

He was the one who struggled as orphanage without anyone to take care of him he was only a average student. But one day when he was returning to home he died in a explosion. He thought that his meaningless life has finally came to the end but when he opened his eyes instead of arriving at netherworld he founded himself in a world where magic is used above all of that he was reincarnated in prince body! But . Sadly He was abandoned by his father . He promised to the former prince that he will take revenge for him . With his invincible system he can achieve anything. What will happen when modern science and a magic came together. . . . Follow through the journey how Our MC Andrew as how he will become powerful and reclaim his throne with his loyal subordinates. . . . Follow us on Instagram @shreekamalesh. . https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=1vj7s2tdm58eq&utm_content=al8ix9c . http://wbnv.in/a/07fsb3h . . . My other works : «Emperor of showbiz», «Legendary Sword master is a Streamer »

Iron_guy · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
41 Chs


There were many thousands of people gathered at one place it was th Emergency Residence it was built with many magic arrays and surrounded by huge magic reinforced walls and also covered with

" Mana Shield" it was created by placing many Mana stone and connect them to each other to create a protective barrier it was like castle protected by various means.

The people present there can only hear ear piercing sounds and can see bright flames by time to time most of the children were sleeping while adults were making a face with worried expression.

" Everyone !! " a man clapped his hands at attracted their attention he paused for bit and continue his line

" Rest well without any worries Our Majesty will definitely defeat the monsters " He said with a bitter smile he was the butler of Royal Family .

After speaking to the people he walked towards Philip who was sitting there an starring at the people present there he still was surprised that all the races present here were happy which other without discrimination among them.

" Sorry for make you in this situation

Mr. Philip "

" It's okay, If not for his majesty I would have died in the sea " he smiled for a bit .

" Thank for your Understanding " he said and leaved the place.

' I hope everything goes well ' he sighed inwardly.


The last place have started even they have killed thousands of them there were still thousands of them remained for them to kill or be killed.

" Charles you come with me " he dragged Charles with him and Confronted the SS Garde monster which was rushing swiftly towards the east side of the wall.



STR : 720

AGI : 543



MANA : 9200

Skills :

POISON DOMAIN : the air surrounding the spider becomes poisons anyone who inhales it will die in 3 sec.

FROZEN WEB : Creates web which frozes the Opponent for 30s if it touches the opponent

premnantly cripples the legs of the enemy .




SHADOW SCYTHE : Activates after it dies killing all the beings in 30 cm radius . ]

' The Fuck what the heck with its skills ' there were dozen of skills which were deadly

« SHADOW SCYTHE » is the most difficult to deal with.

Andrew summoned SPARK and BLAZE and told them to deal with other to S Grade monster while Sophia PRIMORDIAL VAMPIRE will deal with the A grade monster.

Charles have to deal damage to spider in lower while Andrew will attract it's attention and receive all the damage Falcon will deal with the upper body damage the plan was perfect but Andrew have to attract all the attention if he let the Shadow spider to attack Charles then he is good as dead.

" Go! Go! Go! " Andrew shouted.

Charles moved towards its legs a tried to cut it in one slash

" ish.. Tak ... " but it scales was harder than he imagined he is sword stuck on the scales another counterattack was given by Spider to

Charles he was sent flying even his mana barrier shattered he coughed blood.

The plan has failed that was the thought Andrew mind was thinking his mind was thinking different scenario of killing the monster or being killed by the monster he cleared his thought and taken look and Charles but to his surprise Irene has arrived and healing him.

Andrew jumped towards its head and pierced its eye by GRIM but changing it into dragger

he unblancely landed at the ground and recalled GRIM.

He dogged it's terrifying blow rushed towards the side and attacked body but as he expected scales were tough his sword can only pierced it to certain degree which only can cause very minimum damage.

He hanged there and blowed a heavy punch with his outmost power

" Screeetch..... Keu.... Ah..... " it screamed

his handed reached the innermost part of its body its internal organs were bleeding before he can land another punch he was pushed to the ground " Ah... " he didn't mind pain but he can't help it he rolled sidewards by just a second if he had stayed at that place he will be now turned into dead by its leg.

At the time Charles rushed towards the spider it was shameful for him to go down in one attack itself.

" Dash.... Thunk ... Sha... Slashhhhh.... "

He slided under the the spider and teared opend the bottom side of its body and destroying the organs in the abdomen completely when he finished the attack he was covered with green color blood all over his body.

Andrew recovered by the short time Charles created the both them were standing front of the spider.

It was screaming and breathing heavily suddenly a blue-green mist was spreading in the air rapidly Andrew quickly noticed it was the skill «POISON DOMAIN» " the first idea was time use Irene 's buff to deal with this but now she has depleted her mana if any further delay Charles will die Andrew can only use 3 more skills.

" DEATH DOMAIN " as he yelled pitch black surrounded them it was the first skill he purchased from system but it was locked he recently unlocked that skill.

[ DEATH DOMAIN (lv 1) : when activated create domain for user and nullifies all the skill of the enemies increase STR and AGI by 500% lasts for 30sec

MANA : 4300


( Has chance 20% to deplete the health of user) ]

It was the disadvantage of the skill Andrew didn't wasted a second he activated «Death Flame» swiftly moved but he have started cough blood it was because of the skill but he didn't mind it he slashed the head SHADOW SPIDER. ...

" Tuk..... Slash... Thud "

The passive skill « Kind Soul » reacted and Maxed his health.

Everyone can see the head of SHADOW SPIDER....

" hae... Hae.... Clap... " cheering can be heard everywhere but suddenly a Scythe formed above the dead monster ....

Everyone was caught off guard Charles was standing there and extermely exhausted Irene was also standing near Andrew.

Andrew rushed towards Irene grabbed her he swiftly moved towards Charles and Activated

" « Shadow Annex » " he wiped out all his mana on this skill he have fainted but he successfully hided into the shadow of the MONSTER.

The scythe wielded for 3 times and dissipated in the air there was no one in the ground or their presence could be feel they have disappeared completely.

All the people presented there felt their heart was heavy there was silent in the battle field

a beautiful girl with Crimson eyes and

having brown - onesided horn wearing a blue battle suit walked slowly towards the place where they were standing it was sophia she dropped to the ground tears started to flow down from her eyes.

" Sniff... Andrew were are you... Have yo- no no what Sob.. Sob.. I-I am thinking then sob.. where are sob....YOU!! " she muttered and shouted lastly.

Nilsa walked towards her hugged Sophia her face was also filled with tears.

The soldiers also don't know what to do they were also standing there like statue.

Suddenly there dark mist appeared out the air and three faces were revealed all them felt like their life left their body for some time and now only returned .

" Nilsa why are crying " Charles asked innocently.

" Y-You Bastard " she hugged him and hitted him lightly.

They have seem to be sweet couple in front of

Andrew .

He stubbled and slowly walked towards Sophia he also sated in front of her ....

" I- I thought you were dead " she said softly her face was still in tears.

He placed his hand on her face wiped her face gently...Suddenly....

" Mm... " she kissed him lightly.


Both of them faces were red Sophia tried to leave but Andrew grabbed her....

" here " he showed a magical ring to her and said....

" can you be my Fiancè " he was embarrassed to ask.

" You.. Idiot proposing on the battlefield " she said softly .

" hmm... " he didn't reply

" Idiot ... I also love you " she said happily.

As their lips meet Andrew gave Sophia a long and deep kiss.


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