

"What are you doing in my room and with my laptop Ana" Ian asked his twin sister.

"Nothing just playing games" replied Ana.

"And why are you playing games on my laptop, you know I only use it for work" he said

"What's there in playing games on your laptop"she asked arrogantly.

"But you have yours, I won't be able to work on it if the battery is dead"

"So you're raising your voice at me because of a laptop"

"Yes Ana doesn't it worth it, you know it's my working laptop and you're playing games on it, you should try to use your senses at times"

"So you mean I don't have sense" she asked angrily.

"I never said that, I said learn to make use of it" he replied.

"Okay, I'm going to show you how to make use of it" she carried the laptop and threw it to the floor and started crashing it with her feet.

"Are you mad, get off my laptop" Ian said pushing her away.

"You can now see that I use my sense all the time"

"No Ana, you don't, I regret having you as a sister, you're worst than a thug" he said and walked out of the room.

"What's happening Ian, why's there so much noise up there" Celia his mother asked as he walked down the stairs.

"You should ask your daughter, she's gone crazy" he said and walked out of the house, he got into his car and drove down to the promenade not far away from there house, he likes going there whenever he's angry or sad.


After walking for hours without knowing where to go in particular, Alexa walked down the promenade, sitting on the floor shivering because of the cold.

" Oh,God in heaven, with all the mothers in this world why do you choose to give me a mother like bernada, she thinks of nothing but herself, she even disowned me why God" she said then started crying.

"🤳Yes mum" Ian picked his cell phone as it began to ring

🤳Son where are you, it's late already" Celia said at the other end.

🤳Am not far from home, I just need some time to cool off my head that daughter of yours is really annoying "

🤳 Alright son, please don't stay long, your father must not know you're still outside at this time of the night"

"🤳Tell your daughter to get out of my room I don't want to see her face when I get back"

🤳I'm sorry for what she did son"

🤳No mum you shouldn't apologize for her she'll do that herself" he said then hanged up.

"I wonder where mum found that girl, I doubt if she's really my sister, she never behave like one" he said to himself.

🎶 What will I do without your smart mind, drawing me in you kicking me out

🎶I gat my head spinning, no kidding, I can't pin you down

🎶 What's going on in that beautiful mind,I'm on your magical mystery ride

🎶Then I'm so dizzy but no one hit me but I'll be alright

🎶My head's underwater but I'm breathing fine, you're crazy now I'm out of my mind 🎶cos all of me, love is all of you, love your curves and all your edges, all your perfect imperfection

🎶Give your all to me, I give my all to you, you're my end and my beginning even when I lose I'm winning

🎶Cos I give you all of me and you give me all of you💃💃💃💃

Still thinking about what he was going to do his sister and broken laptop,he heard someone singing and was amazed by the kind of voice he was hearing.

"Do people with this type of voice exist "he asked himself then stood up to Know where the voice was coming from and who was singing.

He got to a place were the voice was more louder and clear and looked around, he spotted someone and decided to walk up to the person, moving closer he noticed something

"Why does this girl resemble me, I guess God created us in twos no I mean in threes because I have a twin sister" he said to himself then walked up to her.

"Miss even though you're crying, your voice still sounds great, you sang beautifully" he said giving her a handkerchief to wipe off her tears.

" Thanks" she said.

"I'm sorry miss, I don't mean to be nosy but can I know the reason why you are all alone here at this time of the night crying" he asked looking worried.

"I've been wandering for hours before I got here, I tried finding a place where I can get a job and live with them there but I couldn't find one, I have no place to stay now" she explained.

"But what about your parents, why don't you live with them"

"I don't have parents, I'm an orphan"

"Oh so sorry about that"

"Thank you" she said tears still dropping from her eyes.

"So what type of job are you searching for" Ian asked.

"Any possible one I can get, I can work as a maid, a sales attendant, a laundry girl any job I'll do it"

"Are you educated" he asked.

"Yes I have B.A in fine arts" she replied.

"What if I help you get a job"

"You'll help me" she asked looking surprised.

"Yes, what do you say"

"Thank you so much sir"she said happily.

"You're welcome"he said " erm, since you don't have a place to stay would you mind going home with me"

"Yes sir I so much appreciate your help, I can work as your maid before you help me get the job"she said excited.

"It's okay, my name's Adrian but you can call me Ian for short"

"Thank you so much sir Adrian" she said.

"Let's go" he led her to where is car was parked and they headed to his house.


Xander was still out on the street searching for Alexa but couldn't find her, he then remembered she likes going to the promenade when she's sad, he ran as fast as he could to check if she was there.

"Alexa, Alexa" he called out when he got there but couldn't find her .

