

"Dad, what are you doing?" I asked when I saw him sulking, he was driving us to school and the car was awfully quiet.

"I don't understand my boy, I'm just driving," he forced a smile and Kacchan scowled.

"It's pretty fucking obvious that you're pissed about something," Kacchan snapped and I gave him a glare. "What?" The fact that he actually doesn't understand makes me wonder how I'm the dense one.

"Dad, just ask. Whatever is bothering you will only get worse the longer you wait," I prompted him and he looked at me through the rearview mirror before letting out a sigh.

"Do you two really want children before you're even out of highschool?" He asked while looking completely defeated. "You're so young still you could wait a few years or maybe look into a surrogate." Kacchan's back went straight after hearing his question, making me think he wasn't listening to me this morning when I told him about what Mom told me.

"Dad, it's not that we want kids while in highschool so much as we want kids eventually. From what we can see, it's very likely that Kacchan will lose the ability as we get older so we are considering it. I haven't touched him yet, we haven't been sneaking around, we are just giving it serious thought right now," Dad relaxed at the last part. Guess he thought we were already trying. "And we are thinking about starting soon." I added, the last thing I need is for him to think that I lied to him about anything.

Kacchan was panicking, making motions that basically screamed what the fuck but I pointedly ignored him. If he would have paid attention this morning he wouldn't be freaking out right now.

Dad let out a long sigh, "okay. Okay, I'll try not to go overboard, it's just that," he paused, not really knowing how to say what he wanted to say. "It's just that I only just got you, I only just became a dad so the thought of already becoming a grandpa is a bit overwhelming."

"Try not to overthink it too much, and don't go around talking about it either. Like I said we haven't done anything yet," I tried to point out to him only for him to wave me off.

"It just helps put my mind at ease that you're taking this so seriously. I probably would have croaked if I found out after the fact," he tried to laugh it off but it wasn't too convincing because I'm pretty sure he actually believes that.

"Dad, we love you but we would really like to keep this to ourselves. We don't really want any outside influence or for that matter judgment," I tried again and he nodded smiling again.

Why do I feel like he isn't listening to a word I'm saying right now?


"Boys!" Dad yelled out smiling when he burst into the dorm common area the next evening where Toshi, Sho, Kacchan and I were watching an old All Might film. The fact that Dad cringed when he saw what movie we were watching at least told me that he is capable of being embarrassed, I was starting to wonder if I was remembering wrong.

"What's wrong Dad?" Toshi and I asked at the same time. Sho had opened his mouth but didn't quite make it to the punch so he stayed silent.

"I just saw this and I wanted to show you two," Dad smiled before showing Kacchan and I his phone and when I took it I smashed it, breaking it.

"Dad, I'm pretty sure I said we didn't want any outside influence on the matter," I hissed out, trying to keep my voice level but failed miserably.

"But I'm not an outside influence, I'm your dad," he smiled even bigger and I could only tighten my grip on the ruined device.

"Dad, you, Mom, Aunty and Uncle are still outside influences on this. We wanted your support. If we decided to do it, you gave it. That is all the influence we wanted," I tried to force a smile but I saw Iida and all of Kacchan's friends, the only other people in the room, take several steps back, not willing to stay and find out why I'm upset.


"No buts Uncle!" Kacchan was bright red and I'm sure the image that had been on the phone was still playing in his head, it was for me.


"No!" I shouted, standing up, I pulled him to the front door and pushed him out of it. "Go talk to Mom, we're done!" I slammed the door shut and tried to catch my breath.

I picked up my phone and sent a text to Mom with what Dad did and it wasn't long before I got a response;

I'll take care of it. ~

I would feel bad for him if the picture wasn't burned into my mind. Dad had found a mashing app, in particular one that showed you what your future kid could possibly look like. Dad's phone had an ash blond, green eyed freckled baby and it feels like my heart just fucking stopped.

"Deku?" Kacchan asked from behind me but I didn't turn around. I'm still shaking and just seeing Kacchan right now would only spell disaster.

"What?" I croaked anyway, not turning around yet.

"I don't think I'm hungry tonight. I'm going to go to bed," he whispered and I nodded, knowing that he was watching me but I don't trust myself to say anything else quite yet. I heard his muffled footsteps slowly grow quiet and I know that he was walking slowly, probably debating on which bedroom to sleep in tonight. If we go to mine I'll be taking down every single piece of All Might merch, if we go to his… I don't think we'll be sleeping much tonight.

After several more deep breaths I sent Mom another text telling her I broke Dad's phone and she just responded with a thumbs up and nothing else. I turned back to the living room and cleaned up after Kacchan and I before making us each a sandwich and going to the elevator. Now which room am I going to?


It's been a week since I threw Dad out of the dorms. I was just coming downstairs when Kacchan grabbed me, pulling me back into the stairwell behind the lip of the wall so that no one would outright see us.

"Hey," he smirked at me, wiggling his eyebrows at me playfully. We had decided to be more open with our relationship now that everyone already knows about us anyway but at the same time we didn't like the idea of being in the middle of the common area making out, so we decided finding places to sneak little bits of affection was perfect. They would walk in on us and about half of them quickly left us alone while the other half were our closer friends who would either lecture, stutter, fan girl, or otherwise make it awkward for us. But most people stick to the elevator even if they are only on the second floor. So the stairwell was safe enough.

