
Chapter 53

hanging on his lips.

"Cole, you know, I was hoping you moved on after the bad deal," he said, dragging the cigarette and puffed thick smoke into the air.

Cole dropped a picture on the table, he peered at it "who is that Cole?" he askes, surprised about it.

"I am looking for who is the King of the underworld, that is his picture taken twenty years ago, no one has ever seen him an again, I know, you will have few things on him, Jeff," he said, and took a little can from his breast pocket, removed the cock and drank from it.

Jeff squinted his eyes at the picture "you are crazy man, this is the toughest King of the underworld, he was the one who pulled Chin out and pinned it on Bill, I am sorry, Cole, I can't help you on this" he said.

Cole ignored him and dropped a paycheque on the table "that is one million dollars, how about that?" he asked and reclined on the chair.

Jeff became greedy, he hesitated and finally smiled mischievously "Cole, you gotta be kidding me, man, I just told you, you gonna be killed if I say anything to you, you paying?" he asked, surprised by his tacts of getting the truth from him.

Cole slapped another paycheque on the table "that is another one million dollars, this bucks and more are for information" he stated.

Jeff shrugged in resignation "I will tell you, Sylvester Dons Lacruz is the man in charge of the underworld, he has been invisible lately, no one knows where his base is, he is everywhere and he is nowhere, has a lot of footmen, and he is trying a hit on Chin and Bill" Jeff let the cat out.

Jeame arched his eyebrows "go to sleep" he answered, and stood from the chair, he quietly went over to his bed and laid down, Jeane watched in surprise, wondering why he always acting that way.

"goodnight," he said and shut his eyes.

Jeane exhaled and finally walked out of the room.

Arial listened happily when the Butler was narrating about Joseph's childhood "Jo, was a boy who fight a lot, and he always tells people about his older brother even when he wasn't asked, he took Jeane away, for a road trip when she was still crawling" Arial was shocked about that.

"How did he manage the baby?" she asked surprised, Jo's butler shook his head "He eventually didn't go on the road trip, Jeane was a very playful kid when she was little, she cried a lot, when he was about to drive out, so Jo cancelled," The Butler said, smiling.

Arial laughed "why couldn't he stop her from crying?" she asked, in puzzlement.

The butler shrugged, he was only told that Joseph didn't succeed "I don't know, but he always runs away with Jeane, whenever she did something bad and was about to be reprimanded, Jo, spoilt her with care"  he