
Hero's Legacy

Seth and Blyke discovering what they are and saving lives along the way

Mason_Gaming11279 · Acción
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17 Chs

Chapter Sixteen

A couple of days have passed by and Blyke is still thinking of Yuuki and doesn't come to school. Alissa visits often to make sure he's eating properly and Seth comes by to check up on him to make sure he won't do anything rash and Luna comes with Seth but doesn't talk to Blyke and usually waits outside. "So you're really ok?" Says Seth "yes Seth I'm fine but I want some time alone for a bit" says Blyke. "Alright, but make sure you do that homework and I'll come pick it up tomorrow," says Seth "I will, now thanks for visiting, but i have a lot on my mind so see you later," says Blyke while mustering up a smile and pushing Seth out. "Alright Blyke, please stay safe and I'll come collect it tomorrow," says Seth "Later loser" says Luna, "Bye Luna" says Blyke with a smile on his face while waving his hand. As they walk away Blyke's face of seemingly happiness turns to straight anger and his eyes gleam with hatred. As Seth and Luna walk away from Blyke's house they notice something off in the distance "What is that?" Asks Luna "I don't know, let's go check it out," Seth responds. They start to run towards the thing and notice it's a hole in the ground that leads to some secret room. Seth looks around the area but there's lots of people around so he whispers "let's act like crazy teenagers that are exploring since everyone's looking over here," to Luna, Luna nods "Oh hey what's that?" Asks Luna in a kind of obnoxious voice "I don't know let's jump down and see," Seth tells Luna trying to imitate a delinquent. Once he says that he jumps down and Luna follows once they hit the bottom Seth realizes that part of it was from a minor earthquake and someone built inside of the remains from it "this wasn't here a week ago so we might be dealing with either a slower Blyke or multiple people but the problem is what race they are." exclaims Seth, Luna tells Seth "well if there is a race that tends to live in this kind of terrain then it might be a hard figh- I mean… with this chat that we'll have with them," Luna falters and Seth spots a room and starts to walk over. Luna follows and continues to look back incase of creatures and once Seth looks into the room he sees a tall man in black standing at what seems like a board with pictures of… a man, a woman and Seth? There are scrapes that say "in order to beat him, I need these twos powers," they are written by some sort of knife that is stabbed right above the note.

"Who are these people and who wrote this?" Says the man Luna walks over to the door and accidentally kicks a pebble and the man quickly turns around and sees them "STOP IN THE NAME OF THE LAW," shouts the man while his hand turns into a… lion's claw? "Alright," says Seth while walking into the room. The man looks at Seth in the photo and comes back to Seth "why are you in this photo?" asks the man "don't know so who are you exactly? Also before you ask, Im Seth Zamado and this is Luna Rae," explains Seth "I am Masashi Shinori, the chief of Tokyo's police force," says Masashi "Jeez that's a big position, must come with lots of responsibility, income, and headaches," says Luna "I don't think my salary is an issue m'am," says Masashi "alright we're going to the police station right?" asks Seth, Masashi nods and he brings them in for questioning. Masashi sits them down and starts to question them. "Why are you in a picture that is hung up on a chalkboard? Who are the other two? Why were you down there?" asks Masashi "I don't know for two of the answers and for the third, we like to explore," answers Seth. after a bit of talking Blyke goes in the door and says "Luna I would've expected you to be in jail sooner but Seth? Really?" asks Blyke, Seth glares at him, "your not supposed to be her-" Masashi gets cut off by Blyke saying "Oh those people look like Haruki," "Haruki? Wasn't he put here not too long ago?" asks Alissa behind Blyke "Wait Haruki Noshikage? The notorious cell cooler?" Masashi jokes trying to fish for laughs, everyone stares at him with cringe "Anyways, are you sure they look like Haruki?" asks Alissa "Yeah, they must be related," says Blyke "you four know a little too much, who are you?" asks Masashi. Seth thinks to himself and says "Police chief, do you really need to know who we are?" "Well if you dont I would have to arrest you for suspicious behavior and for being at a crime scene," threatens Masashi. Seth groans as he says well Mr. Izumi we are the Wo- suddenly the T.V. starts to flicker and it drags everyone's attention in the main office of the police department so Blyke, Seth, Alissa, Luna and Masashi walk out of the interrogation room to look at the T.V. after the T.V. turns on a man in a full black coat holds a camera and tells the people watching "IN EXACTLY 6 MONTHS FIGHTERS FROM ALL AROUND THE WORLD WILL BE INVITED TO ATTEND A TOURNAMENT THERE WILL BE MANY STRONG FIGHTERS THERE SO BE READY… REMEMBER 6 MONTHS ."

