


My head feels so foggy and I know there is a lot of noise around me but I can't really make sense of it. I tried to open my eyes but there is something in them making it to where I can't see anything either. My arms feel like someone attached lead weights to them and now that I think about it, so does literally every part of my body. I don't think I could even wiggle my toes at this point. It's probably a miracle that I was even able to flicker my eyes open at all. The noises around me were getting louder but I still couldn't make them out. 

I'm probably in the hospital again. That is if heroes made it in time. Otherwise I'm probably chained up or something but I honestly can't tell. As heavy as my body feels I can't really feel my sense of touch at all. But considering how mad Shigaraki was I really doubt that he would let me live after killing his master or whatever he called him. 

"Deku," I heard the one voice that matters more than the world to me and even with all the weight dragging me down I reached out towards the voice. Even without my sense of touch I need to hold him. But how? 

Blackwhip. I felt Blackwhip reach out of me and slowly curl around a form that was also laying down close to me and I relaxed considerably, releasing whatever could have been in my hand if anything at all. Blackwhip telling me that Kacchan was out of reach anyway. I relaxed, the silence surrounding me feeling like a soft cushion for me to relax into. 

"Kacchan," I whispered before letting sleep take me again. 


"Deku, wake up," Kacchan called out for me and again I tried to open my eyes but again I couldn't see anything at all, just blurry colors but mostly just gray fog. 

I reached towards the voice and this time I felt something grab my hand. "Blackwhip," I whispered and this time I felt it wrap around someone sitting next to me. Kacchan. 

"You've slept for too long Deku, it's time to wake up," Kacchan couldn't hold back the moan from Blackwhip wrapping around him. I pulled him to me and in moments I felt him pressed against me, holding onto my side. I know that Blackwhip probably ripped out a bunch of needles and sensors but the only thing I could hear was Kacchan's heartbeat while my head laid on his chest. 

"Alright, but you really have to wake up next time," Kacchan whispered and felt his fingers running through my hair andI fell asleep to his gentle touch. 


I opened my eyes to find Kacchan sitting next to the bed and holding my hand. I looked around to find the room otherwise empty but it was easy enough to tell where I was. The hospital. I let out a silent sigh before I turned my attention back to Kacchan. He looks so tired; dark circles under his eyes even now while he is sleeping. His hair was spiked up and I'm sure no one would be able to tell by looking but it was tossed about with zero effort, telling me that he hasn't bothered with doing his hair for quite a while now. 

I looked back down at myself and used Blackwhip to carefully pull out the needles and silence the machines. Once I was free I stretched a little before picking Kacchan up and pulling him into my arms. The moment his head touched my arm his whole body relaxed. I smiled, his arms reached out and wrapped around me and we were holding each other like we should have been in the first place. 

He snuggled into my neck and I felt him kiss my neck mumbling in his sleep how he loved me and I cuddled him back. My lover really is the most amazing. 


I woke up to Kacchan fumbling around in his half sleep. It took a few seconds for me to realize that there was a small beeping noise going off, probably his alarm. 

"Sleep," I mumbled, pulling him against me in my near sleep state. I heard him hum in agreement, his alarm turned off and he snuggled into my chest. 

"I love you Deku," he whispered against my skin and I smiled easily, responding to him with my own love. I let OFA charge through me and he hummed, content with my soft affection. We cuddled into each other's arms giggling softly as light kisses found ticklish places only to hug each other closer. I truly love this man. 


This time I woke up to Kacchan stretching and looking around confused. "How did I get up here again?" He tried to scoot away without waking me up but it was too late for that. 

"Kacchan," I whined and he froze, letting me pull him back against me again. I cuddled into him and I felt him relax in my arms. The feel of his warmth spread throughout my body and I just wanted more. 

"Let's have a baby," the memory of the words drifted through my head again, making me smile. I leaned forward and kissed him, careful not to surprise him too much, after all that was a big fight and I doubt he has rested enough yet to start setting off his quirk yet. 

He responded to my touch, his sweet touches and even sweeter kisses made me want even more. I carefully pushed him over and deepened the kiss. For now I'll have to behave, but once we can truly be alone I'll have to show him exactly how much I've missed him. 

I'm done waiting. 

We pulled away just to lightly rub against each other and it was when we had started giggling and my fingers found ticklish places that the door opened just so that those outside the room could hear Kacchan's laughter laced with my giggles. 

"Deku! I'm not done healing yet!" He tried to get me to let him go but I know better. "No! Stop! Too much!" He squealed in joy but this time I was forced to stop. He had pulled me in and kissed me so that any and every other thought I had vanished. His sweet touch, his hands on either side of my face so that I knew without a doubt that he was looking at me and only me, his crystal clear red eyes sparkled in the light, and his gentle giggles turned chuckles teased at my senses. 

"I love you," I whispered when he pulled away just enough to let me talk. I kissed the tip of his nose and then his forehead and hugged him to my chest. "I love you so much," I whispered again, this time just giving himself to me. 

"Deku, you really need to get up this time. Everyone has been worried about you," he told me but instead of trying to pull away he was hugging me tight so that I couldn't move. 

"How long was I out for?" I asked, playing with his hair while closing my eyes. 

"It's been two weeks, you scared me half to death," he grumbled his answer, pinching my arm while he glared up at me. 

"Ow ow ow, I'm sorry!" I cried out and he huffed out angrily but he stopped pinching me. "It's just that the first time I saw them hit you I almost lost every ounce of control I had but when they hit you the second time? You were already tied up and they were just backhanding you for no reason! The chair you were on was knocked over from them hitting you so hard! I just-," I couldn't finish the thought. I was just so full of rage it scared me but at the same time, I don't regret it. I certainly don't regret what happened after the fact. Kacchan is next to me alive and at the very least, mostly healthy. 

He let out a long sigh, "fine but remember this the next time I lose my temper with an extra and you want to play peacemaker." 

"I'll remember!" I smiled, pulling him tight against me again. Right now he is breathing in my scent, probably just grounding himself with the fact that I am alive and well but at the same time he was trying to hide the fact that it affected him so much. I pretended not to notice and when he separated to get some space between us I still pretended, as if I were lost in my own thoughts. I know that he knows better. He has called me out on it before, but I also know that he appreciates it most of the time. 

"Can we have one whole month without one of us almost dying?" Kacchan groaned and I laughed. 

"Hey, we're doing better than we used to," I answered as memories of the fact that there were literally days between each life and death fight. 

"Urg, don't remind me," he grumbled some more and I couldn't help yawning. 

"A small nap, you have to get up to be examined within a reasonable amount of time," he huffed at me and I giggled at his overprotectiveness. 

"Yes, yes," I hummed and fell asleep with him still curled up in my arms.