"Hey, come here often?" I teased him back, letting my hands rest on his shoulders and lightly running two fingers up his neck. I watched him stretch out, letting me do what I wanted but his eyes weren't very flirty right now. Nope.

He spun us around so that I was against the wall and I let my arms drape over his shoulders when he leaned in close.

"Enough," he whispered and I grinned before giving a light tug and kissing him. Even now he tastes like sweet fire, crackling to life with even the smallest of touches. The feel of his soft lips tempted me just enough for me to cave and I spun us back around and pinned him to the wall, his breathing hitching with the small gasp of surprise before I sealed his lips again. My tongue gained access with barely a lick to his lips.

There was a rustle behind me but I didn't pay it much attention, it must have been someone from the half of our class that would just quietly leave us alone because they were far too quiet to be from one of our squads.

His arms were over my shoulders and thanks to him still being a bit taller than me it probably looked a bit silly but it did make holding his waist much closer than before. I pulled away to whisper just to kiss him again and again. "I love you," the words never seemed to mean as much as they should though, no matter how much I say them, no matter how much I try to show him. It's never enough.

Each kiss was slow and sweet and just worth every moment. More rustling behind me, please tell me that it isn't the same person. Did they need help with something? Why didn't they just speak up if they wanted our attention? I don't want to let Kacchan go if I don't have to!

"Let's go to the park tomorrow? It's been a while since we've been on a date," Kacchan whispered between kisses and I giggled at his tender affection.

"Mmm, yes," I kissed his lips, his chin and then his neck. He let out a soft moan when I gave him a soft bite just to move back to kissing his lips again. "A date would be nice, we don't have any missions assigned to us this week either," I giggled when he jerked me closer, getting frustrated with my teasing kisses.

"Maybe a cafe dinner? A walk through the park and a stop at the cat shelter?" I suggested loving how he smirked back at me, like he tasted something delicious.

"Maybe the cat shelter first then the cafe and then the park at sunset? We could go up to our hill and watch the stars flicker into view?" He suggested, his flirty smirk doing things to my heart that I would freely admit if he ever asked.

"There's an ice cream parlor by the park, we could get a couple cones to go while we walk?" I suggested giving him those teasing kisses again that he both seemed to love and hate at the same time.

"Fuck, I love you," I love how his eyes light up from making such simple plans, simple but meaningful.

"We could," he started but hesitated a moment until I kissed under his jaw making him chuckle at the soft affection. "We could talk more about our plans? The when and where. The how," he whispered the last part into my ear and I felt the sweet chill of anticipation flow through me.

"Oh, we could," I smiled back but then I kissed him and instead of the sweet playful kisses of earlier I deepened it, stealing the air from his lungs only to try and dive deeper again. I could feel our boners through our clothes before I pulled away but I just rested my forehead against his shoulder and took several deep breaths.

"We should stop now," I whispered and I heard him groan.

"You and that damn willpower," he grumbled and we both chuckled at that. If only he realized just how much willpower I was using right now, otherwise he wouldn't be wearing any clothes and here is a very bad place for that.

"You like me stubborn," I teased him with a smirk of my own before giving him a light kiss and stepping away.

"And I still ask myself what the fuck is the matter with me," he grumbled and I ended up laughing at him when I saw him grinning at me playfully. He took my hand before I could turn, getting my attention again. "I love you and I meant what I said. I will wait if that's what you want but you don't need to wait for me. I'm already yours," he kissed my knuckles and I swear he broke the last straw. I pushed him back against the wall and shoved my tongue into his mouth, claiming all of him that he was willing to give me only to find him already giving it all to me.

Deep breaths, I need to calm down. I can't go out there like this, I just can't. No. But, Na-uh, nope.

His hands reached up and they were on the sides of my face again. His bright red eyes begging me to give in. "I," he gave me a slow kiss, making me pause just to enjoy it. "Love," his bright eyes shined with his playfulness that I'll never be able to get enough of. "You." He whispered slowly as if just saying it could make the world shatter. I hugged him close, snuggling into his neck, loving how he chuckled at the shyness only he could invoke.

"I don't want us to change," I answered and I heard him chuckle again but I only focused on how his fingers ran through my hair, soothing me.

"Then we won't, not if I can help it," he kissed my forehead and we were both laughing now. We will change, we already have an idea on how and the fact that the first war was coming just because Shigaraki escaped with Kurogiri last time, this time though, they are a lot weaker, so who knows. Maybe we can still stop the war. I can hope at least.

"I found you!" I nearly jumped out of my skin hearing Dad exclaim and we turned to find him beaming at us, holding a new phone. "I'm sure you'll like this one! I've spent a lot of time looking for-,"

"Hell no!" Kacchan tried to interrupt him but Dad already turned his phone showing Kacchan and I sitting cuddled up on a couch holding a curly green haired baby with red eyes with a big smile this time. Kacchan grabbed the phone and set off an explosion destroying the device but it was too late. Our little happy family was seared into my mind to stay.

"Dad!" I screamed only to throw him towards Toshi who just started dating Kaminari and was far away from the stairwell.

"Your turn to deal with him!" I yelled before getting into the elevator, my face bright red as I tried to keep my wits. I failed.