
Her Poison His Cure: Behind The Mask.

From a princess who once commanded several people and held high authority in the kingdom of Bu Yeo To a royal consort who now bow before others in order to survive in their hands. This was the cruel fate of princess Yuhwa, who at the end of the day was relegated to a position of a slave. How ridiculous and embarrassing!. A slave?. Not a public servant but the Emperor's personal slave.  No one had the power to take arms against the mighty Emperor of Joseon, Haemosu.  No now know the extent of the shadow emperor's powers. Some say he can command the nature surrounding the earth to do his bidding. Others says this nature such as fire, water, air, earth, sky speak to him, whispering the thought of his enemies and this nature are known as his 'Five dragon Gods' He is strong and without an equal in the mentality to fight. His anger causes new fear in his foes. He was a monster that derived joy from the chaos war, a deadly beast. ~~~ This is the journey of Princess Yuhwa, daughter of King Kim Byeon In of Buyeo kingdom. How she erased the darkness in Haemosu's heart and replaced it with lightness. Find out how she fulfilled her destiny and fought her life battle as a slave. Cover photo not mine

DreamyDays · Fantasía
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13 Chs


~Buyeo Empire, Buyeo divination palace.~

The sharp scent of incense fills the atmosphere, too much as if to scrub away the room's history. There are no windows, just blaring light that blends with the diffuse lighting that floods the room, coming from a gleaming stainless pot, brimming with fire inside it. 

The walls are lined with drawings of two legged birds; The bird's two legs represent the King of BuYeo and its succeeding prince.

This is the room where heaven revealed its message and expected it to be conveyed to the world righteously by its guardian. For better or for worse. Only heaven can decide that.

In the center of the room sitted a woman with her eyes closed. Her snowy white gown imprinted with white flowers spread around her. Her legs crossed across each other; she was meditating. 

The woman's breathing began to hyperventilate as unfamiliar scenes flooded her mind. She was seeing the vision of someone and the vision engulfed and overwhelmed her body that if she hadn't forcefully resist the giddiness she would have probably lost conscious

The vision belongs to a child; a child who passes through pain until he grows up to be a great sage emperor that rules the entire land. His world would be completely different from the one they were residing in now. It is a world full of everlasting peace and happiness for the people. 

But what threatened the woman was the last vision that appeared before her; In the middle of a sun there was a two legged bird that stood proudly, but suddenly another leg appeared on the bird making it a three legged bird.

This is an ominous sign.

As the woman struggled to open her arching eyes, a young lady walked inside the room and bowed her head courteously.

"High priestess Yeo Mieul. His Majesty asked for your audience in the palace immediately" The young timid girl said, her head trained toward the ground.

Yeo Mieul disregarded the  heaviness that she was feeling in her eyes and forcefully snapped them open. She inhaled sharply as the memories of the vision she saw replay in her mind.

The child's face was blurry but she was able to get hold of his features and she would possibly be able to recognize him if she should set her eyes on him. 

This revelation was a thing of joy for the world but this is a bad sign for the Kingdom of BuYeo.

For a long time she said nothing. She sat still as a stone and hardly seemed to be breathing as well. Her face was covered in cold sweat. When at last she seemed to have regained herself, she hurriedly stood up from the white folded chair on the floor and went out without sparing the young lady inside the room a glance.

And not wasting time, the lady instantly followed her out.


Buyeo imperial Palace (Backpalace)

The room was bleak, cold and completely dark. It was quiet and somber. It was the most piercing darkness ever. It wasn't merely the darkness that came out of absence of light, it was much more sinister.

In the corner of the room was a black-red bed that held a little boy who was fast asleep and beside him stood two men. Both of their appearances were outstanding but rather, one looked like royalty as he was dressed in high quality silk clothes and the other was in armor. 

The man dressed in silk clothes is Kim Byeon In, Emperor of BuYeo Kingdom while the other is General Heukchi, the chief Commander of the BuYeo army.

There is a similar disgusting expression that holds contempt and disdain on their faces as if the young boy on the bed in front of them is a piece of trash.

The two just returned to the palace after an hectic journey from Hangang river where they have picked the boy from, and the dreadful scene that the young boy had displayed wouldn't stop replaying in their mind. 

Today was really an escalating battle. After experiencing the boy rage that caused the whole dreadful event, it was clear the entire world would be thrown into a chaos by his mere rage. Therefore both of them decide to imprison and isolate the boy in a room as no one knows when his demonic side will appear again.

But they can't possibly take such a great decision without letting the high priestess of BuYeo know of it. 

A loud creak rang throughout the room as the door opened, distracting the both man and High priestess Yeol Mieul walked inside the room. The pitch black atmosphere was impenetrable and she stood rooted to the spot trying to stretch her eyes as wide as possible.

"Come on in Yeo Mieul!" Kim Byeon's voice pressed into her ear. 

