
Herald Of The Time

There was a peaceful Kingdom of Helio, located in the South. The King of The Southern Kingdom was blessed with a child and a prophecy one held. The Child will overcome his father for the future of the nation, the father was humiliated of the prophecy and started to treat the child with a cold shoulder. Luca Maximilian, the child who will overcome the nation will happen in the next years and blessed by the God of Celestial Time and Universe.

Hana_eMeta · Fantasía
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4 Chs

The God

He accompany me and suddenly I ask him what will happen If I become a ruler.

"Brother, I was afraid.. Soon I will be the ruler of our nation. I think I'm not fit to be the next ruler of it" It would take me a long time to realize that the nation was the closest thing had to the devils. Most of my time was spent from knowing what will happen in the future .

"I understand, you should just think like father or.. Like me, sometimes knowing something doesn't make it all fine. Just be responsible and be a great king" he said calmly while looking at me.

My brother was concerned. For the first few years, he tried very hard to keep me in line. He tried convincing me that it didn't really matter what happened to me because it only mattered that we be happy, that is. That I be grateful for the opportunity to be a part of the Royal family of Helio.

So he kept me on the straight and narrow. If I did anything wrong or did something that he didn't like, the consequences would simply be that if I hadn't been, this would've happened. We had a lot of debates. His was better at getting the right answers, or as close to right as he could get. Unfortunately, not everyone is like my brother, some of them even have a better way of looking down on humans.

If I can just see the future, I can definitely change it for the better future. The future is here, the present is gone. The fact that I wanted to be a sacred person for the god in order for her to give me a strength to see and know the future.

Between life and death, I guess I most prefer death than my own life being tortured like this by my own father.

"I need to go now, I I'll see you around. Luca" he said and left me at the staircase.

A heavy sigh of exhaustion escaped from my mouth as I started to head up again. It has been few weeks since we've been staying together and ever since that day on the hall, I felt that being the youngest is really a burden to the family.

We're not really close. They didn't like me much, but they always make sure I'm safe and well looked after. It's just the same routine every single week. I don't feel too comfortable with that though, because there are moments when I want them to acknowledge my presence...but no. That wouldn't do.

So instead of talking to the people who care about me, or even trying to find any new way to survive... I keep myself busy. I drown my own self to the training to be the next ruler, trying out some magic that's impossible for me to control, having a contract with a God of Celestial Time.

I can't even think to this point, if I ever let down on her... she'll kill me for sure. But if I don't didn't let her down, she will give me her blessings to be a crown King in the near future.

She knows all my weaknesses, all the secrets I could tell her. So what's the chance of me actually succeeding on my mission? I still have doubts, even if my Brother was right about it all. If she did help me...she's a bad person right?

But she also made an exception for me... Should I give her something in return?

Should I give her a simple ceremony? or a fascinating war?

But she also made an exception for me... Should I give her something in return?

Should I give her a simple ceremony? or a fascinating war?

I keep thinking if I give her a surprise to convince her but I can't think the best way is. I was now at my room again looking down and keeping my thoughts in a way that I can think for her to kill my very own father.

Maybe...no, that would be wrong. She would think I was playing a trick! No, that wouldn't do either. It has to be something special. Wait.... The Bookshelf!

I immediately rush to the Bookshelf and remembered that I had a book where some history of gods are. If I knew what she wants, she will give me what I want.

"Where is it? Come on! Where is that thing- Found it!"

The Book of eternity which every god of our nation is written in one book. "I hope this will help me" I said to myself and immediately opens the book, I saw countless of gods in the past thousands of years.

'I can't believe that we have much god' after seeing the other pages I finally saw what I wanted to saw.

"Meta, Eternal God of Helio, also known as the 'Mother of all wars', it means that if I gave her a war... then she can give me what she wants!!" when I close the book a figure appear in front of me making shivers through my body.

"You finally knew what I always wanted. I am known as the mother of all wars, second supreme ruler after my mother pass the tittle to me and the most known Brutal God in the current generation, to be honest I hate this generation. No wars, what kind of kingdom without a wars in this place?" she exclaimed and grin at me like she wanted to take my soul to her.

"I'll give you the war you always wanted and you kill my father! If I can't give you the war then take my soul" I said and she smiled at me with a terror on her face.

"Deal, but I'll give you a two months for this war thing, but if you didn't follow everything I'll take the soul of every people in this nation"

She said making me feel more scared than ever.

"I understand" I say looking down.

"Great, now bye-bye~." she said before she disappeared, the next few days were not good for me; I suddenly cough with blood in my hands when I was having a speech to my people. I lost my temper making everyone scared at me and called me a monster for acting like one.

This is not good for me... I need to calm myself so that my people won't suffer, but it's very hard for me since no one believed in me. My Father never talked to me after the speech, my coming of age ceremony is near and I only have two months for the war.

I'll make everything possible.

* * * * * * * *

As I opened the door to get ready for dinner, I saw my brother looking at me with a serious face. I hope he didn't hear my conversation with her or else I'm doomed.

"You make an contract with a god? You bring her war and she will bring you the life you wanted? Is that it? Answer me!". He said making me feel neglected by my own brother.

"I did for the best... I saw the future, she said the nation will be in not a good condition and the only thing is kill father. So it will bring peace". I said without any hesitation to him.

"You could've said that to me so I can help you, not to make a contract with a god in exchange of war!"

"I apologize... Brother... But this is for the best." I said directly to him and left the him in the room alone and as I can see that he still couldn't believe that his younger brother would betray everyone in the nation.

End of Chapter 2.