
Parting ways

Jasmine's migraine has subsided and she could finally move her head. All along, Jayden held her to his chest diligently. He would massage her temple from time to time as a way of soothing the pain.

No conversation was needed. The girl was comfortable in his embrace. It wasn't the first time he took care of her. Though years have gone by, it neither felt awkward nor uncomfortable between them. The only thing that was weighing heavily on their minds was trust.

Jasmine's trust was once broken. Trusting Jayden with her heart was bound to be a hard thing to do. Jayden on the other hand was not confident about gaining back his flower's trust. He has already failed her.

Jasmine lifted her head off his chest and tried to stand up.

To her surprise, Jayden only tightened his hold on her waist. " Don't leave me right now, Please." He was still in the throes of feeling alive again. He didn't want the feeling to go away. It all felt like a dream.