

She is escaping from her past. But what happens if she comes across someone related to whom she is running from. Will she be able to leave her past or let it be a part of her? Even more she is attracted to someone she shouldn't be. Will she be able to live freely? What happens when secrets are exposed?

Gurin · Adolescente
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5 Chs


Just like that, it was morning and I was tired as I didn't have enough sleep last night all thanks to my nightmares that never let me live peacefully always making me remember my past that I try so hard to forget but to no avail.

Not in a mood to cook I went to a nearby cafe to eat. I sat on my usual seat and ordered myself some coffee and donuts to go with it.

I was recalling my past life and how I ran from it.

For now, u should know that I am 21 yrs girl who ran from her house when she had enough of her sufferings. I ran away to live a life that I want without having to ask someone else if I can do this or that. THERE is another reason as to why I left but it's for another time.

I was brought out from my thoughts by the ringing of my phone.






Hey, Eva what's up...


Nothing much just having my breakfast.


So are u free tonight?




Some of my friends and I are going to the club so I just want to drag u along.


No, I don't want to.


Yes, u are...




No buts it's final otherwise if I come, u will have to wear the dress that I pick.


No need... no need... I will come, just send me the address.


Okie..see u soon. Bie bie and Dont forget to wear something hot.



If Ivy was to pick a dress for me then I would have looked no less than a slut that's what I would like to say about sexy revealing clothes which I don't like and can't wear cause of some reasons that I don't wanna talk about... YET.

It was about 8:00 p.m. when I reached the club. Ivy was already there probably waiting for me to have my ass there.

I got out of my car and walked to her.



You look like a bomb girl...


You are no less girlfriend.


Hahaha... let's go everyone is waiting for us.


We linked our arms and went inside but not before showing the bouncer our identities who were looking us up and down.

Once inside I was greeted by the view of barely dressed girls straddling men, kissing like there is no tomorrow. Their hands were roaming to GOD KNOWS WHERE...if u know where do tell me...

She dragged me to one of the corners where her friends were seated. After the introductions, we ordered ourselves drinks.

The thing is I don't have many friends cause many of my EX-friends befriended me cause of my money or to get near my ex-boyfriends. That's why I just stopped making friends except for Ivy who was always there when I needed her the most rest were GOD knows where that time. It's better to have one true friend rather than many fake ones.

Still, it was nice to talk with them. They didn't seem like those snobby rich bitches who like to have an attitude or even show off... if u understand what I wanna say.

Anyhow, I ordered myself tequila shots and today I am in a mood to get full-on drunk. To make the night fun Ivy choose to play truth and dare but without any bottle just in a turn wise manner like if I ask u a question u will answer and then further ask a person of ur choice Truth and Dare and it will keep on going till we wish it to end...


(RIA- Ivy's friend)

So Evelyn TRUTH or DARE.




No fun but let's make it simple... so do u have a boyfriend?




Now let's see...ann. Ivyyy TRUTH or DARE




Brave...so I dare u to make out with....the guy over there

*pointing somewhere near us*


Easy Peasy...Just wait and learn girls.


She made her way to their place and said something in his ear. And then without wasting time she straddled him and winked our way indicating us to watch. She slowly moved her face towards him not before moving her hairs to the side providing us a great view. Her lips captured his, one hand on his neck and the other trailing his chest. His hands were on her neck and ass squeezing them.

Girls were cheering her telling her to go full in and I was simply watching having my drinks smiling knowingly that she is gonna get laid tonight.


