

I don’t  understand the part that I advice him and he wasn’t taking to the advice infact he hurt me and he didn’t apologize maybe he thinks I am his late wife who he will push around.

He kept pleading, I Look behind him and I could see the hotel workers, some of the guest that has arrived for the unveiling and his parents also coming behind him.

They asked what happened and he explain something really different from what happened, he was still claiming I advised him and he didn’t take to it and that he angrily send me but while he had cal m himself down he realized her advice really had compassion on the masses which the reason we wanted to be in power is because we want to change the country to a country like Canada, America , I mean so many well developed nations that has the wellbeing their citizens in mind first and this is why I have come to pleaded with her , I am even thinking of promoting her to my personal adviser, mom , Dad, help me plead with her to please stay , people like her are needed to move the country forward” he says.

His mom came forward, she uses her hand to raise my chin while I kept looking into his eyes.

“My daughter, we have many advisers in the party but he feels sorry sending you away and now he realizes his mistake that he is wrong and that means your potential is high, if both of you work together , all of us will make this nation great again, please my dear , don’t say you are going away for you to know that he is so sorry, he even made you his special adviser” she says.

I looked at his mo , Dad, I look behind him there were lots of people looking at us. I nod my head and said.

“Alright” his mom embrace me and he kept saying thank you.

Never knew politicians are great actors too the way he made all his lies real were so convincing that you will believe it.

I walk back with his while people clapped for me , I followed him to his seat at the hall because the unveiling party has already started.

I kept stealing glances at the Felix because I can only imagined his double face.

At the party , I could see other members that will join him in going for primary election staring at me , their wives eyelashing me and their was this particular guy among that caught my attention, he looks very hit and attractive , he is that kind of guy that I will really love to date.

I couldn’t take my eyes off him, few minutes later he stood up and he returned with someone I never expected would be here  , my sister.

I stare at them as they walked in hand in hand, I never thought my sister would be with a hot guy ever like this , I know she is beautiful but not as beautiful as me and I know who her boyfriend was , he was one poor working class guy that has nothing to offer.

I looked away because I felt so ashamed of myself  ecause I had told her she would come begging when I become a first lady but she shocked me .


I stare at the TV and weep because I felt this is supposed to be my daughter’s day, she was supposed to be in Ifeoluwa’s shoes but she died before the time she would have achieved her dreams.

Look at how Ifeoluwa a daughter of my daughter’s maid is trending in her place , I know they are not dating but when won’t a man like Felix date an intelligent girl like Ifeoluwa, whose advice really make lots of sense, I can see in some comment section that Ifeoluwa would make a good first lady.

How I wish my daughter would just get up from her grave and come and stand by her husband.



I stood in front of the TV watching the so call called ifeoluwa that seems to be trending and I can see the way the presenter was talking of how they can’t wait to hear what Ifeoluwa’s advice is that caused a whole Governor son, a presidential candidate to beg her.

I stare at the TV in worries , truly , Deji is loved amongst the youth but people does not seems to see me or reckon with me, When I tweet everyone just find it offensive one way or the other , I began to think how are this women making it work , before it was Shade but now , It’s no more  Shade alone but ifeoluwa is now another girl people is talking about.

This presidential ambition has not help me in any way , it has only helped  Deji alone, when they talk of our party it’s either they talk about the past candidate Kunle and Shade or they talk about Deji and no one seems to remember that I exist in the picture of all of this.

I got serious headache reading rumors of Kunl,e and Shade being the candidate for FDP and everyone know that party has the past presidents and Governors who has experience,m the rumors alone confirms that if Kunle is being confirmed for that party they will win because people are already celebrating them, everyone seems to talk less about Deji and our party while Felix has been trending for days now and as things are going now ecause of the popularity of this Ifeoluwa now, he might decide to marry her and their party will beat our Party.

Maybe I should let go of Deji and fight back to get Kunle back, with Kunle this party is sure of winning and I will be sure of becoming a first lady.

I am very confused now, truly confused.


JULIANA’s Father.

I and the party member members discussing , we were all worried because the fear of we not winning this election seems so depressing.

People now talk less about my party that is the most talked about, yes Deji is being loved by the youth but Kunle and Felix is being loved by everyone right now, I can see how they have strong people beside them, even I know it that my daughter isn’t that intelligent and I cannot because of her keep loosing money.

It was because I was trying to satisfy her that I agree to let go of Kunle and Shade from the party and I am scared of him not going to be listening to my advice but if my daughter is there he would take to my idea but now that the party does not have Kunle anymore the party is down.

“Chairman, I think we should rethink before primaries, In think we should look for another younger generation , our party isn’t making any names like it should, look at just yesterday that unconfirmed reports were flying around that Kunle and Shade are in closed doors with the FDP chairman, I can see how people kept on jubilating on the internet saying they will vote for Kunle and Shade that both of them are people for the masses” one party member said.

