
Chapter 1

"Run... Run.. "I told myself as I kept running

I was being chased by a strange man who started following me after I left home. As I entered a dark wearhouse I ran as fast as I could and hide behind a machine .

" I need to find her... She must be in here some were " he said while he was moving boxes out of his way.

I was terrified he knew I was here he was searching for me... I needed to get out of here, but how? As I was thinking about how to escape when i felt something crawl up my legs.

"Aaaa..." I said in a wisper scream voice. Oh no  he must of heard heard me I thought .

"Found you" He said as he grabbed my arm...      


Hello everyone I hope you have a good time reading this book I will try to keep updating as fast as possible ,bye 😙