
Her Unheard Plea: An Unheard Desire

This book is for a more 'mature' audience. --- Gennivee Swartz, born and raised in Montreal Canada suddenly inherits a daycare centre all the way in America. With her heart telling her to go even though the area isn't safe, she leaves to fulfil the duties of her fate. After moving, she meets the handsome King that works on her last nerve. With the troubles, she already has, the troubles of the daycare centre she needs to deal with and the troubles of the hood, well, let's just see how she deals with it all. Reviews and comments welcomed. Cover art by: the_nerd.artist On Scribblehub, Inkitt

VanessaNicole2 · Ciudad
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11 Chs

King’s Affection (2)

King woke up and looked around. He looked over at Genn who was asleep on his arm with parted lips. He smiled down at her thinking of what happened earlier on. He moved his arm from under her head and placed a pillow under her head.

He kissed her cheek and closed her with the covers. Leaving the room he went to the bathroom and took a shower. Coming back into the room he found Genn facing the windows with her back to him. It was dark outside around eight surprising him in the fact that he managed to sleep well another night.

He got dressed in all black and went downstairs meeting an empty kitchen. He looked around for the food that was here earlier on but couldn't find it in the fridge. Travis walked in meeting King's furious gaze.

"What?" he asked when King faced him.

"What happened to the food I bought?" he asked while sighing.

"Oh… I gave it away, I was going to order others since that shit was cold besides, you can't feed your wife cold food," he said motioning for King to step out.

The two of them met up with Jason at the trap house and did what they normally did. Late in the evening, around 2 a.m, King returned home and jumped into the shower. When he was done, he towel dried himself and went to bed naked.

He found Genn still asleep but she now had clothes on. His tracksuit pants and a shirt. He got in behind her and wrapped his arm around her then pulled her towards. He kissed the back of her dishevelled hair and laid his head down.

"You're back," she mumbled.

"Mn, you're awake?" he asked snuggling closer.

"No, what happened to my food?" she asked while hugging his arm and yawning.

"Travis fed it to the boys, he said he'd get you something else to eat," he answered with a frown and opened his eyes, "Didn't you get it?"

"No," she answered.

King got up out of bed and went to check the fridge. He found nothing and grew angry. Picking up his phone he dialled Travis' number.

"Yes?" he answered.

King, "Don't yes me! Genn's awake and she's hungry, where the fuck is the food?"

Travis, "Your ass kept me busy, I never got to getting it for her."

"Fuck!" King cussed and slammed his phone down cracking the screen. There was no restaurant nor stall open around here at two thirty in the morning. He jogged back upstairs when an idea popped into his mind and quickly got dressed.

Going to the bed, he kissed her on the forehead telling her that he'd be back soon with something to eat. Genn wanted to stop him from leaving but he left before she even opened her eyes. King raced downstairs and got into his car.

Racing down the streets he stopped opposite Genn's house and got out of the car. He went through the gate and knocked on the door. Opening the door, Mama Alice opens the door with her husband Eldred beside her.

King looked at his parents disapprovingly and shook his head. When the Miller's saw it was their son they sighed and opened.

"What brings you here son?" his father asked.

Kissing his mother and hugging her he said, "Well I'm here for food."

"For food?" his mother asked surprised.

He sat down on the couch while he watched his mother walk into the kitchen and dig in the fridge, "Yeah, I bought a whole lot of food for Gennivee to eat but Travis gave it away. Now she's awake and hungry and there's no food in my fridge."

Eldred looked at his son with a frown, "Why is she at your house?"

Turning to his father he answered, "I made her my woman."

"And she accepted?" Alice asked as she walked in with the food in a packet.

"No, she said she's using me for my money," he answered with a defeated look on his face.

Eldred burst out laughing and nodded his head approving of her words, "Well she does need the money."

"But she has a good heart and she's beautiful. Da'vonte Royal Miller, if you do anything to harm that poor girl, I will beat your ass and disown you," his mother interjected.

He sighed and got up. Kissing his mother on the cheek he saluted his father and left with the food. He arrived home shortly and headed upstairs after placing the food in the microwave. The bedroom was still dark and he could hear snores coming from Genn's side of the bed.

He sat down beside her and switched on the lamp. Her nose scrunched making him chuckle. "Wake up," he shook her lightly but she refused and closed her head with the covers.

He rolled his eyes and ripped the sheets from her hands and spanked her butt. She yelped as her eyes shot open and glared at him. He stood up and threw her over his shoulder then stalked out of the room with her not putting up a fight.

Sitting her down on the bar stool he looked at her who still had her eyes closed and smirked. She opened her eyes meeting his smirk then dropped her hands into her palms and whined, "Why are you doing this?"

"Aren't you hungry?" he asked removing her hands from her face.

"I am but I can wait," she said looking up at him with a frown.

"I don't want to leave you hungry after asking you over," he answered making her give in.

He brought the warm food to her and poured her a glass of ice water which she frowned at but didn't complain.

She started eating and her eyes widened at the delicious mild curry and vegetables. King smiled watching her eat. He was happy that his parents approved of her and according to them, she was fond of his parents too. She liked him he guessed but he knew he liked her, what was not to like about a woman like her?

