

Same time in America

Valiant sat down with his Manager, Hu Siyu in a VIP Lounge inside Bar

Valiant was from Beijing and his real name was Lin Zixin. He was from the number one richest family in Beijing and the only child of his parents. His mother couldn't give birth after him because she had childbirth complications. He studied business administration and theatre arts in America. After he graduated, he became a musician and chose Valiant as his stage name. Just like Jia, he was a very low profile person. He was ranked the No.1 richest Male musician in America. He started his musical career at age nineteen and he had released sixty songs with fifty ranked as No.1 in most song charts.

Only few people knew he was from Beijing.

"Zixin your father called today" Siyu said as he sipped his wine

"What did he say?"

"He wants you to come back home and take over Lin Corporations, his health is deteriorating by the day and he can no longer handle the affairs of the company"

Zixin didn't say anything for a very long time and Manager Hu was scared that he was going to reject his father just like he did every other time.

"Okay, prepare my things, we will be leaving for Beijing in two days" Zixin replied as he left the lounge

Lin Corporations was his family's business, it had been built from generations to generations. Lin Corporations had chains of business round Asia and other parts of the world. They had hotels, entertainment companies, restaurants, charity organizations, art galleries, boutiques etc. Lin Corporations was the number one richest company in Asia.

Immediately Zixin left, Manager Hu called CEO Lin and told him that Zixin accepted to take over the country and will be returning to Beijing in two days.

CEO Lin was happy that his son had accepted to take over from him after many refusals. He immediately informed Mrs Lin and his parents that his son was coming back. The maids in the Lin mansion prepared endlessly for Zixin return.

News soon got to the media that the next heir of Lin Corporations will be returning from America and Netizens couldn't wait to see Zixin.

Two days later

The media clouded Beijing airport to welcome Zixin. They waited for hours and they didn't see any signs of him.

Zixin didn't want to be seen by the media so he used the private terminal to leave the airport.

CEO Lin had already sent bodyguards and a car to pick Zixin up.

After minutes of driving, Zixin finally got to the Lin Mansion

Bodyguards and maids were waiting outside the mansion. They bowed their heads when they saw him and greeted him together "welcome back young master"

Zixin replied with a nod. Zixin was a man of few words, he didn't talk too much and he always had a cold and domineering air around him.

"Zixin you have grown so big, welcome back home" Mrs Lin said as soon as she saw Zixin. She ran towards him and hugged him tightly, she was really excited to see her son

"Thanks Mom, you have added weight too and you look more beautiful" Zixin smiled faintly

He walked towards his grandparents and father and hugged them as he greeted them

"Let's go and eat, I know you must be tired, we prepared a lot of dishes" CEO Lin said as he led everyone to the dinning room

The dinning table was filled with foods of all kinds. Mrs Lin had asked the maid to prepare so many dishes including Asian and American dishes because she didn't know what her son would prefer to eat.