" Mister please I'm searching for a girl, she's five feet tall, she has a golden yellow hair, she's wearing a pink top and a jean trousers" he said to the man he met on his way.

" Oh, I've seen her"

"Where's she sir" he asked.

"She ljust left with a man in a white car not less than five minutes ago" the man said.

" What, do you know where they went"he asked looking confused.

"Of course not, how will I know" he said then walked away.

"Oh no, my Alexa, how come she left with someone, who could the man be , what is the relationship between them" were the questions that was running through his mind.


"Darling, what did the doctor say" Julie asked her husband Miguel.

"What do you expect, the same words other doctors have been uttering.nothing is wrong with either of you, but let's pray for God's miracle" Miguel said.

"And I haven't stopped praying for that God's miracle to Happen, I've been longing to have a child I can call my own, the child who would call me mum, God when is that going to happen" Julie said now crying.

"It's okay darling, let's have faith, God's time is the best, we don't Know what God is planning for us, let's just keep praying my love" he said patting her on the shoulder.


Xander went back to the streets after searching in vain for Alexa,he was determined that he was no going to go back to the house, then suddenly he had an attack, there was no one to help him since it was very late in the night, he fell to the ground and groan in pain, he was still under an attack when suddenly everything went blackout.


Mr and Mrs Juliana and Miguel Patterson had gotten married for close to twenty five years and they were unable to have a child, they thought of adopting but they still had hope that God was going to answer their prayers one day. They were coming back from the hospital after running another test which still shows that nothing was wrong with the both of them. As Miguel drove down the street the headlights reflected towards who was lying unconsciously on the floor. Juliana was the first to see him and then they stop the car to check who it was.

"Little boy, what's wrong with you" Juliana asked but there was no response.

"I think he's unconscious, let's get hi to the hospital" they both carried him to the car and rushed him to the nearest hospital.

When they got to the hospital, they ran tests on him and the doctor found out he had leukemia. The doctor then summoned Miguel and Juliana to his office.

"How's this boy related to you" the doctor asked.

"He's my son"Juliana replied looking into her husband eyes.

Miguel was shocked but didn't say anything.

"You're son has leukemia ma'am and he has to be treated at the earliest, he's already in the fourth stage and he had less than three months to live" the doctor said.

"Leukemia" Juliana and Miguel said in unison.

"Yes and we need to act very fast if you don't want to lose him" the doctor said.

"Then go ahead with the treatment doctor, that boy must not die, he's my only hope" Juliana said.

"First we need to find a bone marrow donors and it's not something that's easy. The bone marrow has to matches his"

"Then go ahead, please any amount you want for the search will be paid" Juliana said.

"Alright then, we'll start with the search, when I get a donor I'll let you know" the doctor said.

" Thank you very much doctor" Miguel said and they left the office.

"Why did you have to tell the doctor that that boy is your son when we don't even know him" Miguel asked Julie as they left the doctor's office.

"I just said that so they can tell us what's wrong with the boy, you know how doctors behave they will say we should go and find one of his relative and we possibly can't" she said.

"Alright then. Let's go see the boy" they headed to his ward.

"Are you okay" Julie asked him.

"Yes please what am I doing here" he asked

"An hour ago you were unconscious, so we rushed you here, the doctor said....

"I have leukemia and I have less than three months to live" he said cutting her short.

"You know about it" she asked looking shocked.

"Yes" he replied.

"What's your name"


"What were you doing on the street at that Time of the night, won't your parents be worried about you"

"I don't have parents, I'm an orphan" Xander said.

"I was searching for my twin sister when I had an attack"

"You have a twin sister"Julie asked

"Yes, someone who had seen her earlier told me he saw her left with a man" he explained.

"Why did she leave you, she's the reason why you had an attack" Julie said angrily.

"Mo ma'am, she innocent, she was sent away by the woman we lived with, I tried stopping her but the woman won't let her stay then I needed to tell her something very important that's why I'm looking for her it's not fault" he said


"Please ma'am I need to find her, she's the only one I have, I don't know if she's in safe hands or in danger" he said looking scared.

"It's okay, you will find your sister but that's after the surgery"

"You will help me find a donor" he asked looking surprised.


"Thank you so much ma'am and sir"

"But one thing, you'll live with me in my house"

"There's no problem in that, more over I don't have a place to stay" he said happily.

"Thank you so much Alexander"

"No ma'am I should be the one to thank you , you're saving my life so I'm very grateful to you ma'am"

"Call me mum" Julie said.

"Am sorry mum, you have to realize your mistake" he thought "thank you mum"

"Did you hear that " she said to Miguel.

"No one ever called me that" she said as tears rolled down her eyes.

"It's okay" Miguel said drawing her to his bosom.