“Who knew our party before choosing Kunle and it boomed just has Shade joined him, let’s think it right Chairman, I think we should look out for the success of the party, we need the highest power, my Chairman”another member said.

“ My Chairman, I understand what you want sir but let’s think about pushing this party to the presidential level, there are various opportunities, we can force Kunle when he is in power to make your daughter a minister but for now the party should be the foremost priority, Have you seen how the incumbent Governor son has been trending for a while and just today he has his late’s wife maid’s daughter who came up with an advice for the masses , for the fact that he pleaded the girl, people has been supporting him and saying he is just like Kunle and many are even suggesting he marries the girl so that she can keep advising him, that both of them will lead the country better.

If he marries that girl and now has a strong person as a vice president, we would not be close to power at all and we all know FDP once has candidates that has done extremely well in the few states they hold in the country which means if we are not careful our party might not go anywhere , let’s bring Kunle and Shade back” another member says  .

“ I have been thinking about it for a while but I think I will invite Kunle’s parent first then we will know how to proceed from here” he says.

“ Yes that is the best idea” another member says.



Finally my son will become a president, he even went under a very big party , that has the ex presidents of this country.

How I wish I didn’t have to be confined to the wheel chair , I should have listened to my husband then, I was supposed to try and think of bringing back my family but I was being greedy and selfish, I just wanted the power for my family that all.

I am really sorry for being a bad mom and a bad mother in law, I have really cursed Shade and Peju a lot of pain, I thought they will be troubles in the life of my son but they are just blessing, I just hope my daughter in law will find a place in their heart to forgive me.

My came in and find tears dripping down my face I quickly dried my face. He looks at my face, he raise my chin.

“What is it? He asks.

“ it’s just that I realize how bad I have been to my children and daughter in laws, they all prove me wrong, I called Shade a gold digger and Peju a gold digger but look at how powerful Shade became without anyone, look the great plan Peju has that our son discussed with you, look at how she encouraged Simi to come back and take over the company and she handle she and her husbands company, I used to call them badluck but they are the best of luck anyone could ever ask off, I wish I could just tell them how sorry I am.

I do not need them to trust me or close to me but just forgive me from the depth of my heart. I wish they will believe I have a changed of heart now towards them” I Said.

“ I don’t know if they will ever have a place in their heart to forgive us because we have tormented them a lot, Imagined I handled the company in just two years and look at it ,it’s at the verge of collapsing, I had to talk to my son, speak with Peju as well , Peju could convince her husband not to come back to the company because they had their plans but she spoke with him for us and decided to dedicate her time to their own business, I think we ask for forgiveness from them even though the chances of them believing our apologies is slim because of the kidnap, we haven’t been a good parent and I think we should just stay afar from them, we shouldn’t try to poke nose into everything they are doing, we should let them do their things the way they can do it, we should wish them best of luck, support them from our social media, campaign for them through our social media handles that is what we should do” he says.

“And my condition, will you dislike me for it? He asked.

“ No my love , I just want us to find solution to you getting better, you are still that wonderful woman that I married twenty nine years of ago” he says and kissed me.


I felt so happy that finally my wife will be out of my life so that all her wealth will be mine because I am personally going to kill her myself and turn it against Juliana when I get the power and after I have gotten rid of Juliana, the next will be getting rid of Kunle and I will get married to her, no woman would resist someone like me when I have become the president but I have a problem  now the problem is Kunle too is going for presidential, she will be close to becoming a first lady, the best thing I should do is get rid of Kunle as soon as possible because one he is a strong contender two he has the woman that I have her interest in mind in his life which means I have to get rid of him at all cost.

Shade is that every man’s dream because she is just too influential and powerful , if I become her husband it will help a lot, with Shade beside me , any opposition leader is nothing, I can’t thank Juliana enough for helping me get my wife out of my way.


I couldn’t take my face away from this man , yet I can’t take my face away from my sister, I feel jealous right now, I thought I have always gotten the best but it seems my older sister has the best man right now because Felix is not a man  but an animal maybe he is also like Felix that my sister is trying to hide her pain behind her smile but they look happy together.

I look at both of them and they whisper into each other’s ear, If I leave Felix this will be a joke on my part because I will have no choice than go back to her to beg and I do not want this, I think I am ready to go back to Felix but this time I won’t let Felix get what he wants or how he wants it, thank God my sister knows his secret, my mom knows his secret infact I am going to get a clips of him getting physical with me and with that threat alone , I will be able to live a better life with him, be in full control of that bastard and now that he think he used me , I will support and use him as well because , I need the power now, I have to become that first lady at all cost , Felix you have my support but be prepared for my madness because I will never be that dull Racheal that cries around I am that girl that will frustrate your life.

My sister will never ahead of me all I need is just to be smart in dealing with Felix and I won't end up like Racheal, I just want to be powerful like Shade is.