
Her Revenge Plan Gone Wrong

Jesse and Harlem have been best friends since they were ten years old. They have been through a lot of trauma that bonded them together. It was always them against the world. They realize they have feelings that go beyond friendship and start dating at thirteen. Jesse never thought anything could separate them until one Harlem's sleeps at Jesse step cousins place and they end up sleep together. Heart broken that her own family would betray her like this, Jesse sets out to make both of them pay and hurt them the way they hurt her. Jesse plans out her revenge on her step cousin but what she did not plan for was falling in love with the person she was using to avenge her broken heart and ruin her cousin. Will Jesse take another chance at love or will she continue to be bitter and follow through with her plan and lose the chance at something special.

Jenna_Proctor · Adolescente
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5 Chs

Party Time

Harlem and I can hear music blaring from the apartment as we get off the elevator. "Looks like they have a head start already", Harlem laughs in agreement. He stops and turns me to face him as he slowly and gently pushes me up against the hallway wall, his lips finding mine instantly. My arms automatically snake around his neck as he presses me harder up against the wall. Just then, the apartment door opens. Nikki looks at us with a devilish grin. "I see you two are having your own party in the hall". She starts laughing. "Shut up Nikki''. I smirked back at her as we walked towards her. She pulls me in for a hug and whispers in my ear" that boy wants in your pants so badly". I nudged her in the ribs hoping she would stop talking. She throws her hands up to say I surrender and we both burst out laughing. "Come on, I've been waiting for you guys so we can do some shots''. I look at Harlem who shrugs his shoulders, "She's your sister", he says, as we walk inside. "Geez,thanks for the help", I reply sarcastically, as we head towards the kitchen and I see the table full of liquor bottles and shot glasses. Just then, Ashlynn walks into the kitchen wearing a little too much makeup and a dress that barely leaves anything to the imagination. Her blonde curls bounced as she walked like she was on a catwalk. She turns and gives Harlem a seductive smile, "hey Harlem, glad you could make it". Harlem politely says hi back and looks at me. Ashlynn then looks me up and down, shaking her head. "Jesse, is that what you plan on wearing tonight?" she snickers. "Hi, Ashlynn. Nice to see you too, and yes, this is what I am wearing. Some of us would like to keep one guessing what is under our clothes, unlike someone". She laughs and shrugs, "suit yourself,I just think you could put a bit more effort in, at least for Harlem's sake" and saunters into the living room where the rest of the group is hanging out. Ashlynn has always made it her mission to point out any of my flaws. I have chalked it up that she is so insecure about herself that the only way she feels better is if she is putting others down. Harlem can feel the tension rise, "Babe I think you look beautiful". Don't let Ashlynn get in your head. At this point, I am frustrated and head to the table and start pouring a line of shots. I threw back the first one, ignoring the burning in my throat. Followed by two more trying to calm my nerves. " Wow Jesse, slow it down or you will be drunk before we get to the club". My inside voice is thinking no shit captain obvious. "That's the point, Nikki, and why does Ashlynn have to be such a Bitch all the time? '' Nikki looks at Harlem to secretly say take a hike. Harlem understands and goes and joins the others in the living room. Nikki takes a few shots and looks at me with a smile as if she just came up with some crazy idea. She grabs my hand and starts pulling me down the hallway towards her bedroom. Once inside, Nikki runs to her closet. I am standing in front of her full-length mirror looking myself up and down. I am wearing dark denim skinny jeans, a tight white tank and black ankle boots. My brown hair is up in a high pony and a few strands of hair cascading down in the front of my face and my makeup is pretty natural, nothing bold. I can't believe Ashlynn is getting in my head, making me wonder if Harlem actually wishes I dressed a little more prerogative. Just then, Nikki is in front of me holding this super short red body-con dress and a pair of black heels. "Here, go put these on, you'll look hot and Harlem won't be able to keep his hands off you". Nikki, this dress is way too short. I can't wear this' ' I said nervously. "Jesse, you need to learn to loosen up a bit, live on the wild side for once" she said with a huge grin. I take one more look in the mirror and decide screw it. I grab the dress from Nikki and head to the washroom. "That's my girl" she yells as I turn and stick my tongue out at her. "I'm going to grab us a drink, well you change" she yells from the room and leaves. I remove my clothes and pull on the dress, it has a deep plunging neckline so it shows a lot of cleavage. It hugs me in all the right places, giving a complete outline of my body and highlighting all my assets. I don't know how long I stood in the bathroom staring at myself, questioning if I should wear this. I mean it's pretty. I would even go as far as saying I do look pretty hot, but this is not me. I don't wear these revealing clothes. Just then there was a knock at the door. Nikki comes in holding two cocktails, grinning from ear to ear. "What, it's too much right, I look absolutely horrible don't I". Now I am panicking and feeling very insecure. "Actually Jesse, you look smoking hot. I think my dress looks better on you than it does on me. Here, let me zip the back for you". We both stood there looking in the mirror. Nikki smiles and says to me" let me fix your hair and add a little more makeup". I grab my cocktail and pretty much chug it back. Clearly, today is makeover day. I just hope it doesn't look like I am trying too hard.