
Her Master's desire

"Take her," the dangerous man orders casually, like I'm the most boring little human he's ever encountered in his life. "I said stay the fuck away!" I yell at him this time, causing him to tilt his head in amusement. "A little girl like you shouldn't be swearing at your elders. It's bad habit. Your daddy should have taught you better." Hold on. My daddy. And if I heard correctly the first time, the other man had mentioned something about 'daughter' and 'grown woman'. Shit! What's going on? This must be Darius Hunter! And how do they know about my existence!? Oh no! My father! Have they taken him? Have they hurt him? "Darius... Hunter?" I stutter in sheer terror, the dangerous man tensing as I mention his name. "You know my name. I don't know if I should be impressed or disappointed," Darius chuckles, amusement seeping into his tone. "Errrm... I... Where's my father...?" My demand sounds more like a plea, my voice shuddering in painful anticipation. "Waiting for you at my place. He said we should come get you. I didn't expect you to be old enough to beat up my man. I am definitely impressed, and your value, my dear, has just gone up." --------------------------- Allison, a confined young woman who finds solace in books and writing, is thrust into a world of danger and deceit when her father, Frank, a reformed gambler turned priest, sells her to Darius Hunter, the infamous "Devil of California," to settle an old debt. Darius tries everything possible to break Allison for his pleasure, promising himself not to touch her innocence. Yet, as Allison navigates the treacherous waters of her new life, she discovers hidden strengths, forms unexpected bonds, and unravels the dark secrets of her family’s past. Amidst turmoil and passion, Allison and Darius find themselves entangled in a powerful and transformative love story, punctuated by shocking twists and turns.

Favour_Abigail · Ciudad
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41 Chs

Chapter 16

**Allison's POV**

It's been four days since I left home. Not a word from my dad, not even the slightest attempt to admit he was wrong. I'm done with crying, done with wallowing in self-pity. I've been holed up in this room for two days, beating myself up for no reason. Three books appeared on my nightstand, a gift from Darius. The same Darius who's been avoiding me for two days. I guess he's tired of me already, probably wishes I'd just vanish.

I appreciate the gesture, though. The books have been a decent distraction, pulling me away from the spiral of my own thoughts. But I can't focus completely. It's as if accepting this distraction would mean surrendering to Darius's manipulative schemes. I know these books are just another part of his twisted plan to control me. The thought ignites a spark of defiance, and before I know it, I'm walking toward the door, ready to fling it open. Maybe it's time to explore this place, meet the others trapped in this gilded cage. Anything to break the monotony.

But as I open the door, I'm greeted by an unsettling silence. The kind that makes your skin crawl, like everyone's vanished. My heart pounds as I step into the oversized hallway, each footfall echoing ominously. This house is absurdly large, a labyrinth of luxury. It's impressive, I'll admit, but it's also suffocating.

A loud growl from my stomach reminds me I haven't eaten in hours. I haven't seen Rebecca today. She was the one who brought me the books yesterday, but now she's nowhere to be found. The thought of escaping crosses my mind, but I squash it, knowing this could be another one of Darius's mind games.

I start with the door next to mine, but it's locked. The next one is too. And the next. And the next. Each door is bolted shut, frustration building with every failed attempt. "Boring..." I mutter, a wave of disappointment washing over me. With nothing better to do, I wander aimlessly, trailing my fingers along the paintings and the gold-plated decor. At least it's something new.

Suddenly, I find myself in a different wing of the mansion, far more luxurious than the one I'm staying in. This must be where Darius's room is. A sensible person would turn back, but curiosity pulls me forward, ignoring the warning bells ringing in my mind.

I try the first door in this wing, and to my surprise, it opens. A grin spreads across my face, but it quickly fades as I step inside. The room is dark, cold, with an eerie, glamorous morbidity. Who in their right mind could sleep here? There's no doubt—this is Darius's room. Being here is enough to get me killed, yet I'm frozen in place, unable to tear my eyes from the macabre beauty of the room.

My gaze falls on the bed, draped in silky black sheets that seem to beckon me closer. How many secrets do these sheets hold? How many women have been here before me? I can almost see them, a parade of nameless faces, discarded as easily as old suits.

I drift toward the dressing mirror, catching sight of my reflection. I look lost, out of place in the silky nightdress Rebecca gave me. Yet there's something unnervingly alluring about my appearance, the way the fabric clings to my body. I feel a blush creep up my neck, aware that I'm not wearing any underwear.

