
A Lover's Promise

"Where are you coming from? Such manners! Is this what you have learnt while you were away? No respect for your parents, whatsoever!"

These were the first words he received when he and Sarah walked through the door. His mother didn't care to ask if they were okay.

she was more worried about his disobedience. He frowned listening to her chide him. He felt a little embarrassed that she was doing so before his "sister" and partner. 

Despite his displeasure, he didn't talk back to her. Rather he listened until she stopped talking. Taking his chance, he walked toward her and held her shoulder between his hands.

Rhea froze in place until she felt soft lips on her forehead. "I am sorry mother. May we go inside now? We have had quite a day and we need to rest. "

She looked at him as her gaze softened. Unable to find more faults in him, she nodded letting him walk further inside. Sarah's gaze had a rare glint in them from the exchange she just witnessed.