
Her Revenge: Their Destrustion

Cyskkk_17 · Fantasía
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1 Chs

The Beginning

In gardens of grace, a rose did bloom,

Its petals adorned in nature's perfume.

A tapestry of colors, delicate and fine,

A masterpiece of beauty, a moment in time.

But alas, a misstep, an unintentional tread,

Crushed the rose's splendor, filled hearts with dread.

Its vibrant life snuffed out, by a passerby's fate,

Yet its brief, brilliant existence, we celebrate.

For in that fleeting moment of beauty and grace,

The rose left its mark in this transient space.

Though crushed and defeated, it once stood so tall,

A reminder that even fragile things can enthrall.

In the garden of life, we too may stumble and fall,

But the memory of our bloom will linger for all.

For in the face of destruction, we can still shine,

Just like the rose, a symbol of resilience divine