Yeo Mieul barely made out a feeble outline of the way to Kim Byeon In direction as there was nothing warm about the room. It smelled of evil and darkness was surreal. 

Why is she getting this strange feeling?. Is it because of the revelation she just encountered or the room itself held something evil.

Cold and clammy Yeo Mieul made her way to Kim Byeon In direction. When she came to a stop in front of him she bowed courteously, then simultaneously she and General Heukchi also bow to each other in respect.

"Welcome Yeo Mieul Nim" General Heukchi greeted.

Yeo Mieul passed a light smile to the man and turned her attention to Kim Byeon In "Your Majesty. I received your message, I hope there's no problem. I was planning on coming to see you before because there is something important that Your Majesty must be aware of"

Her words instantly caught Kim Byeon In and General Heukchi attention and the eargeness was visible in their faces.

Yeo Mieul took that as a response to continue. "In the middle of BuYeo sun there is an evildoer hovering around it"

She was completely oblivious to the young boy on the bed as the message she was delivering was her top priority.

"What did you mean by that? '' General Heukchi curled his lip as he looked at Yeo Mieul impatiently.

"As you know, the two legged bird in the middle of BuYeo sun represents His Majesty and the crown prince. However, another leg has surface making it a three legged bird." Yeo Mieul pupils dilated as she finally release the bomb "This implied that there is another man out there that poise a great threat to BuYeo kingdom and the royal throne"

"There is a man who poses a threat to my throne and kingdom?." Kim Byeon In snorted with a stern face .

"I am afraid so Your highness" Yeo Mieul sigh dejectedly as she 

confirmed his question.

Kim Byeon In clenched his hands heatedly. Can this day get any more worse. First it was this little damn boy on the bed and now there is a bastard out there that can possibly threaten his kingdom.

Rage immediately took over him "Who is he?. Who the hell is that man?!."

General Heukchi makes sure to pick his words carefully so as to further anger the man. "Your Majesty, please quensh your anger. We should be looking out for this man mentioned by the high priestess. This is not the time to get angry"

Kim Byeon In felt his heart softened a bit by General Heukchi's words. He puffed out a deep air before asking "What shall we do?"

Yeo Mieul had just opened her mouth when a lightning flashed across the freezing sky, and brightened out the room of its darkness for only a single moment. She cowered back in fear and a shriek escaped from her mouth as her eyes strained toward the bed and she caught a glimpse of the body on the bed.

This is the young boy she saw in her vision?.

Yeo Mieul frightened- jerk reaction was noticed by Kim byeon In but his expressed rage provided no concerns from him, rather he said " BuYeo Kingdom is encountering too much evilness this day. Isn't it time you perform a ritual?."

Yeo Mieul was dismayed that she didn't even hear Kim byeon In words. The reality of the boy on the bed is slowly setting in. Cautiously, she moved forward to the boy and examined his face.

"Your majesty, Who is this boy?" Yeo Mieul's eyes were now as clear as water.

The look in Kim Byeon's eyes was decipherable and his voice was biased and partisan. "This is what I called you for before. He is Heo Yeong Hye's son but mind you he isn't as innocent as his father. He is a monster…" 

He gritted his teeth furiously before continuing " A monster who killed two of my soldiers in a cruel way. He can't be exposed to the world or else only heaven knows how much havoc he would cause on the earth."

Kim byeon In face was contorted with anger as he said those words.

Yeo Mieul narrowed her eyes and continued to survey the young boy while talking. "Your Majesty. This boy is a very dangerous being and he will be a great problem for you in near future"

"Of course I Know. That's why I and General Heukchi decided to imprisoned him here"

Imprisoned him?. Will that really solve the problem?.

The concept of the whole matter that this little boy is the same person that will threaten the BuYeo kingdom is something Yeo Mieul couldn't reveal to Kim Byeon In yet. But this whole situation could be solved once the boy died. 

The only reason that Kim Byeon ln has to insist must be because of Heo Yeong hye and his wife. He must be insisting because he is their son.

Yeo Mieul absurdly scoffed at these.

"Imprisoning him won't solve the problem? Your Majesty. You must kill him to save yourself big trouble in future. You can't insist because he is your friend and lover child."

General Heukchi frowned at Yeo Mieul's rude tone. "Watch your words High priestess"

Although Yeo Mieul's tone was some- how disrespectful. Kim Byeon In understood that she was only trying to look out for him. He calmly replied "No it is not because of them. I would have killed him if it was possible but as I said earlier the boy is a monster that refuses to die. Two of my soldiers died because they tried to kill him."

Yeo Mieul was defeated by Kim byeon ln words and she stared ahead blankly left with no protest. She sighed softly and asked. "How did you find this boy and his parents"

Kim Byeon ln turned his head down to look at the boy on the bed. Spiraling disgust twisted his gut just by looking at him... He wished he hadn't found the demonic boy.