
Hero's Labyrinth Creates a Demon Lord

At the age of fifteen, the Guild Hall opens and gives the young a chance to acquire a class. This is used to shape their futures. Ryzer, the son of a lower noble, couldn't awaken a class by fifteen. Seeing this, his own father sells him into slavery, something far more shocking. Breaking from the shock, Ryzer finds himself bought and placed into the service of a kind older man. What is his purpose? Early on, there will be a larger number of time skips. Once he is 20, the skips will reduce to the smallest amount, or be extremely small.

Eleets_Steele · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
14 Chs


Fifty years ago, standing tall and proud, the great and powerful Demon King ruled these lands. His people were never lacking in laughter nor warmth. For this, he was revered and loved dearly.

To his dismay, humans began to succumb to their greed. They desired his wealth, power and influence. To acquire it all, they found a young man with the greatest level of power amongst the humans. This man, Edward Vale, valiantly rode into battle. His exploits legendary!

Edward Vale won his battle against the Demon King, thrusting the human race to the forefront of the hierarchy of sentient beings. All the while, demons and demon kin fell to bottom. The less lenient humans drove them to brink, enslaving who they caught. Demons were driven from the world, while demonkin and dark elves, their most loyal supporters, now served the many humans.


"Mama, aren't we humans?"

His fluffy brown hair bobbed to the side as his head tilted. His dark brown eyes were like saucers as he stared up at his mother. She closed the book she was reading to him.

"Yes, sweetie. We are."

Her answer was short and sweet, yet his eyes narrowed as he bundled into her arm.

"Why do we bully the other races? Did they bully us?"

His pure eyes remained on her face.

"No... sometimes, poor choices are made by those in power. Even Mama and Papa make mistakes."

There was a hint of sadness in her voice as she fell silent. The small boy, no older than five, climbed onto his hands and knees.

"So can I be nice to them?! I wanna make friends with everyone!"

Grabbing him and lifting him over her face, his mother smiled brightly.

"Ryzer Douglas, if you did any less, you would make Mama upset! However, don't be kind to bad guys! When you are strong enough; protect all the friends you make, love the girls you cherish and be the best version of yourself you can be!"


Ten years later, Ryzer wished for the warm embrace of his late mother. The majority of his life was in the palm of the cold and calculating Baron Douglas, his father. He was no longer seen as a son, just another asset to exploit for an increase in power.

"Ryzer, my son, you have come of age recently. We have a small bunch of you, ready and willing to proceed with the ceremony in the capital."

Baron Douglas cast a dull gaze upon his son, the young boy turning into a relatively small and impractical future Baron. He was small, almost sickly levels of weak.

"I have sent for permission, some weeks back, only to get word today. We are to proceed to the capital, with haste, and make our way to the Adventurer's Guild. The Hall of Classes is within. You must be ready. You MUST get something useful. You have an hour, go speak with that useless girl you are so fond of."

With a slight bow, Ryzer turned away and left the room. As soon as he stepped out into the hall, he let out a heavy sigh and began to head for the foyer. His expression softened considerably as he saw a familiar silhouette of a beastkin waiting for him.

"Leena, I told you that you didn't need to wait on me."

Turning quickly, her lips were perked up into a smile. Her blonde hair swayed widely, causing her to stumble a little.

"For someone that can hear every little sound, you can't keep steady on your feet. Come here."

Ryzer took Leena's hand, softly, then placed it on his arm. As he led her outside, he mentioned each obstacle that she neared. Her smile was vibrant as she spoke.

"At least I can count on my 'eyes' to guide me."

Ryzer lightly patted her head, Leena's ears flicking outwards as she smiled. His hand slid down to her cheek, his thumb brushing a loose lash from her closed eyelids.

"Luckily it didn't get inside."

He had a small smile as he continued to lead her.

"You are... going to the capital soon, right? I could-"

Ryzer pulled her into a hug, the small girl's tail moving around his waist as he did so.

"Forget what he said. You aren't... ugh. Just forget what he said. I'll come back when I find out my class. I'll protect you, just like I always promised!"

Leena nuzzled into Ryzer's chest, a small smile on her face.

"You're still so catlike..."

With those words, she nipped his chest.


"Alright. I understand that the four of you are excited. Believe me, I was a young man once."

Baron Douglas guided five young men through the entrance of the guild, practically ignoring Ryzer. Upon entering, he pulled out a document that immediately got the receptionist excited. Without delay, the young men were filed into the Hall of Classes.

"That was rather abrupt, wouldn't you think, Young Master Ryzer?"

Each of the others were larger than Ryzer, as well as could easily harm him, yet they showed a certain level of respect due to his family origins. They somewhat followed him, hanging at his every word.

"It was. Baron Douglas just wishes to end this quickly, as do I. Hurry along, you need to find your class."

Though he knew why they respected him, he still showed kindness. Ryzer chose to treat them with equal respect, yet never becoming overly familiar. Each split in their own directions, slipping into separate rooms. Ryzer walked down the hall, his eyes falling on a room with a spear imprinted on the door. Opening the door, a young woman stood beside a plain spear. She smiled softly.

"Welcome. I am Kare. I am in charge of the spear's maintenance, as well as the proctor for the Class Test of the Spear. Please, place your hand on the spear. If the orb behind it lights up, you will become a Spearman. That's the gist of the test, no matter which room you enter."

Ryzer walked forward, confidence in his every step.

'This is for mother and Leena! I won't let you down!'

As his hand touched the spear, something akin to a soft zap struck his hand. He looked up, his eyes glued to the orb.