She was wide awake after eating and stretched her body. King took the dirty dishes to the dishwasher and loaded them in. he returned to her side and looked down at her with an emotion he hadn't felt in years.

"What are you looking at?" she asked him as she rested her hands on his strong shoulders.

"I'm looking at the woman I want to make my queen?" he answered. Genn looked away from him sighing and asked, "Why are you so interested in me?"

"Well, when I saw you I saw confidence, you know what you want and I like that about you. It's that and many other things that I won't inform you about," he answered mocking her.

He leaned down and kissed her. Their kiss grew quickly heated but he pulled back so she could breathe and asked against her neck as he kissed his way down, "Are you ready for another round?"

"No!" she answered strongly making him pull back. He looked down at her confused, questioning her with his eyes.

"My vagina hurts," she answered making him stifle his laughed. He hugged her tightly and whispered his sorry to her and praised her for being good in bed.

He swayed his body as he hugged her then realized that they had unprotected sex. He didn't know if she had a disease or an STD. "I know this might be a dumb question and it's too late to ask it but do you have a disease or STD you mind telling me about?"

Genn didn't answer him for a long time which made King pull back and look at her. She stared blankly at him because she just realized that they had unprotected sex and he came in her two times already.

"Genn?" he called her gaining her attention. She snapped out of her daze and shook her head, "No, do you?"

"No, but why did you take so long to answer?" he asked worried thinking that she might be lying.

"Because I just realized that you came inside me," she stated the obvious. It finally clicked making him curl his mouth into an o then frown.

"We can go to the chemist later in the morning," he suggested.

Her eyes diverted, "I have church."

"Then I'll go get it myself," he stated not caring much.

Genn nodded her head but just the thought that ran through her mind of a baby had her feeling happy. Maybe she shouldn't have mentioned it to him but then again he didn't seem like he wanted one since he jumped at the thought of getting a pill first thing in the morning. 'I don't have to drink it,' she thought and decided that that's what she was going to do.

The two of them went back to the bedroom and went to bed. King fell asleep while Genn's mind raced with the possibility of her being pregnant soon, made her feel excited. So excited that she didn't sleep and got up early to get ready for church.

King was still asleep so she phoned Travis who complained about being woken up so early but still picked her up. He dropped her off at home and told her that lunch was on him since he owed her for the food he gave away.

She got dressed since she showered two times at Da'vonte's place and just brushed her teeth and put lotion on then got dressed in a beautiful long white dress that had blue and purple flowers on it.

It was fifteen minutes until church began so she slipped on her white heels walked over to the church. On her way she saw Alice and Eldred who walked with her and spoke about how lovely the day was today.

Alice and Eldred kept looking at each other sending signals to one another about being happy to have her in their life. Before the service, she was introduced to many parents who came to her introducing themselves and other people of the community.

After church the pastor called her to the side, "Gennivee, why didn't you ask me before painting the build?"

She stared at the man before with a forced smile and said, "I was under the impression that you didn't care for the building, that's why you left it unmaintained for so long, so forgive me pastor if I am trying to fix what you don't want to."

Having said what she did she turned around not wanting to hear his bullshit objections. She stalked out of the church furious forgetting about Eldered and Alice who were waiting for her. She walked back to her home and slammed the door behind her. Grabbing a pillow she screamed into it to relieve stress then sat down and sighed.

"Lord, you have a crook working for you," she said. Getting up she went to her room and undressed herself. She pulled on a blue tracksuit with matching flops then started working on a few things on her laptop.

Ten minutes later, a door was being banged on which irritated her further. She walked up to it and saw that Travis and Da'vonte and Jason were standing there with frown on their faces.

She opened the gate for them and the trio made themselves at home.

"What happened?" King asked her.

"Nothing why?" she answered typing away at her laptop.

"You have a frown on your face and I heard you looked angry when you left church," he answered staring at her back.

She turned around slowly and looked at him, "Who told you?"

"A bird chirped in my ear," he answered not wanting to tell her that it was his parents.

She rolled her eyes then turned back to the laptop answering him, "That pastor asked me, why did I not ask him for permission to paint the building."

King scoffed, "What was your answer?"

"I told him off, that fucker didn't give two shits about the place and now he wants to stop me from fixing it up!" she said as she typed angrily away at the keyboard.

King remained silent but gave a silent command to both Jason and Travis to take care of this problem. When the two of them left, he picked her up from the floor and sat her down on his lap. Rubbing his hand up and down her back he said, "Don't be angry, I'll sort him out for you, just concentrate on what you want to do… Travis told me the playing equipment needed to be fixed, I know someone so I can call in a favour on Monday," he suggested.

Genn looked at him for a moment then nodded her head, "It all needs to be replaced and we need to fertilize the ground, I want to put in a little garden too and fix the windows," she said making him smile.

They sat there in silence staring into each other than Da'vonte remembered. He shifted slightly and pulled a packet out of his pocket. It was the dreaded blue pill. She held out her hand and he placed it in the centre.

She kissed him on the cheek then got up and went to the kitchen. Opening up the cabinet she placed the packet with the pill inside it and pulled out the glass next to her hand. Pouring a glass of tap water she drank it then left it in the sink.

Walking back to the lounge she saw that Da'vonte was tapping away at his phone which made her narrow her eyes on him. She moved her attention to the laptop and went back to work.