
Her True Happiness

Mi-Young had everything a girl can ask for except for two things, true happiness and the freedom to make her own decisions. Up until now her life was always controlled by her father and now her brother as well. What happens when she is faced with an unwanted marriage proposal, as well as falling in love with her brother's rival.

Tabi409 · Famosos
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11 Chs

Welcome Back

A car pulled up into the underground parking lot of the Seoul Deluxe Apartments. One of the chauffeurs quickly made their way to open the door for the passenger in the backseat.

"Welcome back, Mr Wang. I hope you had an enjoyable flight," the chauffeur said with a smile.

"Yes I did, thank you. It is lovely to see you again Mr. Cho. I hope my apartment is ready for me," he asked before heading towards the door.

"Yes sir, everything has been arranged according to your liking. Your vehicle will be arriving early tomorrow morning as well sir."

"Thank you Mr. Cho, I'm grateful for all your hard work," he said, "And please call me Jackson. You've worked for my family for many years and I've always seen you as a part of the family. It's only fair to treat you as such," Jackson concluded with a smile.

Mr. Cho was caught off guard by the request. All he could do was nod and give Jackson a smile. He has known Jackson for many years and he was more than just his employer's heir to him. He treated him like he was his very own and was always there for him.

"Of course, sir... I mean Jackson," Mr. Cho responded shyly.

Jackson soon made his way towards the elevator and pressed the button for the top floor. The Wang family owned the penthouse at the top of the floor along with the building as well. Jackson's father was one of the property owners in China, including apartments and hotels. He had branched out to South Korea in the hopes of making the business an international brand.

Jackson had planned to move back to Seoul in order to finish his studies and of course head up the Korean branch for his dad. He was very ambitious and hardworking. In fact he planned on helping his father achieve his goal making the business a success.

Once he arrived in his apartment he poured himself a glass of whiskey and took out his phone. He dialed a familiar number hoping that the person on the other end would pick up his call.

"Hello," a manly voice responded on the other end.

"Jinyoung, it's been a while," Jackson said cheerfully.

"Jackson, my main man. It's been a while indeed. How have you been?" He asked.

"I've been well man, just been busy with work and school. Listen, I'm calling to inform you that I've moved back to Seoul. We should make a plan to meet up soon," he suggested.

"You don't have to ask me twice, how's tomorrow night at Club Double Trouble?" he asked.

"Whoa!! That place is still standing? I heard it was going to be shutdown."

"That was the plan but it's under new ownership," Jinyoung explained.

"Well, sounds great to me. I'll meet you there at about 8pm," he said.

"Sure thing, can't wait to see you again buddy," he said.

"Likewise, have a lovely evening further," he said before ending the call.

Jackson walked towards the apartment window and looked at the view of the city. He wondered to himself who could have taken over Club Double Trouble. The club had been going through a lot of issues in the past few months to the point everyone thought it was going to shut down. One way or another he was going to find out.

(Kim House)

Mi-Young woke up before her alarm went off. She barely slept a wink last night after what her father had told her. It was bad enough that she had to always report to her dad and brother about her whereabouts and now they wanted to get her married to someone who she had always seen as an older brother. She couldn't accept this alliance in fact she had planned on telling her father that she refuses to marry Jin and wants to live her life her own way.

She got out of bed and put on her slippers and decided to go and speak to her father before he left again. When she got downstairs she saw Nam-joon was sitting in the dining room having his breakfast.

"That's odd, normally your minions are here surrounding you," she said sarcastically.

"Good morning to you too, Lil sis," he responded with a smile.

"Wish I could say the same. Have you seen dad, I need to talk to him?" she asked.

"Dad left early for his next trip and said he'll be gone for about 3 months," he said.

"Great!!" she muttered to herself.

"Why, what's up?" he asked curiously.

"Don't worry about it, you've done enough damage as it is," Mimmi said, making her way towards the door.

"Oh come on Mimmi, this alliance will be good for you. Dad and I just want to see you happy," Nam-joon said.

Mi-Young stopped in her tracks and made her way towards her brother.

"Joonie, I know you better than anybody else in this world. You're up to something and you're using my happiness as an excuse to succeed," she said, eyeing her brother.

Nam-joon looked at his twin sister and just gave her a smile, knowing full well she was right. However, she didn't need to know the motive behind the alliance. Even though they were twins he had always seen her as his younger sibling and there were certain aspects about their family he wanted to protect her from.

"I don't know what you mean by that," he said with a smile.

"Damn it Joonie, it's enough now!!" she yelled at her brother.

Up until now, Mi-Young has done everything her father had told her to do. Which school to attend, who to hang out with and where to hang out. She never experienced true freedom from her family. Things changed when Joonie joined the family business but not for the better. He allowed her to go out whenever she wanted to, provided she had a bodyguard with her at all times. That just created more attention for her at varsity and no guy was willing to ask her out because Vinny was always hovering around her.

She didn't see the point of having a bodyguard when Nam-joon was also attending the same varsity. Part time yes, but he always kept tabs on her regardless.

"Mi-Young, whatever dad and I do is for your happiness. I promised mom that I would always protect you."

"Don't patronise me Joonie, this feels more like hell for me then happiness," she said tearing up. "From now on, keep your business to yourself and let me live my life my own way."

She then made her way back upstairs in order to get ready for her first class. She didn't know how she was going to get out of this but she had to; no matter the cost.

Edited by Tristen Everitt