


Bianca had been waiting for her man at home. Weird as it might sound, she couldn't wait to devour him anymore.

She never thought that seeing him fully naked could affect her as much as it did. Additionally, she felt jealous that another woman saw his naked body.

It didn't sit right to her. Even though the said woman was drunk to the bone. He was still only hers to look at, love and claim.

She made a decision there and them. She was not waiting any longer. She would claim him the minute he stepped foot into the room.

She fell asleep with that thought in mind. The time was quite late. The night was almost ending and sleep overwhelmed her senses.

Though she didn't want to, she ended up falling into a deep slumber. Travis opened the door carefully, heart pounding away in his chest.

He felt a bit scared for what was to come. He had seen that look in her eyes. The passionate gaze she possesses when she was settling a case.