and your family are very rich but it is your money and your family's, not mine, in the meantime I need some household needs it's also better to make money with your hard work because it's more valuable." I explained,

Hearing my words, Sona saluted my independence. You can see it from his sparkling face. For some reason, when he was with me, his calm and serious demeanor disappeared, and now he looks more like her older sister.

"I understand, if that's what you want...the sun has also set while I have to finish some of those documents" Sona's gaze turned to the pile of papers on her desk.

Because she had to finish the Rias part as well that's why it piled up like that.

"Ja~...I have to get going" I started to stand up, "By the way when are they going to compete?" I asked Sona, who I meant of course was the Rating Game.

"The Rating Game will be held next week," Sona said.

"So 7 days huh, whether this will work or not, I have to try it first" I muttered, I wasn't too sure Uncle Edward's training method would work for anyone other than the two of us.

{AN: What is meant by Yohan is his friend when he was in the orphanage.}

Also suddenly the quest activated when Sona made her request.

"Then, Sona... see you tomorrow," I said in a casual tone, she approached me and pulled my tie so that it made my head slightly lowered while I felt my lips touching something warm.


"Be careful" After releasing the kiss, she said in a gentle tone. a slight blush appeared on her cheeks.

I'm also a little embarrassed, but we're a couple now, which has to get used to sudden attacks like this.

"Ahem...jaa, I'll go first"

We waved to each other as I backed away and opened the exit and left the room full of sweet fragrance.


At that time, I didn't know if someone heard the proposal. It made the man's emotions explode but he held himself back. until the appointed day arrives.



In a private area.



Green lasers shot through the forest and hollowed out hilltops, they came from Gauntlet Isamu who was panting as if he had just finished exercising.

While the people around him gave her a round of applause.

"Congratulations Isamu, the attack was so great that it hollowed out the top of the hill," Akeno said while wiping Isamu's sweat.

"Yeah...if I got hit earlier, I would have finished," Kiba said in a relieved tone because he wasn't hit by the laser.

"Good job Isamu," Rias said while approaching Isamu followed by Koneko behind her.

"Sis!, you are so cool!"Meanwhile, Issei gave her a thumbs up.

"Thanks, everyone" Isamu replied breathlessly.

Even though everyone is happy about Isamu's achievements, Isamu himself feels that she is not happy at all. The first time she agreed to follow Rias was because of her stupid little brother.

At first, Isamu didn't want to join anyone in the supernatural community, but since the beginning, someone had offered him to join a certain community called the Nephilim. But he refused because the community was like deceiving him.

But no one thought that what the community leader said was true. Who would believe an old man who always stared at her chest?

Because it's already like this, she has to live with her somehow, she has chosen consciously, and therefore she has to accept whatever will happen.

Patréon has been launched, there are advanced chapters available there, if you can't wait for the latest update feel free to join in!


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