
Hero's Legacy

Seth and Blyke discovering what they are and saving lives along the way

Mason_Gaming11279 · Acción
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17 Chs

Chapter Seventeen

Seth and Alissa go to a desolate area same with Blyke and Luna but Seth makes sure the area Blyke and Luna are at is still in his line of sight just in case anything happens. Luna smirks and looks at Blyke telling him "I get to try my new ability on you oh how happy I am" Blyke's suddenly serious face smiles and responds "Oh? And what is that new ability of yours?" Just as he says that Luna whispers "The Clock Strikes Midnight, Shadow Step" the area around Blyke and Luna gets dark as if it's night. Blyke shakes his head and points his attention back at where Luna is, but to his surprise Luna is no longer there he then looks around but can't seem to find her not even a second later Luna attempts to slash Blyke's neck luckily Blyke's fast reaction time due to him being a speedster kicks in and he manages to just barely dodge Luna's swift attack. Blyke is confused so he asks Luna "Hey what the hell was that?" Luna simply responds "Don't worry about it" and she disappears again this time reappearing right in front of Blyke, Luna then attacks Blyke with her Moon Sword but Blyke dodges it so Luna quickly kicks Blyke's stomach with great force causing Blyke to cough up a bit of blood, Blyke smiles and thinks to himself "time to take this seriously, True Azure Lightning Flame Dragon Mode." Blue flames emerge around Blyke's body with lightning surrounding it and he dashes to Luna, Blyke makes a fist and almost comes into contact with Luna but she disappears again and reappears next to a rock. Luna tells Blyke "I won't be letting you touch me at all because of your Divine Dividing but mostly because I don't want you to and I don't want to cheat on Seth!" Blyke tilts his head and tells Luna "I don't think you know the meaning of cheating on your boyfriend, it's not considered cheating just by having someone touch you in no inappropriate way" Luna says back "ANYWAY YOU TOUCH ME IS INAPPROPRIATE!" Blyke then asks "HOW?! You know what nevermind I'm sure that any form of physical contact between you and literally ANYONE ELSE is considered to be cheating in the eyes of both you and Seth so just nevermind". Luna disappears and is now in front of Blyke and launches an attack, Blyke gets prepared to dodge but just as he is about to he suddenly can't move, Luna smirks and cuts him right from his shoulder down to the middle of his stomach. Blyke lunges back and thinks "Damn this hurts, I need to find a way past that insanely OP ability she has its like she is moving through something....wait *Flashback* Luna whispers "The Clock Strikes Midnight, Shadow Step" *Flashback ends* seriously? That's what she is doing, moving through shadows huh? How do I fight someone I can barely react to, I shouldn't only rely on my fast reaction time that won't do. I GOT IT!" Blyke touches his eye and whispers "well let's try this".

Luna is wondering what Blyke is doing but gets ready to attack him. Blyke, having complete control of his demonic energy, mixes both his dragon energy and demonic energy and pours it into his eye creating an ability. Luna travels through the shadows and attempts to attack Blyke from behind but then suddenly her wrist that his holding the sword his caught by Blyke's hand, he then smirks and says "divide" Luna's powers are now cut in half she jumps back and asks Blyke "H-how did you see the attack coming?" Blyke slowly turns around and tells her "you see my right eye? *Points to his right eye* This right here is what I like to call The Devil's Eye. This ability allows me to see others' movements. Good luck trying any of your tricks again, and now that your power is cut in half THIS IS IT!" Blyke dashs at Luna and tries to attack her but she goes into her shadows and moves around to avoid it, once she comes out the shadows she is grabbed yet again by Blyke who is right behind her and he says "I told you, this is it" he clenches up his fist and swings his hand towards Luna so she closes her eyes preparing to take in the blow, but just before Blyke's fist is about to make contact with Luna he stops… Blyke sighs and asks "Really, Seth?" Seth then says removing the Frost Sword from Blykes neck "Oh i'm sorry, I did that subconsciously hehe" Blyke turns around points towards him and yells "subconsciously, MY ASS" then Blyke's hand is grabbed then bitten by Luna. Blyke screams in pain and asks Luna "WHAT THE HELL?!" Luna then tells Blyke "Don't ever use such vulgar and mean terms such as ass to Seth, also don't point at him, it's rude" Blyke's eye twitches in anger and confusion as he rubs the bite mark on his hand, Masashi walks up and tells Seth "Hey Seth don't do that any more alright? Because if you do I will have you and Luna fight okay? SAME GOES FOR YOU LUNA" "fine I get it I won't interfere any more" Luna states, Masashi then says "good, but since you have interfered in a 1v1 I will give the win to Blyke, I mean he was going to win after all" Blyke then yells "HAH" but then Seth and Luna stare at him with the intent to kill if he doesn't shut up. Alissa then comes back from the place her and Seth were fighting only a little bruised up, seeing this Blyke suddenly gets a bit more angry especially at Seth but brushes it off and runs to Alissa hiding behind her back while gripping her shoulders, doing this caused Alissa to yelp out of shock so she asks Blyke "U-um Blyke… May I ask what you are doing?" Blyke responds to her while pouting "you are the only one that loves me here" Alissa gets even more shocked and starts to blush while asking very nervously "L-l-love you?" Blyke smiles and says "yeah of course so I need you to protect me from those monsters over there kay?" just as he says that Seth and Luna yell "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU SAY?!!" Blyke starts to shiver and says "n-nothing…. I said nothing" "that's what I thought" Luna exclaims. After a bit of silence everyone bursts out laughing and then Masashi takes out more food and they start to eat again.

