
Her fated human mate

When Millicent Woods, the Alpha of the Crescent moon pack needs the Corona Fletcher to prove her worth to the rest of the pack, it goes missing. As a proud, ruthless pack leader she will not stop until she finds it. Then she does, it's in the hands of a petty thief that is human, even more importantly, her mate. A clash of fate, a thief and an Alpha, who would give in to the other, an insufferable, witty thief or the cold, ruthless Alpha?

Her_Royalbitchness · Fantasía
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152 Chs



"So tell me.." I say as the vehicle roll to a stop in front of a large gate, the entrance to Quarter moon pack.

"What do you think is going to happen here tonight? Are we going to find out what we came here for or not?" I ask Abby.

Our playful mood from earlier dropped as we focus on two simple tasks, get information from them, and get out of here alive.

"There is a 50/50 chance of being held as hostages, we are basically pointing fingers and saying they killed one of us. They won't take it likely. On the other hand, there is solid evidence hung on the forbidden tree, that alone gives us an edge, but we are in Rufus's territory." Abby summarizes. Another one of the ambassadors duty is to; look into things and give us a likely outcome. Although I already gathered this info myself, I nod in her direction.

"Making us walk all the way out to the alpha's palace?" Patrick grumbled under his breath.

They had both gotten out of their vehicles and they did not like Rufus's rule of walking.

"It is to tire us out in case of any thing. The distance we have to cover is long and exhausting."

Patrick chuckles.

"Who said anything about walking?"

He crouches to a running position. I shake my head at him.

"That can be interpreted as going for an attack on the alpha. We can immediately be held until whenever they want."

Noah cursed. Abby winced. Erin was going to love his prim and proper mate.

" They fear that the evidence we have against them is far to great to be denied, especially since our men are stationed there, watching. They didn't come out to greet us because they need us to attack them." Abby tells us all.

"That is to say, they will bait us. They need us to be the attackers, we have the upper hand here if, and only if we refuse to take the bait." My voice had taken on the alpha one I used to give orders. I see the side of Abby's mouth quirk up into a smile.

"We will walk this long distance if we have to, we won't give in to them. We don't want to fight a losing battle. Besides they can make Silver moon pack stop protecting us, and then other packs will want their pound of flesh from us."

They grudgingly nod in understanding. I threw in Silver moon pack and hoped it works. Everyone was scared at the mere mention of them, the most powerful pack that lived.

"Everyone here is forbidden from fighting until I say otherwise."

"We better start this long walk then." Noah responded bitterly.

"I actually know a short cut." Abby piped up.

"But they can't follow us, or else they will know we didn't follow this route." She pointed to the guards outside.

"We will come out of the road halfway into this never ending route and join them." She continued.

I tell them to walk, not run, down the road, and could mind link their city leaders if anything happened. They bow before walking into the long road.

"Come." Abby ordered, taking her left of the road and we follow.

"How did you know here?"

"The ambassador from quarter moon pack took me past here the time we finalized the treaty of peace. We were both ambassadors in training. We played while the adults worked." She blushed at the last part, as if ashamed of playing.

We don't say anything else as we walk. Our feet barely making a sound on the sandy road. After sharp lefts and turning rights, I could finally see the palace lights.

"We will arrive before our guards.. I hope we won't be needing them so soon." Abby spoke in a whisper.

Finally, we enter the road that looks like we walked from the big gate. The guards nowhere in sight.

Three of the quarter moon council were standing outside, wearing the official robes, with their pack insignia printed on it. My pack wore random things, but it didn't matter, this was no friendly visit. Nor was it a business meeting either. We came here to interrogate them and find out who killed one of us. Who stopped me from finding the person that ordered the kill on my mate. I realize just then that if I find out nothing then, I have no other lead. I must find out who killed Frank Cook.

"M from the Crescent moon pack, it is an honour to be your host this evening." They say in unison before bowing.

"Was the honour the reason you did not at least greet us at the gates so we could walk in together? Or the reason you could not fetch us a vehicle, I trust your pack has running vehicles." I almost snap.

"Actually, we do have vehicles." Alpha Rufus shouted. He rode on a noisy one person vehicle. It was so noisy I had to cover my ears.

I bow when it stopped making the horrible noise, we all bow. If he came to my pack he would have bowed to me, a reason he will never step foot into Crescent moon pack.

"They all broke down before we could send them to you." He stepped down from his vehicle slowly.

I hear Patrick scoff, he quickly covered it with a cough.

"Where are my manners, please, come in." He gestured to the open door.

Here is the thing, Rufus believes himself to be very young. He tries on the latest everything to make himself look younger, but it is pathetic. His skin still sagged, he hunched, I am willing to bet he was depending solely on his wolf's agility.

"I asked you a question M." He gritted through his teeth.

I smile politely, I must have zoned out.

"He asked how your trip was. We responded it was quite the adventure seeing as we walked in." Abby jumped in.

"Ah yes, and Alpha Chris from the silver moon pack was thinking about visiting quarter moon pack, I should tell him to wait till all the vehicles are up and running again." I fix him a sweet smile.

He grumbled under his breath, I hear it loud and clear, 'stupid bitch'. I only chuckle.

"Please, make yourselves comfortable. What will you like?" he asked again.

"We would like to get down to business immediately." I tell him as i plop down.

"As you might have heard, one of us is dangling from a tree you marked as forbidden to any other pack asides yours." I start.

He leaned forward and i perceived his old people breath.

"Exactly, what is he doing on a tree I specifically asked that no other pack member should go close to?"

"You have the security footage, you tell me." I lean back in a way that should be seen as having the upper hand, but I'm running away from his breath.

His eyes dart left and right before resting on my face.

"Tell me, where did you follow while coming here? You came too fast to have come through the long route."

He gets up from his chair.

"We ran here okay? Back to the topic, can we see the footage of that tree for today?, and you can't say you don't have it Rufus. Your placed ten cameras in that direction alone. Let us see the footage and we can leave."

"Not so fast M." His eyes glue to something underneath the table.

"Is that sand I see?" he squinted.

"There is sand everywhere Rufus. Sorry if we didn't dust our feet before walking in." I almost roll my eyes.

"Guards, arrest them! They walked through the Luna's chambers!"