The broadcast ends and the T.V. cuts off, "I wonder what that was about?" asks Alissa, suddenly an envelope appears in front of Blykes face so he grabs it and proceeds to read it, Blyke reads aloud "Hello Wolf's Pride! BlazeBreaker, AtomicSword, Starlight, and LunarMoon are invited to join the annual WorldWide Tournament where many fighters will be. Good luck…. See you in 6 months" Blyke puts the note away and looks at the rest of the group and notices that Masashi is there and then realizes what he did. Blyke tells Masashi "Welp I guess you got your answer hehe. But anyway this tournament seems like it will be quite difficult heh, This is exhilarating." Masashi looks confused and laughs "Nice joke! I'll believe that when I actually get a girlfriend!" Blyke tilts his head confusingly and says "Do you not believe us?" "You? The legendary heroes? HA you've given me the best laugh in years!" Blyke covers himself with blue flames and Masashi stops laughing "sword birth" chants Seth as a sword appears in his hand and Masashi just looks in surprise "so you really are these heroes then" says Masashi in a serious voice as he says that Blyke and Seth disperse their power "you shouldn't be going out there while your still so young though, you all should just let the police handle crime," explains Masashi "With all due respect, we want to protect this city and the cops aren't doing well with fighting monsters, what about when Prometheus struck? Did you even know that he was here?" asks Seth. Maashi stares at Seth and thinks for a second "Well if you don't disobey the law then its fine," says Masashi "Wow th-" Blyke gets cut off by Masashi saying "WITH the exception of me supervising you. Oh and my daughter wants to meet "The strong and handsome hero" BlazeBreaker, also those were her words not mine," Seth thinks about it for a second and says "If that will get us out of being arrested for vigilantism then sure," "Wait do I get a say in this?" asks Blyke "no you dont" says Seth, Luna and Alissa all in sync, Blyke looks at the rest of them, pouts, then runs away. Masashi asks "Is that really the legendary hero BlazeBreaker?" 'Surprisingly, he is," answers Luna, Masashi looks around and says "Well I would also like to see your hand to hand combat skills, and that's mostly for you Seth. I know you're a swordmaster but what if you fight a person that can disperse your magic?" "Ok ok I'll do some training with you," says Seth "if you hurt him I'll send you straight to h-" Luna gets interrupted by Blyke saying "Luna calm down he is a cop," "SHUT UP HMPH," Snapped Luna "alright Wolf's Pride, there's a training room under this department and it should be able to keep your moves in check," says Masashi "alright let's go then," Alissa cheers.

Masashi brings Blyke, Seth, Luna, and Alissa to a room with a secret bunker, he then puts in a passcode of 903412 and the bunker's gate opens slowly and inside they see a huge training room spanning at least 5 miles long "OH DAMN, this is a GIGANTIC room" Luna yells. Masashi exclaims "yeah this room is one of the largest training grounds in all of Tokyo" "Can you even call this a room?" Alissa asks, Blyke then responds "If you could then demon's aren't evil" Luna looks at Blyke and yells in his ear "DEMONS AREN'T EVIL YOU JERK,", "jeez calm down it was a joke…" Blyke tells Luna with fear in his eyes. Seth gets in front of the gate leading into the training grounds and looks back then tells everyone "Lets go." Everyone says "Yeah" and walks inside of the room then Masashi says "I will be right back I am going to get us some food and drinks, after all we can't train on an empty stomach" the 4 all yell "OK!" and Masashi goes. Blyke takes off his jacket and begins to stretch he then whispers "True Black Lightning Flame Dragon Mode" Seth asks Blyke "what are you doing? Why did you transform?" "Why not? I mean aren't we going to spar?" Blyke responds, Seth thinks then states "Oh yeah I guess you're right, ok then Demon's Emperor 60%". After hearing their determination Luna and Alissa begin to get in a fighting position as well Seth rushes at Blyke and Alissa rushes at Luna but the second they do that Masashi comes back with all the food and yells "GUYS COME EAT!" Everyone stops and stares at Masashi with intense anger but decides to eat anyway as they are starving, especially Blyke being a speedster, so they all release their forms and start to walk towards Masashi. Masashi prepares a table and sets all the food on it, he then yells "WHOEVER GETS HERE FIRST GETS TWICE THE AMOUNT OF FOOD THAN ANYONE ELSE!" The second he says that Blyke is already sitting on the table waiting for his food while staring at Masashi, Masashi looks back at Blyke and simply says "Well Damn." Seth then yells "THAT WAS JUST UNFAIR EVERYONE KNOWS HE IS THE FASTEST IN WOLF'S PRIDE!" Alissa then looks at Seth and asks him "Wait but Seth, can't you well you know teleport?" That question leaves Seth speechless and everyone laughs except Seth and Luna. 20 minutes later everyone is done eating and they are quite full, so Blyke and Seth then get ready to fight again but Masashi asks them "Wait what are you two doing?" Blyke responds " what do you mean? We are gonna fight isn't that obvious?" Masashi scratches his head then face palms and says "of course it's obvious you idiot it's just tha-" but Masashi gets cut off by Luna laughing so everyone looks at Luna and she takes the hint and stops laughing but quietly says "I-it was funny though…" Masashi then shakes his head and resumes what he was saying "Like I was saying it's obvious but how are you gonna get any better from fighting the same person over and over and over again?" Blyke raises a finger and says "w-well it- yeah nevermind i got nothing" Masashi then yells "EXACTLY, so today and for a while and I mean a few months i want you BLYKE to fight Luna and Seth you fight Alissa" Luna then looks at Blyke and tells him "Finally I get the chance to make you suffer" this remark sends shivers down his spine and he begins to smile very awkwardly. Because Blyke is terrified he asks Masashi "U-uh Masashi can I maybe fight someone else *looks at Seth* not to mention i feel like if i touch Luna in any way possible Seth might stop fighting Alissa and i will get double teamed so please? Maybe?" Instantly both Luna and Masashi yell at the top of their lungs "NOO!" TO BE CONTINUED