
Her fated human mate

When Millicent Woods, the Alpha of the Crescent moon pack needs the Corona Fletcher to prove her worth to the rest of the pack, it goes missing. As a proud, ruthless pack leader she will not stop until she finds it. Then she does, it's in the hands of a petty thief that is human, even more importantly, her mate. A clash of fate, a thief and an Alpha, who would give in to the other, an insufferable, witty thief or the cold, ruthless Alpha?

Her_Royalbitchness · Fantasía
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152 Chs


. 7

All I know is, I saw red. Hot, boiling red. And I was pissed. I was beyond being reasoned with. That wasn't even the issue, the issue was the fact that I don't know what I'm doing. This isn't like me. It was an out of body experience. It felt like someone borrowed my limbs to make it happen.

I was faster than the bullet itself when I pushed the human off me and took the bullet for him instead. There was silence as we took a second to process all that just happened. But I don't need time. All I think about is killing the Omega that had taken a shot at my mate.

The blow landed squarely on his jaw, the sickening crack was an obvious tell to show he was not even prepared for it. He landed at my feet like a rabid dog put down for all it's worth.

Everyone seemed to have stopped breathing as their eyes alternate between me and the wounded omega laying in a crumpled pile. I felt the anger in my veins still drumming, but I could see better now. Clearer even, I could control myself better now.

My fist clenched as i realize what just happened. The feral ability to protect your mate from harm, throwing yourself in front of the danger just so no harm comes to your mate. I always snorted in haughty derision when dad talked about it, I never imagined a day would come where I would take a bullet for a human, even if he was my so called mate.

Nobody moved, except the Omega whimpering in pain.

"Take him back to his holding place. Don't hurt him till I say so. And do not let him try to escape again." I narrow my eyes as i give the order.

"Yes M!" Like they were shaken awake from their trance, they bowed before scurrying around me.

I don't look back to see the human struggle against the Omegas that were carrying him back to his holding place. The stupid urge to save him was still there but I was not going to let it control me anymore. He was not my mate and never will be. It was stupid to protect him.

When I leave the holding cells, that was when the reality of my situation dawns on me. I was shot. There was a bullet inside of my body. I look down to see blood pooling at my stomach, he had shot me below my left breast, I had never been shot before, but I had battle scars from arrows and claws, never a bullet. And now a bullet was lodged inside me.

I curse under my breath as the pain hit me. It was a hot type of pain that made my eyes water. I know exactly where I was supposed to go. And that was where I was headed. He had told me numerous times that he had gotten shot more than once and he was proud of it. I couldn't see reasons to be proud of this.

"I don't know how to heal this one." Grace mutters in my head.

"Your instincts had me standing in front of a bullet." I grit my teeth in pain.

I could feel her raise her brows at me. She knew, we both knew she was to be blamed for more than everything that was wrong, but I never really put them to words, this was the first time.

"Why do wolves have mates anyways? Why couldn't we just date who we wanted like humans?" I ask her as i climb up the stairs to my parents den.

"Humans don't even like that. You think they love breaking their hearts with even person they date?"

We mostly never agreed on stuff. Arguing with her was more of a hobby than anything else. But not today. I had to save my strength to heal. Blood was still seeping out of the bullet wound.

"Dad." I banged my fist against the metal door.

I was starting to sweat really hard, and the sun was setting. I banged my fist harder. My muscles were getting weak, I had to rest myself against the huge metal door for support.

The door rattled as my father's head popped out. He looked left and right before his eyes found me. They widen in shock, I must look awful.

"You are the expert on bullet wounds right?" I don't realize I'm panting until I speak.

"Good gracious, what in the goddess's name happened to you?" He asked as he carried me bridal style.

"Some stupid idiot took a shot at the human thief we were interrogating. And it got to me instead." Don't give me that look, you omit some things in a story. I don't plan on telling anyone, my erratic dad for that matter, that a human, the thief we caught was the one the moon goddess thought was perfect for me. I'd much rather be lonely forever.

"What is the state of the guy who shot him.?" He asked as he placed me gently on the edge of the bath tub.

His fingers worked expertly, ripping off the leather material from the wound.

I sucked a breath through my teeth in pain.

" An omega. He should be nursing a broken jaw." I wince in pain.

"Grace should be able to do the rest after the bullet is taken out." He says as he pulls the bullet out gently.

I clamp down hard on my arm to prevent myself from screaming out loud.

"It is a metal bullet so it won't hurt that much."

If that was his way of giving someone a pep talk, he was way off because it hurts like hell.

"Then why does it feel like it's burning me?" I grit out.

Dad paused.

"Metal bullets aren't supposed to burn.." He says as he brought the bullet up to both our eye level.

"Except when laced with silver." His eyes immediately cloud with anger. You must think werewolves were the scariest when their mate was hurt, it's ten times worse when someone hurt their pups intentionally.

"We need to question the Omega that shot this. See if he shot at you intentionally or not." The playful edge in his voice was gone, replaced by his soldier voice.

I breathed hard as i thought about it, the Omega fired the gun at the human, not at me, he was clearly intending to shoot at the human. How would he have known that I would take the place of the human?