
chapter 2 : he's the reason


"Okay tell me the reason " i said to her. I want to know the reason why she did that i hope jake is not the reason she tried to kill her self.

" while i don't know the detail but the rumor is it's because of jake " she said to me


It's like a bomb, i don't know what to say he already told her that he didn't like her why is she doing all this things to be with him? I ask my self. But i can't say anything because at least she told him about her feeling and she knows he didn't see her like a lover. I think she is better than me she have the courage to tell him how she feels about him but i can't even do that. I can't say anything because i'm not on her shoes and i don't know what i'll do if i were on her shoes.

" what the hell are you saying gabi are you sure? "I asked her again because there're so many questions on my head. In one hand hake won't do that but on the other hand he did it. But I really hope it's not because of jake.

"Yeah i think it's true that boy will do more than thus he's a bastard " gabi said to me. I can't say anything to her cause i know she don't like jake. I mean they don't like each other they are like tom and jerry fighting when ever they see eachother. They can't talk peacefully for a sec.

" okay okay i'll ask jake letter. I hooe he's not the reason " i said to her when she make an ok gesture.

... i'm waiting for jake so we can go home together. Our home is the same way but mine is closer to school.

"Hey lana were you waiting for me? " jake said to me.he calls me lana sometimes and i love it when he calls me lana. I'm a little suprised cause i though he'll come after playing basketball with his friends so i were just waiting for hime hoping he will come maybe after an hour.

" oooh heyyy you starled me " i yelled at him.

" that's what i wanted " he smiled at me.i can't take my eyes from him. His smile is like my whole world. I forget everything when he smile. It makes me happy.

We're walking and i want to ask him about lauren, is it true are you the reason she tried to kill her self, why did she do that? There're so many things i want to ask him.

" eh eh jake is there anything you want to tell " i asked him. I can ask him directly about lauren but i don't want that i want him to tell me willingly. I don't want to push him.

" while i think you also heard the rumor about lauren " he said to me

" so is it true jake? It's not right they are just talking nonsense right jake " i asked him. I hope all the rumors are lies.

" it's true, it's because of me " he told me.