"Ah. Apologies. It seems you aren't a Spearman. Though it is rare to be denied your first pick, do try another class!"

Kare's kind smile made Ryzer feel a little awkward as he stepped out of the room. When he reentered the hallway, the four others grouped around him.

"So this is where you were! We thought you had left already for a moment!"

Each of them had a piece of equipment, something like starter gear. Basic tools to practice.

"Ah... no. It seems I wasn't accepted by the spear."

The four seemed to blink with surprise.

"I'll check the Swordsman route next. Hehe."

After stepping through the door across the hall, a few minutes passed. When he stepped back out, Ryzer scratched his head in confusion.

"Y-Young Master Ryzer, did it fail again?"

The four began to boast about Ryzer, refilling his confidence as he went into the next room. The scene began to repeat itself as Ryzer entered and exited each room, attempting to become every combat and non-combat class.

"W-what the hell is going on?!"

At his outburst, the different proctors looked out from their doors. Mumbling between themselves, each and every last one began to have a sad expression on their faces.

"Th-there are two left! I can... I can try to be a Priest or a Mage!"

His last ray of hope sat at the end of the hall. A book sat beside a small altar. Ryzer peered through the book, tilting his head this way and that, only to find the book unreadable. Magecraft was locked out. On his last chance, Ryzer knelt before the altar. He sighed softly, beginning to pray.

"I-I don't understand! You're my last hope, so please, I'm begging you! Please let me become a Priest! I can't let Leena down!"

He bowed his head, waiting patiently. He lost track of how long he waited, only looking up when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Baron Douglas had a disappointed look on his face.

"Come with me. You were found lacking, someone unwanted by any class. This is for your own good."

Ryzer attempted to resist, only to feel a dull pain in his gut. He fell to the ground, his father's voice in his ears.

"None of you saw this. I'll give you each a gold coin to purchase new weapons, so long as you keep today a secret. Ryzer... abandoned the village. He is no longer welcome, nor will he set foot there again."

Attempting to pick himself up, Ryzer watched as the young men turned away from him, their faces filled with regret as well as greed.

"W-we will take care of her, in your stead."

They quickly fled after taking the money, leaving Ryzer to gasp for air.

"F-father... why?"

His vision was dark, but he could hear his father clearly.

"You are a waste, no son of mine. A classless piece of garbage. It is time to remove of you, as I once did to your mother."

Ryzer felt heat and cold clashing in his body. Fear and rage erupted.

"What did you do to my mother?!"

His vision lightened in time for Ryzer to feel an iron collar wrap around his neck. Beside Baron Douglas was some type of merchant.

"He is a little on the weak side, but he is a young male. Though a human is... unprecedented. Thirty seem fair?"

The slave merchant that appeared from nowhere was speaking to the Baron. Their voices quieted down as they walked away from Ryzer. He looked around, realizing he was no longer in the guild. As he attempted to clear his thoughts, a voice broke through.

"Ah. You're awake. The Baron has agreed to sell you, striking you from your family line. Many of your rights have been terminated, however you are a human. I shan't treat you horribly."

The face he saw was that if a strangely refined gentleman, his hair and whiskers whitened with age. His deep black eyes screamed of his knowledge.


It was all Ryzer could ask.

"Young man, some questions are better left unanswered. I would be grateful that you weren't just killed. That man, he is cold. No doubt he should never have been a father."

Ryzer slumped down, his eyes glazing over slightly. The light of hope vanishing as his situation finally set in.

"Hmm. Well, Ryzer, while you have lost your family name and have become nothing more than a slave, my company will do it's utmost to place you in a proper place. Somewhere fitting a human, even as a slave."

Though he spoke somewhat harshly, his words held a hint of sorrow in them.


"How could your Masters... this makes no sense!"

Three years had passed. Ryzer was sitting up in bed, bandages around his torso.

"On my name, Heinz Roy, this is a first!"

Heinz could only sigh, his aged face crinkling as he furrowed his brow.

"If it weren't for the Limited Contracts, due to your age and race, you could have ended up a lot worse."

Ryzer could only nod. His experiences were no picnic, his body damaged numerous times by several different Masters.

"Before they would do something, they all claimed that it was your fault. Their reports, they can clearly be thrown out. They chose to violate my rules, violating their contracts!"

Heinz shook his head.

"By the gods. I made sure to detail every last line to keep you safe from harm. I am beside myself with shame and disgust! To outright disregard the contract... a shame that they share our race."

There was a knock at the door, causing Heinz to stand. He spoke as he headed to the door.

"I know you had just returned from your... disturbing master, but I have a client with specific requirements. He is of good character, so I do hope he chooses you. In his old age, he wishes to have someone he can trust beside him. Regular servants can turn thief, while he can also guarantee your freedom at the end of the contract."

Ryzer nodded slowly.

"Mr. Ward should treat you right, following the contract. It is a Limited Contract, so previous stipulations will apply."

Ryzer continued his silence, though his mind whirled. Limited Contracts were at a two year minimum, so long as the contract wasn't broken. With Heinz's introduction, Ryzer felt that he could finally have a chance again.

"I'll be back in a moment. Please, relax even in his presence. He is a good man."

Ryzer looked up at the man he had come to know. In the last three years, Ryzer came to understand Heinz. As a fallen noble, he took to the slave trade. In his time, he chose to give back certain rights to slaves through contracts. His contracts became the new norm, destroying his opposition in the capital.

"Thank... you."

Before Heinz left the room, he seemed to smile slightly. He left the room, leaving Ryzer alone. It was his first time speaking in three years, but he didn't try to place all his eggs in one basket.


Thank you,

Anna Haig!