
Hero Hunter in an Unfamiliar World (Dropped)

Dead Meme, jk its a DEAD FANFIC check out my new one The One Who Stands Above All Others

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7 Chs

New Friends and new training

Garou had came into their views after he went inside the cave for 20 minutes, they were terrified by the looks of garou, his left arm was broken with a bone sticking out of it, a leg slightly limping, claw marks all over his body, a large bite wound on his left shoulder, a large claw slash on his back, a bruised arm and a few broken rib's, with blood gushing out of every wound, his hair was mostly covered in red, his right eye blood shot, his whole shirt ripped off and parts remained on him, his pants ripped in some places, what made it worse was the giant corpse he was dragging behind him with his bruised hand.

the 3 kids were shocked and scarred because of his injuries, his hair, his blood shot eye, the giant dead and bloody corpse he was dragging, everything that was infront of them was terrifying. garou was just standing there, he then asked "So, which one of you will catch me and bring me back..." after he said that, he started falling, ace, sabo, and luffy rushed towards him to catch him, ace reached him first and caught him, even though he was horrified right now, he would soon be respecting garou alot.


After a day unconscious, garou had woken up, almost completely healed, he thanked his abnormal regenarative abilites, he saw his clothes fully repaired on the desk right next to him, he put on his pants and left, he didn't wanna bother with the shirt right now, y'know, because of his broken arm.

He walked out of his door and walked downstairs, he was inside a medical room, he greeted the doctor, the doctor was shocked but quickly told him to go rest, he told her he just had a broken arm, but she knew that wasn't the case, when the 3 boys came in carrying him and asking for help, she too was also terrified at his condition, she soon started to work on trying to save his life. after a while she stopped the bleeding and put his broken arm in a cast, she worked on his rib-cage and everything else she saw important.

Garou told her he just needs another day and he'll be fine, she didn't believe him and tried to forcfully get him to rest, he disappeared before she could reach him.

Garou was now walking towards party's bar to go see makino, once he arrived he said hello to makino, she was suprised to see him covered in bandages, she then asked what happened, garou explained everything, she at first didn't believe him, but what else would explain the town hero beating the bandits easily, other than a giant beast he fought with. so she decided to believe him.

garou ordered alot of food and alot of people there were just thinking that he couldn't finish it all. but then garou started devouring all of the food in just a few minutes, the people that watched him hack there jaws dropped at what they were seeing, makino was a little suprised but she had seen this before.

after garou finished eating he said thanks makino and left the bar. he was walking down the street and many people were looking at him, they all knew it was his battle between a monster, because they saw all three of the boys they knew carrying a bloody garou, they were screaming what happened and that he needs medical attention, once they brought him to th hosipital and he was being treated, the townsfolk went to ask them about the monster, they didn't fully believe what they heard, so the 3 said to follow them.

when the townsfolk saw the huge, dead, corpse of a mutated animal, they were shocked at what they saw, this thing could have wiped out their town if it ever woke up or decided to come out tio wreak havoc, even makino was there. everyone of the villagers were grateful to garou since he killed something that could have killed everyone on the island.

garou was now seen talking to the trio of kids. "I told you guys im fine, i'v been through worse"

Eh?! is what the three said at the same time

"*sigh* anyways, what are your names"

"Im luffy, im going to be the king of the pirates!"

"Im sabo"

"im ace"

"nice to meet you, im garou, thanks back there, i could've died because of blood loss, so im thankful for you saving me"

"no problem, hey how about you join us garou? we could always use another guy our age!"

garou thought for a minute, he decided he will join just to try at sharpening his senses more. so garou replied with a yes, they all got excited at a new member joining. he was quickly regretting joining, because he wasn't a social guy, he would rather be alone than with people who were always laughing an such.

-5 year timeskip

It has been 5 years since that day when garou joined, everything about him improved, he was physically ALOT stronger than when he was 9, his senses got sharper than ever, even when he was in his old life he didn't think it was this sharp, he could see up to 6 miles in detail just from standing, but he has learnt to control his eyes just so when he needs to see far. garou had also unlocked observation haki, he challenged the old man that came by every once in a while for luffy and ace, sabo had died a few years ago, they were depressed for a few weeks but got over sabo, and decided to train even harder. it was now the day when ace was 17, and was almost the time for him to leave the island.

garou walked towards luffy and ace, and asked them for a spar for old times sake, they agreed and both got into a fighting stance, since this was ace's last time here, he wouldn't dodge at all, even if they were slower he wanted to get his physical body even higher.

ace charged towards garou, throwing a right hook, luffy ran around the back and tried to capture garou, ace's punch landed, but garou caught luffys hands and threw him at ace, they both got up and charged towards garou, garou started a barrage of punches and so did luffy, ace ran to garous side and leg swept him, he punched garou in the stomach which caused garou to spit some blood, garou launched himself backwards to get a breather, "huff... you guys got stronger, well c'mon chickens!"

they were angered a little when he called them chickens, so they rushed right at him and lufy threw a gum gum pistol, garou caught it and brought the fist up and slammed his hand down to the ground, the sudden lifting up and slamming down caused luffy to go into the air for a second but when he got slammed down he hit the ground with more force, even though he is rubber, he still feels the impact.

ace rushed towards garou and punched him in the face and then the gut, garou punched ace in the gut too, both stared at each other with a little line of blood trickling down each of their mouths, they smiled and jumped back, each got into a fighting stance and ran towards eachother, they clashed fists that created a mini shockwave, since they were close in strength, but garou could easily defeat ace, because of garous superior technique in hand to hand combat, but he didn't want the fight to end so quickly.

garou started to punch at ace and so did ace, each punch they did hurt them of course, but they kept going, luffy was staring at their punching brawl, he wanted to get stronger to face them.

garou decided it was time, he let ace punch his face directly and he let himself fall backwards.ace knew what this meant, it was time for him to go, he handed garou his hand and garou accepted, ace pulled him from the ground. "Heh, you both have gotten stronger!"

ace and luffy felt proud of themself's, they all went into the village again and had a feast. a few hours after the feast/party ended, it was time to say goodbye to ace, luffy promised that the next time they see each other, they would have another battle and see who comes out on top. luffy kept crying for a day or two because it was just him and garou left, he got over it when he thought he still has garou left.

the next day after luffy stopped crying finally, garou decided to train in the forest for a year, he told everyone the new's and how he needed to become stronger if he wanted to face the sea. they all agreed but luffy thought he was abandoning him, he reassured luffy he would be back in a year.

and so with those words, garou gathered his things and left to the forest for another year.

Hey guys! i hope you'll stick around, and yes there will be romance, but not yet so im sorry. write in the comments who you want it to be, ill think about it and maybe ill put them in (No boa hancock, their personalities dont match, would never work out, besides who would luffy have?).

RAAAHHHHHcreators' thoughts