
Chapter 29 : Family Ties


I turned off my phone when I got home. I knew what would happen. Rob or Michael or Nick would call, and I couldn’t deal with any one of them right now. How could I be so stupid? I’d fallen for three of my clients, and that just wasn’t okay.

I crawled into bed without eating dinner and covered my head. I wished I could just stay there forever, and never have to deal with the mess I’d created.

When I woke up the next morning, I felt raw. I didn’t want to move or think, but I knew I at least needed to check in with Mandy. If I didn’t show up to work without calling, she’d send a whole SWAT team here to check on me.

I was glad I’d turned off my phone, though. I had so many notifications, it made me want to scream.

“Don’t worry,” Mandy had texted, “This is all going to blow over.”

What the hell was she talking about? Was there something else in the news now? Shit, I really couldn’t take any more.