A sound cuts through my thoughts—the unmistakable splashing of water. My heart leaps into my throat. Darius is in the bathroom. Naked. Panic grips me. What if he comes out and finds me here? I should be worried about him discovering my intrusion, but all I can think about is the possibility of seeing him naked. I've never seen a man naked in real life before. The thought terrifies me.

I need to get out. Now. But before I can make it across the room, the bathroom door swings open, and I hear Darius whistling. Panic takes over. The only place to hide is under the bed, so I dive to the floor and roll under it, holding my breath, praying he won't find me.

"Hello, beautiful..." His voice sends a shiver down my spine, its deep timbre vibrating through me. Who is he talking to? My mind races, and I strain to see the mirror's reflection. And then I see her—a woman, naked, standing in front of him. My stomach twists with a mixture of relief and dread. At least he's not alone.

"Do you really think I'm beautiful? You've forgotten all about me. Do you even remember my name?" The woman's voice is playful, but there's a note of hurt beneath it.

"Of course I remember your name," Darius replies with a chuckle, almost mocking.

"Don't lie, handsome..."

"I'm not lying, Mandy."

I nearly gasp. He remembers her name. Does that mean he cares about her? Could Darius actually be in love? The thought seems impossible, yet here he is, remembering this woman's name.

Mandy jumps into his arms, kissing him deeply. I watch in stunned silence, my mouth falling open. This is nothing like the kisses in the romance novels I've read. It's rough, almost mechanical, lacking the magic I always imagined.

Darius pushes her away, a look of disdain on his face. "Your mouth should be down here, lady. That's what I paid you for."

I expect Mandy to be insulted, but instead, she smiles, a creepy, unsettling smile. She drops to her knees without breaking eye contact, and I feel my face burn with embarrassment. I shouldn't be here. I shouldn't be seeing this. But I can't tear my eyes away.

My mind races, my body growing unbearably hot under the bed. I shut my eyes tight as I hear the sound of his belt unbuckling, followed by the rustle of fabric. I'm not even looking, but my imagination runs wild, painting a vivid picture of what's happening.

And then I hear it—Darius's moan, low and deep, sending a shiver down my spine. How can a man's voice sound so... ethereal? My heart pounds, my thoughts becoming more and more chaotic. This must be because I'm ovulating. That's the only explanation for why I'm reacting this way. I need to block this out, focus on something else.

But the sounds continue, dragging on for what feels like an eternity. Gagging, moaning, the unmistakable rhythm of something I shouldn't be hearing. My face is on fire, my whole body tensed like a coiled spring.

Finally, Darius's voice cuts through the haze. "Okay, that's enough... Thank you for your service."

"But you haven't cum. Why aren't you cumming?" Mandy's voice is laced with frustration.

"That doesn't concern you. You've done your duty long enough. I'll write you a check for your troubles."

"No! I like you! I'm not just some whore..."

Darius laughs, a cold, heartless sound. "You are a whore, my dear. And you know it."

Mandy gasps, her pride wounded. "Whatever! I'm leaving... And I don't need your check! You already paid me."

She storms out, leaving Darius sitting on the edge of the bed. I think I'm safe. I can slip away unnoticed.

"Okay, you can come out now..." Darius says casually, as if speaking to the air.

My heart stops. No, he can't know I'm here. He's bluffing. But then he speaks again, this time with unmistakable authority.

"Allison Martins, remove yourself from under my bed before I pull you out myself!"

I freeze, my mind going blank with terror. He knew I was here the whole time. He knew. There's no escaping now. I close my eyes, praying the ground will swallow me whole.

But it doesn't. Instead I feel a wild tug on my arm, a maddening force pulling me from under the bed. It's Darius, and he's not just mad but frustrated. It's the tension in his body, his mouth twisted to a thin line and his eyes dark.

"What were you doing under my bed? First you rustle my office! Steal my knife, and now you invade my privacy. What do you want from me? Do you want me?" He asks the question with a long look at my lips, then a smirk to follow. "You think you're a detective from one of your books eh?"

I shake my head, even though I know he's asking a rhetorical question.

Before I know what's happening, he throws me on the bed, pulls out a red handcuff from god knows where, straddles me and cuffs my wrists above my head.

"I guess this is what you wanted! Huh!? To be owned by me!? You want to be my whore...!"

"I'd rather die than be reduced to your whore, Hunter."

"Hunter! Hunter! You call me that one more time and I'll teach you how it feels to be a Hunter's victim..."

I should not do this, but for some reason I cannot stop myself. "Hunter...!" I bark at him.