
Chapter 22


his own family.

A car parked at Bill's mansion gate, Cole looked out from his car "that some kind of money induced home" he said, and drove to the gate.

The gate gave way and he drove in, he saw security aides in strategic places around the beautiful mansion.

He came out and looked around, he loved what he saw, it was night already.

A suited man came to him "My Boss, is waiting for you" he said, and Cole followed him, he led the way into the mind-blowing building.

Bill have already been told that Cole have arrived, he sat in his sitting room awaiting his arrival.

The man he sent to bring in Cole walked in "Boss, he is here" he said, and Cole stepped in.

He squinted his eyes at the man sitting down and realized Bill, the famous billionaire was the one who had invited him over.

Bill stood and stretched his hand for a handshake, "I am Bill" he introduced himself.

Cole was surprised he didn't realize such a man that can make the entire state move on his command is acquiring his service, his throat became dried "I know" he muttered.

"sit, Cole" Bill ordered, and settled, when he saw that Cole had settled "I have a business for you, there are people that are after my granddaughter's life, I am suspecting Chin, but I don't think it is entirely Chin, you have to snoop around for me, to get who else that want my daughter," he said.

"that will cost you, you know, money do the works" Cole commented and reclined on the chair he is sitting on.

Just then, Carl walked in, the Butler "Carl" Cole called him by his name, he now understood that he have been doing business for Bill but Carl was the one fronting.

"Cole" Carl smiled knowingly, Bill got up "you have to continue with, Carl," he said and left.

Keane stood, hopelessly, he stopped a taxi and hopped in, he tried the number once again, but it was switched off.

He kept on trying but the call didn't call, his heart throbbed, he became agitated, he tried the number once again, he gave up when the call didn't connect for the umpteenth time.

He couldn't wait to leave for the airport, suddenly a message got on his phone, he opened it, and saw a video of his mom and dad alive, but were both in hostage.

"It isn't over, don't leave the City" he read the message attached to the video, "stop me here" he requested, the taxi driver peered at him from the rearview and wonder what is up with him.

"Hey, we are not in the airport, kid, so, why the sudden change of plans?" he asked surprised, he had fixed the money into what he could have gotten after dropping off Keane.

Keane furrowed his brows "I changed plans, stop me here" he demanded.

The taxi driver brought the car to a