
Northern Natives (Part-3)

Following the recount of the initial contact between the Margraves and the natives, for the next half an hour or so, Lord Janus went to describe what happened next.

The immense change to their lifestyles as well as the various atrocities committed against them had made the natives renounce many of their peaceful beliefs, and under the leadership of their charismatic leader, they quickly began to transform themselves.

It was something that went completely unnoticed by the slacking Margraves, who was too engrossed in reaping the benefits of the flourishing trade, swimming in their gold piles and counting the stacks and stacks of coins they were reaping.

But unbeknownst to them, this free, unrestricted trade of goods was also exactly also helped the natives. 

Even more funnily, sometimes even the Margraves family unknowingly helped their most hated foe, as they were one of the largest weaponsmiths on the island.