
It seeped outside

A loud sound rung out in the snow coved forest followed by the helpless yelp of a most common wolf, without a pack, he would surely die here, let it be to the cold, to starvation or be killed by whatever arrived first.

Its paw was stuck in a bear trap, the jaws of the bear trap were padded, meaning that it wasn't severely injured but completely restrained.

It felt a human getting closer to its position, the smell getting closer at every instant, the wolf suddenly attempted to get out of the trap with all of its strength, it didn't know why but it had for some reason felt primal fear into its bone the moment it had felt the other presence.

Unfortunately nothing this basic and alone wolf could do, could possibly prevent its fate, a flaming hand grabbed its face and the wolf forgot something, replaced by the endless pain caused by the flame.

The whispers of the flame being both incomprehensible and crystal clear to the wolf, were endlessly repeated to the point that the murmurs became deafening, the wolf was turned mad in an unknown amount of time, as time no longer meant anything.

All it wanted to do was spread the flame further, to anything else, until it wouldn't be able to contain the fire, until the fire would be strong enough to consume it all.

Vlasfimia watched as the wolf went away, as it yelped in pain, its left eye already being consumed.

It didn't take long until he felt the presence of the fire grow stronger inside the forest, Vlas went back to watch the camp of the Holy order, soon, inhabitants of the city would be afflicted too and maybe even members of the camp, he could already imagine the camp going up in flames, he had no reason not to use extreme measures afterall the camp wasn't set up near Bcoudnege but near a much richer city, of course.

It wasn't his turf so he could cause some chaos without problems.

However, even if the flame could spread quickly, it would most likely be noticed too soon for it to be uncontainable, as such he needed to distract the Holy order from the forest and instead make them focus on the city itself, for that, he had enlisted the help of some buddies who didn't ask questions.

Namely Numquacaptus and Tarrare, Numquacaptus simply had to do his usual activities, after all, 'The Blind' was known further than in Bcoudnege and would raise high alert once eyeless bodies would be discovered and Tarrare just had to do what he was used to do before he had made some money to eat, someone going around and eating the found on stands in less than a second before running away was sure to be talked about quite a bit.

Gustave still wasn't around unfortunately so he couldn't ask him to ram into stuff for shits and giggles.

As for Vlas, just like Numquacaptus, he would be practicing his usual hobbies, with this kind of things happening in the city, the Holy order would have to intervene, they always intervened in any situations that even slightly went against their ideals.

Speaking of which, he had no idea what these ideals were exactly apart from they were very much not in line with his activities.


Tarrare had known Vlas since childhood, as far as he could remember Vlasfimia had always been a complete lunatic, it had always seemed like this was just how he was and life had only perfected his lunacy.

However, mad people resonated with one another and Vlas had found Tarrare unending appetite to be quite interesting and useful, after all Tarrare would really eat anything, be it dirt or rotten remains of a fellow human nothing was off limit for Tarrare, as such Vlas had had used this appetite to get rid of some of his most early 'activities' as he sometimes called them.

An euphemism that somehow never sounded like one when coming from him, he had never been caught and yet it seemed like everyone just knew he did at the same time, a true paradox that Tarrare had stopped trying to understand.

When he had asked him some help to distract the Holy order, it hadn't been a surprise, he never truly understood why Vlasfimia had such a dislike for anything even remotely holy, he always went out of his way to get rid of clerics and such, there was a reason Bcoudnege was a dead zone when it came to priests and clerics.

The only slight worry he had was what Vlas was planning to do while the Holy order was distracted, it could get messy real quick.


This week had been absolutely horrible, suddenly, a well known murdered had started striking in the nearby city or perhaps a copycat, a grostesque individual had absolutely gobbled up the whole of some food merchants products in seconds.

And lots of people had suddenly disappeared or been found unrecognisable, everyone had been on high alert but no one had been able to get their hands on the perpretators, something that infuriated the members of the camp, they had utterly focused on trying to catch them and now, they were all thinking that they maybe should have paid attention to the forest, has an enormous amount of monsters of all kinds were pouring out toward their camp, all burning with the flame that had suddenly appeared in the dungeon.

Not too long after the sun had set and the darkness of the night had set in, a bright orange shape was thrown above the walls of their camp and suddenly grew in height, clear for all to see, the afflicted did not only see it, they had felt attracted toward it and for a change, the whispers changed and told them to go toward it, taken by surprise and severely outnumbered, the camp of the Holy order was burned to the ground, only the burnt marks left on the ground were testament to its existence in the past.

Not many would have noticed it, however, one skilled in mana detection would be able to tell that the holy mana had completely disappeared, replaced by basic mana and another mana of an unknown element.

When the space mage teleported to get the supplies, he immediately noticed this after, of course, noticing that the camp was not there anymore, he had teleported only a day after the camp had burned and no member of the Holy order had yet to show up on this site.

This event was certain to trigger the rage of the Holy order, a rage much distant from the concept of holy wrath but holy anger nonetheless.