

SYNOPSIS Arriving at the scene of the incident, her whole being was shut down for a while, only a quote kept ringing in her head ''Sadly enough, the most painful goodbye are the ones that are left unsaid and never explained" Jonathan Harnisch. She stood rooted to the ground watching two unrecognized bodies burned with fire, Struggling for breath like an electric shock she couldn't move an inch. Motionlessly standing, oblivious of her surrounding Nina waited to wake up from the nightmare. However instead of waking up,she found herself swimming in darkness,her weak body couldn't stand what is happening around her she gave in to it and fainted, partially awake but too weak to open her eyes.subconciously she heard voices from her surrounding. First policeman:''Over here! she is probably still alive take her to the ambulance!! Second Policeman: ''Let's take the bodies out too!!" Third Policeman: ''Sir I found this! looks like it's a deliberate attempt and considering the fact that there are traces of blood by the pool side, I think the victims fought for their lives before being burned to death." Second Policeman:''And the fact that their bodies were the only thing that got burnt is also an evidence". First Policeman: ''Take the little girl out first! she seems to suffer from shock" "Yes Sir!" They both answered. With that Nina was taken out from the scene. However from her closed eyes after somehow hearing the policemen, tears was continually streaming from her closed eyes. ...................... But like an angel of no mercy she will be back to seek justice for her parents. ''Let the games begin!!!".

Lily_Ll · Acción
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2 Chs

Her Surprise Inside

In a vast room mainly decorated with pink and white,one can easily tell that whoever ownes the room is obsessed with with two colour but cannot deny the fact that the decorations are simply nice.

At the corner of the room, the beautiful young fifteen year old Nina who was obviously in a hurry to catch a flight can be seen running up and down in the room getting everything she would be needing to travel.

while at the other side of the room Samantha her friend was in disbelief.

''I can't believe you are you are flying back to country x simply because it's your parents anniversary! come on Nina the holiday is approaching you will still get to see them anytime soon".

However the girl in question was too excited to listen to the obviously not so happy Samantha.

''Hey Sam! have you seen my necklace? I can't seem to find it...Dad gave that necklace I can't afford to lose it"Nina cried without tears.

''Can't she hear me? I thought I said something just now" Samantha said to herself.

Seeing her friend's baffled face Nina couldn't help but let out a slight chuckle.

''Come on Sam,this is the best gift I can give to my babies anniversary I can't possibly buy them gifts because they already have everything they want" Coming closer to Sam Nina held her hand while looking into her eyes, taking Samantha aback by the sudden movement.

'' Even if I have to cross the Red Sea I will gladly with all pleasure do it" Nina said with a smile looking at her friend who looked like she has seen the most unbelievable creature in the world.

'' Okay I get it... now can I have my hands back?" Sam said wondering if she should call the 911 because her friend seems to be acting out of character.

""Of course"Nina said letting go of her her hand. Picking up her phone to check the time Nina's smile widened seeing the miss call from her mother.

''I bet she is missing me a lot" She said to herself while dailing her mum's number ln a video call.It rang twice then was picked up.

''What's up Mom!"Nina greeted waving her hand with a smile.

''Hi Aunt" Sam said coming closer to the phone.

''Nina your mom seems to be getting more beautiful..."Sam couldn't help say it out.

''Of course she's my mom you know"Nina said bashfully.

At the screen of the phone,a beautiful

classy young lady can be seen. So gorgeous and young no one would have thought she is married.

''Hi lovely Sam you look good too" Elina said with a broad smile.

''How are you Alina"Elina asked her daughter.

''I'm good mom"Nina answered trying to hide her traveling bag and all the stuff she was preparing in order not ruin her surprise.

''What are you doing ? and why is your room in a mess"Elina asked seeing clothes and shoes on top of her daughter's bed.

Nothing much mom, I'm doing some packing and unpacking stuff like that....''Alina Said not sure if she is making any sense at all.

''Packing and unpacking? that sounds wired "Elina said looking at her daughter suspiciously.

At the side Sam was grinning from ear to ear at the thought of Nina not being able to leave for country x.

'If Aunt should find out about her plan then everything will be over because I'm pretty sure Aunt won't allow her to travel publicly and it will take at least five hours for the Private Jet to get here so her plan of traveling today won't be possible'Sam thought to herself.

Suddenly a thought came to her mind, for some reason she was just so reluctant to let her friend go.

''Aunt!"Sam called coming closer to the phone.

''Actually Nina here is planning to...."she didn't get to finish her sentence because Nina suddenly took the phone away hiding it under the pillow. While at the other end Elina was continually looking at her phone wondering why it suddenly turned dark.

''I promise you this Samantha Smith,I Alina Emerson won't think twice about revealing all the secret you shared with me from the age of five to our present age now. That include the recent one you shared about this certain crush of yours, like a trumpet I will blow it for the whole campus to hear."Nina said without batting an eye.

Sam couldn't help but nod her head,the thought of her telling everybody her secret didn't sit well with her.

''Good girl"Nina said with a smile, bringing out her phone. "Mom are you still there? Nina asked.

''What happened,it suddenly turned dark"Elina said obviously confused.


"And Lovely Sam wanted to say something too right?"Elina asked.

''Oh lovely Sam, you wanna say anything?"Nina asked with a smile.

" The thing is...I forgot"Sam stammered

''Mom lovely Sam here seems to be having some period cramps so she tend to open her mouth even when she don't wanna talk"Nina said looking at Samantha pitifully.

''Oh so that's it"Elina answered even though she found what her daughter was saying a bit confusing.

''OMG! mum I gotta go bye"Nina suddenly shouted and disconnected the call.

''Help me Sam I'm running late for my flight!"


Looking at the now disconnected call Elina couldn't help but feel sad .''I miss her so much"she said to herself.

"What are you thinking?"Mark Elina's husband who just came back from work entered the room and suddenly noticed his wife's sad face asked. Hugging her from the back tightly and resting his head on the crook of her head he asked.

''Nothing I'm just missing my little princess"Elina answered resting the back of her head at her husband's chest,her own personal pillow. ''You're back from work it's just 10am"Elina asked.

Today is our anniversary babe ,so I hurried everything. And about my little princess, don't worry too much okay? I'm just training my one and only Princess for father's Throne in the future".Elina couldn't help but chuckle at what her husband said.

''Okay Mr. Mark Emerson"she answered turning to face her husband. Wrapping her hand around his neck while the other held her waist tightly.

''But if you miss her so much then why don't we make the mini Nina so you won't be bored in the future"Mark said with a smile anticipating his wife's reaction.

Elina couldn't help but blush.' Come on Elina how old are you again? you can't act like a teenager'.She said to herself trying to calm her already racing heart. Noticing her reaction Mike's Smile widened.