
Her fated human mate

When Millicent Woods, the Alpha of the Crescent moon pack needs the Corona Fletcher to prove her worth to the rest of the pack, it goes missing. As a proud, ruthless pack leader she will not stop until she finds it. Then she does, it's in the hands of a petty thief that is human, even more importantly, her mate. A clash of fate, a thief and an Alpha, who would give in to the other, an insufferable, witty thief or the cold, ruthless Alpha?

Her_Royalbitchness · Fantasía
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152 Chs



"There is trouble back at the pack!" I hear through the air. My neck snap towards the direction of the voice. The voice sounded frantic and disoriented.

"What do you mean trouble at the pack?" My tone was downright murderous.

"Rogues.. the Rogues are back.."

That's all I need to hear to get the adrenaline pumping in my veins.

"You are in charge now. Bring me that human." Or you die- this part was better left unsaid. He gulped in understanding and with that I tear into the woods.

My feet barely touching the grassy land. Trees wheezed by me in a blur of green. I don't stop, i keep pushing myself.

The rogues only attacked when they knew I was not in. And I had most men with me. And they attacked the school where all the pups attend, they were weak and obviously not fighters. The teachers could only do so much to protect as they were educators, their powers as Omegas were not what could protect the pups from the rogues, especially this crew that keeps coming back for more. Taking more and more from us each time they visited.

I finally reached the clearing. The clearing was what we called our door way. Obviously it had nothing to do with a clearing, the bushes and trees were thicker here.

I let my wolf take over. It was from here only she could open the door to our world. Humans could never find it so with my human eyes, the door did not exist. Which was why I needed to borrow her eyes. I named my wolf Grace because that was what she was, Graceful. I dreaded to think how the pack members would react when they know that my wolf is exactly who they want me to be. Soft, gentle, Graceful. For some reason Grace hates wars and fights and altercation.

So I have to step in for her. Be strong where she wanted to rest.

"Grace.. the door?" I ask from within her.

She had just been staring into the open door for at least a minute.

"Oh right." She stepped into our world slowly.

I take over immediately. Running in the direction of the school for pups. That is where the rogues should be.

"Have you tried talking with them? See What they want?" Grace asked.

I could tell she was anxious, the feeling was what I associated with her. She was always anxious whenever we had to fight. Whenever I had to fight rather. She almost never fought.

"Yeah, because it worked the last five times you made me have a conversation with Rogues. They are Rogues for a reason Grace. They are not here for tea time. They are here because they live for death, war and destruction. And I will be damned if i let them destroy my pack- our pack, and get away with it."

She stays silent because like every time I tell her fighting for what is ours is not necessarily a bad thing. She knows I'm right and i wish the world could move in the way she hoped. Sadly the rest of the world is too rotten for her.

I reach the school in a matter of seconds. It would have been shorter if they were still at the old building, but I had them move the school further away from the one door that separates the human world from ours. I wanted it to be smack in the middle of the central city so everyone could fight for them if they had to, but I was opposed at the meeting.

The school was half empty already. Luckily most of them had escaped and the remaining of them were being held hostage.

"Grace, lend me your strength." I ask of her like I always do.

And I feel her pour herself into me, i was literally the wolf and the human combined, simply because my wolf was too much of a peace maker to get her hands dirty.

I rolled my head on my shoulders and hear the popping of my muscles. Let the show begin.

Us werewolves were caught in between humans and wolves, not entirely any of them, and hated by both sides. Yes, humans fear us. But wolves who you think should be our kindred, they despise us, they think we are fakes, humans dressed and parading like them. Once I shifted in front of a real wolf and his cries still haunt me till today.

With this few points of mine you would think since no side likes us, we would band together and make a better culture. But we don't. Somehow we have factions between ourselves and ever so often, we have to kill ourselves. I guess I understand where Grace is coming from.

But it's either kill or be killed.

I pounce on the rogue that was assigned to watch the door. Luckily he was an omega. Those go down easily. And he was in his human form so it was easy to clamp down on the side of his neck and not let go until his body stopped wiggling.

Grace whimpered. I ignore her, right now her strength was all I needed from her.

She kicked in, shifting me to the back and taking her beautiful white fur shape.

It was our arrangement.

"Thank you."

She doesn't answer. Her pawed feet pounded on the ground as we ran. It was her body but I was controlling it. Something we managed to achieve after weeks of practice. It takes up much of both our strengths for me to turn Grace's body to an airplane and be her pilot. But it has to happen.

"Their Alpha is here!" one of them cried after sighting me.

So much for a sneak attack.

I knock into him with full force. He fell to the ground. His head hitting the pavement with so much force he is knocked out.

"Wow. How did he even get into the rogues?" Grace asked as we continue to run full speed ahead.

I hit one square in the head with my paw, or Grace's paw and he fell flat.

Sensing one behind me I turn away just in time. Holding his out stretched paw in place I hit him between his neck and shoulder and he crumpled to the ground like paper.

I was getting tired. The control thing we were doing took too much from us. I could feel Grace get tired as well.

"Should I?" I ask.

"please do."

And I shift. Grace sighed in relief as i take over. It was my body now, and she was not going to control or do anything else.

"Well well well. I thought I heard them say you were fighting with your wolf for the first time. Were they lying?"

I know the voice. It was the voice of the rogue leader: Charles. He attacked the crescent moon pack every chance he got, and i was never able to catch him. I turn to face him.

"I don't know Charly, they follow in your foot steps.. if they lie.. It should come from You, Don t you think?"

It wiped the smirk off his face.

"Why are you here? You lost the Fletcher didn't you?"

I swallow thickly.

"Should we do this quickly or you want to run away again?" I say flexing my knuckles. Even when I was dead beat. I know how Charles worked. With his mouth. He loved to talk and was no action. That's why he needed his crew. A little threat to him and he would flee. Somehow he mastered the art of teleportation to perfection so much so that it looks like he disappeared.

His eyes widen.

"See you soon faulty." With that he vanished. I hated the nickname, he started calling me that since I rarely ever fought with Grace's body. He thinks I'm faulty.

The rest of his crew run away. Baring their teeth at me before running away.

I rest against the wall. Trying to catch my breath. Someone ran into the classroom that was now filled with blood, half dead and dead rogue bodies.

"M! We found the human!"