

"Have a hide out already?" Kacchan asked when we were a good distance away and they couldn't hear us.

"Maybe," I grinned back at him and in the next moment he jumped, his arms around my shoulders and I let OFA surge through me right as he landed on my shoulders and took off deep into the forest far away from where the rest of our classmates would be coming from and where we could finally have some alone time.

"Here should be safe," I stopped next to a cave that I fought some muscle villain at last time and Kacchan climbed down only for me to wrap my arms around his waist and hug him close.

"About fucking time, I was about to go crazy," he whispered, his hands draped over my shoulders from the front now as he played with my hair. "What exactly do you want to do now?" He teased me with that sexy smirk of his.

"Nothing we should be doing," I answered playfully before kissing him. I didn't bother to finish that thought, how we would have to just make do with what we have right now, after all, why would I waste such precious time when I can just enjoy my lover? Sure, we can't have sex but it's been so long since we've been able to just forget everyone else and just be us.

His fingers lightly scratched my scalp making me hum, I pulled him roughly by his hips so that they would push against mine, the way he growled at the obvious attention only sent my blood pounding through me, I gasped.

We are finally alone and we can finally just make out without Dad or our classmates interrupting us and damn it all, I'm taking it! I stepped closer and Kacchan lifted a leg and wrapped it around my waist.

"Eager?" I giggled but the way his grip on me tightened only seemed to enhance the thrill of pleasure and my heart sped up to catch up to it.

"You have no fucking idea. I'm so fucking horny I could have screamed from the pressure," he grumbled but he was quick to kiss me again and I didn't pull away. We shouldn't, not here but…

I gently guided him to the wall of the cave and he quickly wrapped both legs around my hips once he was pressed against it.

"Just let me pretend for a minute," he whispered, his eyes clouding over. He opened for me and I let my hands trail up his sides, lightly stimulating him, loving how my lover hummed and moaned for more before it looked like he was about to lose all reason, altogether.

"Blackwhip," I whispered and as if I had been holding back painfully, my quirk sprung forward and wrapped around Kacchan, his sweet moans and gasps rang out. "Ah! Nah! Fu-. Fuck," his voice enticing me. I couldn't stay away, my quirk wrapped around us, my hands traveling his body, our tongues in the only battle that really matters while we tried to devour each other.

"AH!" Kacchan cried out, not able to take anymore and felt all the tension leave our bodies. I leaned against him, needing the support of the wall just as much now myself and when Kacchan fidgeted I let him down, Blackwhip, however, was still wrapped tightly around us while we panted for the air that we very sorely needed.

"Fuck, that won't work for much longer.  Not after the quirk side effect," Kacchan moaned, his voice was breathy and sent a chill down my spine and I'm reminded of some of the side effects of HIS quirk.

"Speaking of, it's been a few months now, it probably won't be long before we get swept away by it again," I whispered in his ear, gently teasing it with my teeth and I felt him shudder in arms.

"I'm looking forward to it," he smirked at me. We finally pulled Blackwhip back in and found a comfortable place outside under the trees to lay down and just look up at the sky. Blackwhip refusing to do what I commanded and simply did what I wanted instead; pulling Kacchan right against me, to cuddle in my arms. Kacchan chuckled flirtingly at it all but in the end I could only join him. Lightly kissing my lover while we watched the clouds roll by and the wind rustled the branches and leaves above our heads.

"I wish we could stay like this forever. It's so peaceful here," I sighed and I heard Kacchan chuckled.

"Oh, I can think of a few things I would change," he teased me before lightly nipping on my neck. "Maybe several things," he growled and another shudder passed through me.

"Hmm, you're going to make me forget how old we are, or make me remember," I hummed, leaning my head back to let him do whatever he wanted.

"I'll remind you just how old we are," he whispered the sweet promise in my ear and I giggled, more than willing to play into this game. For now we can use Blackwhip to take the edge off, maybe not forever but still. The fact that Kacchan still hasn't taken the birth control pills but has been taking the prenatal vitamins religiously only reinforced my darker thoughts. My darker desires.

We still haven't touched the condoms but we also haven't done more than what we just did now, not unless you count when we were sent back forward in time, thanks to Dick's quirk but that was only the once so far.

"I've been thinking," I whispered and he looked up, letting the sun catch in his fiery red eyes, his irises seeming to glow with strings of orange and red fibers pulled together neatly by the black pupil in the center. It really was the most beautiful and vibrant red I've ever seen. Beautiful.

"Maybe we shouldn't wait too much longer?" I asked, letting my fingers walk across his tightly toned abs. I just want to love him so much, his body is amazing but… I looked up into those eyes again. I leaned in and kissed him, he didn't pull away, he didn't demand answers, instead he tangled his fingers in my hair and pulled me closer, deepening the kiss.

He slowly pulled away only to give me several light kisses on top of that before pulling away enough to talk. "Izu, it's already hard to stay away from you. If you open that door…" he trailed off, his eyes drifting down for just a moment before he looked back again letting me see how he was visibly restraining himself.

"Just a little longer," I groaned, forcing myself to behave again. Just a little longer, at the very least we want our baby to wait until we are 17 to be born, it would help if we were 17 before we had one but I'm only human and I've already waited thirty years.

"Damn that fucking will power off yours," he puffed out, scowling. I don't blame him, I am all too aware of how stubborn I am.

"Do you really want me to drop the reins? You have no idea how close I am," I whispered next to his ear and he leaned next to mine.

"Use Blackwhip on me, now," he demanded, grabbing me and taking me in but I was already there.

This time when we finished we lay there panting. I saw the sky starting to darken and let out a groan. Kacchan just chuckled at my obvious reluctance but this time it was his turn to be good so he gently pulled me back to the campsite. We were still smiling when we got back to find several of our classmates only just now arriving but instead of listening to Aizawa Sensei's instructions again we went to eat. Playfully teasing each other, flirting but nothing too extreme so that Dad wouldn't get on our case.

He must have called Mom because he looked a lot calmer than before and he didn't even make a fuss when we left again. Of course this time I had to try and win Kota over again but thanks to Kacchan being there this time he at least didn't try to kick me in the balls. Just like last time it didn't work but it was thankfully time for a nice hot soak and after Kacchan and I were running around in the woods for so long we really needed it. Our quick shower to clean off and we put on some swim shorts before going into the bath.

I would have been perfectly happy to skip the shorts but dad was guarding the outside bath as if he couldn't trust us. Didn't stop us from sneaking past him just to be a little stubborn though. I mean he is being a little overprotective but then again Kacchan and I are having issues with our own willpower so for now I will just look at it as a little extra defense. For now.