
Here comes Mr. Martin and other reflections

This is a collection of short stories that invite you to think about various topics the invitation is open since wisdom is for everyone. the rest is left to you

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141 Chs

It is an illusion

A fortune swindler Amaso was gloating over his fortune.- oh what joy it brought him when counting his treasures, there was no man on earth happier than he only had to surrender to pleasure, on the other side was an old man who saw Pity the scammer that poor boy believed the illusion.

It is an illusion to believe that he will obtain some wealth and for that reason, you will not obtain any consequences, the wise man today was once also a fraudster and he served his sentence.

Today he could see this man so similar to his past that he wanted to warn, but the other wanted to argue. It's an illusion, the old man snapped, The young man ignored him, well at least he tried.


Proverb 21:6

The riches obtained with lies are a passing illusion of those seeking death.