After another feast Blyke asks Masashi "Wait Masashi, didn't you say your daughter's name was Krystal Shinori?" "Yeah I'm not her biological father though. But why?" Masashi responds. Blyke then tells Masashi "Well we have a girl named Krystal Shinori in our class and if you put 2 and 2 together then you get-" Blyke gets cut off by Luna saying "you get 4, idiot". Blyke gets mad and yells "YOU KNOW THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT!" Luna then yells back "THEN WHAT DID YOU MEAN?", Seth joins in and tells Luna "Blyke means he thinks it will be a good idea to let Krystal know about our identities" Alissa agrees to that idea and so does Seth, Masashi smiles and calls Krystal to come over to the police station as he has to show her something. 20 minutes later Krystal is on the way towards them in the training facility as she sees Masashi she waves towards him and sees Blyke, Seth, Luna and Alissa eating. "What are they doing here?" asks Krystal "that's the thing! They have something to tell you!" Masashi forcefully passes the mic to Blyke "AY MAN! SHE'S YOUR DAUGHTER YOU DO IT!!!" says Blyke angrily "What? I don't remember anything of the sort…" Masashi adverts his eyes away. "UGH, Fine… hello Krystal," says Blyke "uhh hi Blyke," says Krystal confusingly "well… you see… the thing is.... SETH HAS SOMETHING TO SAY!" Blyke pushes Seth in front of him "bro… whatever, hello Krystal, as you know who we are… we have something hidden and… Alissa wants to say it," Seth pushes Alissa to the front "uhhh... umm… Luna," weeps Alissa. Luna walks up to Blyke and smacks him in the back of the head and tells him "Say it or else my foot will go in an unwanted place" Blyke gets chills and goes up front "why is it so difficult to say?, Krystal… we're the Wolf's Pride," Krystal thinks for a second and starts to look Seth up and down "no he's not him" she mumbles and goes to look at Blyke, Blyke then tilts his head in confusion, Krystals eyes light up and she screams " BLAZEBREAKER!!!" .

Krystal runs up to Blyke while squealing, after making contact with Blyke she instantly grips him in a tight hug while rubbing her cheek on his chest. Blyke processes what is happening then starts to blush a bit, after seeing this Luna says "Oho, I see" and Seth stares. Soon after Alissa runs towards Blyke and pushes Krystal off of him then asks "Blyke are you ok?" Blyke tells Alissa he is fine then looks at Krystal and asks "Uh what were you trying to do?". Krystal starts to fidget and blush then yells "BlazeBreaker…. I LOVE YOU!" These words leave both Alissa and Blyke astonished and confused, Luna says "HAH I KNEW IT" and Seth thinks to himself "Well damn" Alissa then shakes Blyke but he is just...there… not talking and not moving at all. Blyke blinks really fast then shakes his head he then tells Alissa "Oh sorry i was uh… uh… thinking about ramen… yeah…" "No, that's not what you were thinking about," Says Alissa. Blyke then remembers what luna said *Flashback Starts* "I'll kill you if anything bad happens to her" *Flashback Ends* and gets chills down his spine "Well… uhhh… I-uh… I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DEAL WITH THIS SITUATION," Screams Blyke as he runs away. Krystal looks in the direction totally flushed then gets down on her knees hiding her face as she is really embarrassed. Luna thinks to herself then yells "WAIT WHAT ABOUT OUR FIGHT! GET BACK HERE" when Blyke hears that he dashes back to Luna and apologises, Luna tells Blyke "Hurry up and get in your fighting position, oh and Seth I love you and all but please don't interfere" Seth says "fine go ahead BUT I am watching" Blyke smiles and looks at Krystal telling you "You might wanna watch this… It's gonna be exhilarating". TO BE CONTINUED

Ok guys, Sorry for the delay in chapters I know I said I would post more chapters tommorow like a while ago lol. So for compensation here are all the chapters that are done so far. WE are currently a single Paragraph into chapter 18 and we will post it when it is done I promise. Hope you enjoy! :)

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