
Her Pretty Merman

Moon_fire · Fantasía
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1 Chs

We Caught A Fish

I think I took the right part, though it could be jeopardized at any moment by the slightest mistake. I died the first time because of a few unscrupulous mistakes, but after coming back to life, I decided to choose this part, grow my power by becoming a merchant, one big enough to shake the kingdom, and then take break that unholy family with my own hands.

"Bring more rum for the captain!" Black yelled.


He slammed the mug on the table and the rest of the cohorts burst into laughter.

In my past life, never would I have imagined sitting on the same table with such people. I, a ducal princess, well-mannered and weak to the fault. A witless child that could be blinded by little lies and decieved with sweet words and fake smiles. I remember clearly how I died in my first life, it was the same day my step-brother became Duke, the Duchy was blamed for illegal trading, my so-called brother pulled me out of my room and stabbed a sword through my heart, the words that he uttered from his foul lips were clear as day, "I'm sorry, Your highness. My sister was responsible for those dealings, and I have given her a punishment that best suits her. Please forgive us."

Those words rang in my head until I was completely drowned in darkness, laying in a pool of my own blood. I understood why he killed me immediately: it was because he didn't want me to say a word, therefore, making me the scapegoat, and secondly, if I was out of the picture, he wouldn't have to worry about anyone taking his seat from him, not like I ever wanted it. But when I woke up again, it was my mother's funeral, it was like a dream, a bad dream that I was happy to wake up from, though, I partly wished I never woke up. I was reliving a day of pain, but I felt no pain, I was numb and empty, it was on that day that I decided to become a great name, incharge of my own life, I then started to carry out my plans before Ambrosie's and Ambrosia's entry.

"Captain!!!" Philip yelled, he fell on his face while running towards me.

"Why are you running around on the ship again, Philip?"

"W-we cau-caught-"

"Speak slowly." I sipped the rum from my mug.

"We caught a big fish." He managed to speak, panting heavily like he could run out of breath at any second.

"What should I do then? Take it to the kitchen or slice it up, do whatever you want with it." I stood up, heading to my private cabin.

"No, Captain!" Philip screamed again, "It's a Siren."

"What?" This time, he finally managed to get my attention. Sirens are the rarest magical creatures, they hide deep inside the sea and can never be found. My crew who were drinking with me was just as shocked, the entire cabin quietened down, no one said a word, everyone awaiting my judgement.

"Are you perhaps trying to pull my legs, Philip." Though, Philip was never one to lie. The day, I recruited him into the crew, he shivered like a leaf and stammered so much that I almost threw him of the ship, it was his first time seeing a lady of nobility, especially one of my kind, who could abandon the life of nobility to work on sea.

I threw the jacket over my shoulder and immediately followed after him, "Come with me everyone, be careful or lest it uses its powers."

The darkness and the rain obstructed my view, but there was no denying, as soon as we left the cabin, I set my eyes on the glowing blue scales, its pure silver hair shimmered under the moonlight. Sirens were creatures known for their unearthly beauty and their ability to produce crystals from their tears.

The siren was all wrapped up inside the thick net, but it barely struggled, probably wounded or out of breath.

"Captain, we could really use some money right now, the gunport and the mizzen, even your cabin needs a few more upgrades. If we sell that siren, we'd get enough." Black fiddled with his fingers, looking between me and the siren.

"We have enough money for that." I replied calmly, gripping the leather jacket that was resting on my shoulders.


"No, buts. The siren could be of use to us anyway. Keep it with us." I paused and added, "And, you should be able to calculate profits, if only you knew how much a siren's tear crystal cost."

He might not know this, but I knew. In my previous life, my ex-fiance had bought a necklace with a siren's tear crystal pendant for my step-sister in my previous life.

Ah, right. I never mentioned, it was a betrothal that was meant to happen between the first young lady from the Duke of Valois and the first young master from the Duke of Roannais, so since Ambrosia debuted before me, she was recognised as the first daughter, and therefore married my fiance in my previous life.

"Bring it to my cabin." I ordered. I saw the glances that my crew members shared but I ignored it. I knew they were worried, sirens were evil creatures after all, who knows what it might do.

I sat on my chair, impatiently tapping my fingers on the table. I could already imagine the look on my step-sister's face when she sees a siren by my side, a creature of such value and unearthly beauty could pique her interest and also her fury if it belongs to me, my lips stretched into a smile.

It's taking too long, I chuckled to myself, was I petty for wanting to see a look of anger on my step-sister's face? Well, I couldn't care any less, they took everything away from me anyway. Just so they could earn the right to succession, both her and her twin brother debuted a year earlier than me in their past life even though they were two years younger than me. It happened again in this life, on their debut party last year, Ambrosia stole the stage with her beauty, her name reached even the seaport, the beautiful 'first' daughter of Duke Valois.

On that faithful day, a few months after Mother's funeral, a beautiful blonde woman and her twin children, Ambroise and Ambrosia, were brought home. I remember the smile on father's face as he held Ambroise's little hand in his, the kids' flower-like faces and demeanor was enough to steal the heart of everyone, from the lowest of servants to the highest, there were like rays of sunshine in the dark Duchy, Ambroisa's smile also captivated my heart, my little blonde sister who I was willing to give my birthrights to. Ah, how foolish I was. I went to the privy chamber and when I was out, the siren was already there... laying on my bed...
