
Chapter 4.

We talked with Emily for a long time and I told her that most likely the crown prince is my mate, she was shocked but also overjoyed at the same time.

,, I can't believe, my mate and yours are best friends so we could be together forever, i am so happy" she said.

Than i told her that Sebastian will come tomorrow so we could talk, she was more excited than me.

I am also happy for the first time i have someone that i could call my best friend and tell her everything and i just feel good around her.I am her maid but she never treat me like one, also she is always kind with me and she isn't botherd about who i am or my past. She just love me for why i am.

I think she also know that i am alpha but she is covering me, so i decided that i will protect her no matter what. She might be omega but she is the strongest person that i know.

After the long night, the morning came and I was impatiently waiting for Sebastian.

And finally he came! I could feel him from inside, i've never felt that way.I still don't know what will happen to us but i think it's worth trying.

When he entered everyone was looking at him,Emily's parents were shocked and so does everyone else.He smiled and said that he wanted to talk with me and we went outside.

In the meantime Emily's mate came and he talked with her parents.

"Hello my name is Jason, I am Emily's mate. I came here to talk about our wedding, i want i to happen as soon as passible.

"We are so happy that you are our doughter's mate, we will support you with everything.

They started to plann the wedding because he didn't want to prolong anything and just wanted to be with her.

Strangly her parents ware proud of her for the first time!

When Sebastian and I went outside he immediately grabbed my hand tightly and said to me

"Can I hold your hand please, i won't ask for more just this is fine".

I smiled and said

"Yes you can"

We sat on a bench and started talking.

"Although I am not sure of my feelings, we can try to be together and see what time will bring us.

"This is the most valuable sentence that i heard in my life" he said

His blue eyes sparkled. I can't deny i was attracted to him.

I was wet with only one glance of his!

He suddenly grabbed me by the neck and pulled me towards him, then he kissed me. "You are my world, I will do anything for you" he whispered in my ear

My heart was beating too fast, I looked at him and said

"Don't disappoint me."

"I promise I won't" he said

"You know I am not from the North, how will you explain that to your parents?"

"I don't care what they think, I can do anything for you as long as you are happy." Sebastian said.