
Her Forbidden Love

We never write our own fate...especially not the part where we lose our hearts to the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time...But whom can we blame it's never one's control... Megan Felix, a simple minded girl meets the mysterious Daniel Reid, on her 1st day to 2nd year of Junior High School. Little did she know that she would take the most unfathomable moments of her life as a consequence of her choice.... Megan Felix boarded her flight...as the flight ascended into the sky. Megan saw the city below her getting smaller, and smaller finally disappeared. The city that holds all her happiness and memories of 20 years, just disappeared beneath her... The flight entered the night clouds. Megan sat with a grieving heart, eyes dripping with tears, as the flight moved forward, leaving her Home,Family, Friends and her LOVE behind....... Sneal Peek: "Daniel you will never cheat me right, I have come too far with you, I trust you but...I am scared..." "Meg, Your my life...You're all mine, cheating you is like cheating myself...Trust me Meg, I will never, not even in dreams will think about cheating you...I Love You so much... This city, Which all that was her's, had become a foreign place now. Would she still return back to K city.... The answer was obvious...it was her choice... Would their love for each other overcome the in an unyielding storm or would fade as time passes apart. Would fate still pull them together for the rest of eternity.... "Well we can only learn to Love, by falling deeply in Love"

Rmvizhi · Ciudad
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208 Chs

Family Plot(Part 2)

Mrs Felix Pov

Megan got a call and walked to her room, she always sits with us when it's a call from Olivia or any of her classmates, but for few days Megan's behaviour has changed a lot, I don't know if Adam has noticed, She often goes out...keeps her self in her room, which is so new...

"I must ask Logan to check with his friends, what's happening in college..."

as I thought about is there was a knock on the door, and I saw two kids the same age as Logan and Karen, standing at the door.

I looked at them puzzled, the boy smiled at me and introduced himself,

"I am Brain's son, Jackson Brain, and this my girlfriend Ellie Rose, we came here to invite Mr Felix and his family for our engagement his Friday, and Megan is also a good friend of Ellie..."

I just smiled and asked,

"Come in please, have a seat"

I called Megan and Adam down, as Megan came down she hugged Ellie and said,

" Jack bro, why you didn't call me before coming, and Ellie...you too didn't call me"

she pouted...

My daughter is the best, I thought as I Adam came down, He said,

"Hai, Jack...what a surprise...come sit"

Jack came and sat with Ellie, that girl was sweet, I liked her, I asked Mrs Jenet to get some snacks and Coffee for all.

We spoke about his job, and what that girl Ellie doing...as we spoke, Ellie looked at me and asked,

"Aunty, can I take Megan on Thursday evening, I don't have any sisters or cousins to accompany me, I think Megan has my own sister, if she can be with me...the day before the engagement, it will nice...Please"

I was not willing to send Megan, to some unknown people's place, but that girl was so sweet and Jack's family was family friends both with Adam, and his brother, so I agreed...

"Ok, Ellie you can take her on Thursday evening, Megan will be happy too...be with you"

Adam looked very surprised at me, I have never liked my children staying the night outside...but today I agreed at once, even I didn't know why... I actually liked this call, Ellie, very much, she reminded one of my closest friend from my high school.

Jack and Ellie said their bye...Ellie held my arms and said,

"Thank you, Aunty, I never thought you will agree...Thank you so much"

I nodded in agreement and they left, I called Logan, He picked it up... but was sleepy, it was the weekend and he didn't have his class, he was tested with high IQ again, so he was moved ahead in his class, and this year with some research project, he was going to do his internship.

We were happy with our son's achievements, we were also planning Logan's and Karen's wedding after his Internship... but he had to sign a contract with the Government research centre in N City, so he can't come back, and Karen also joined the company, that she had done her internship as chief architect. Adam planned to buy him a wedding villa in N City, so after the wedding, they can settle in N City without any problem...

as I was in my own thoughts, I heard Logan's lazy voice bring back to my sense,

"Hi Mom, what's it, your calling so early"

"Seriously...So early, Logan it's 12noon, you idiot... wake up. I have something to ask you to do"

"Mom, tell me... I am listening..."

"Logan, I feel Megan is a little distracted, can you ask your friends to check what's happening in the University...I feel she is having an affair"

"No Mom, that's not possible"

"I am not worried that she is in a relationship or something, but I am scared that she may be cheated or that guy is not good for our family"

"Please check with your friends..."

"Ok, Mom I will at once, check...."

"Mmmm, fine take a rest will call you later"

I hanged my call and went to Megan room, I saw her sitting near the window, looking at the sky... She was the most beautiful child... Megan was lost in some thoughts, I called her...

"Megan, what your thinking..."

"Nothing mom, thinking a gift for Ellie and Jack Bro, what should I buy Mom"

"Why do in want to buy any gift for them, anyway, Dad is buying a decent gift..."

"No Mom, that can't be ok, they both are my friends and the members of our student's association"

I nodded, she had a point,

"Oh yaa...ok, Megan, you should get some gift for them..."

as I said, I gave Megan a black card, that I use for household shopping, she took it happily.

Megan Pov

For the first time, my Mom surprised me again and again...today. She agreed to send me to Ellie's place and now agreed on me to go shopping...wow what's happening to Mom...I thought to myself, changed my dress, into a casual white t-shirt and grey jeans with white canvas pullover shoes...

As I walked out, I grabbed my keys, picked my car and lead to the Mall, as I was driving, I called Daniel to check where he was...

"Hai Danny, where are you, I am going shopping...will you join me"

Daniel was quiet for some time and answered...

"Meg, I want to talk to you, wait outside the Mall, I will come out..."

as I parked the car in front of the mall, Daniel ran to the car, and got in...he asked me to drive to the university...

In five minutes we entered the campus ground from the back gate, I parked the car under a tree which was in the corner. The campus was completely empty..as there was no class, I looked at Daniel's hang face and asked,

"What's it Danny...why you look so confused, it's not like you"

as I finished my words, Daniel turned and hugged me tightly, I didn't know what was wrong, but I could feel his anxiety, as his heartbeat was uneven, while his hands that were around me were trembling...

"Meg, I want to tell you the very important thing...don't be upset me"

I was confused now, what was he talking about, I looked down at his face that was placed on my clavicle, his eyes were red,

"Was he crying, but for what....", as I was thinking, Daniel, opened his mouth.

" Meg, yesterday, I was drugged in my house, with an aphrodisiac pill"

"What is that...Danny, what happens with that drug"

Daniel glanced at me like am an alien landed from Mars...he smiled and pulled me towards his embrace, in an instant I was on his lap, I removed the seat belt, and sat comfortably on his lap, and asked.

"Danny, tell what's it...it is so kind of medicine"

Daniel shook his head and said.

"You idiot, it a drug that makes you so vulnerable in sexual desire..."

though I didn't know what it was, I can understand what it was, I bowed my head with shyness...

Daniel looked with an intense gaze at me, his eyes were teasing, every part of my body...