
Her Childhood Trauma

A 23-year-old girl had experienced a trauma in her childhood and since then has been hidden in her house and never met anyone except her 3 brothers. after 10 years she finally found the courage and went out of the house for an interview but little did she knows that she's gonna meet the love of her life, she goes through a lot until they both finally reach marriage and live happily or will they?

Kavesha_Ravi · Ciudad
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

Dustin was on his way to a big business meeting in a famous restaurant in Florida with some of the other companies. He was on his phone while his driver was driving and his secretary also BFF Walker were explaining what the whole meeting was about, but his attention was somewhere else. Walker stopped in the middle and said: 'Dustin are you even listening?' Dustin snapped out of his thoughts and said: 'yeah, what were you saying?' Walker shook his head and said: 'Are you okay?' Dustin said: 'Yeah I'm fine.' Walker shrugged and said: okay well I was telling you about...' Walker continues to explain while this time Dustin was listening. In a short while they reach the restaurant and Dustin's driver Cage said: 'Sir we are here.' Dustin said: 'okay.' Dustin and Walker stepped out of the car and Walker said: 'We'll be back here in an hour.' Cage said: 'Sure sir.' They walk into the restaurant and just then Dilan came up to them and said: 'welcome to our restaurant sir we heard that you were coming so we set up the whole second floor for your use, hope you enjoy it.' Dustin shook Dilan's hand and said: 'Nice to meet you and please no need for formalities just call me Dustin.' Dilan smiled and said: 'Sure Dustin now my sister will lead you to the floor just tell her what you want.'

Just then from behind Dilan Ashley appeared and when Dustin saw Ashley he was frozen in the spot while Dilan said: 'Ashley please lead them to their table.' Ashley nodded and signaled them to follow her, Walker nudged Dustin and the three of them went up to the second floor. Ashley showed them their table and Walker said: 'Thank you for the help, Ashley.' Dustin said: 'Can we have the menu?' Ashley nodded and took the menu from the drawers and gave it to them. Dustin was deep in thought about Ashley, how can a girl look so perfect? Ashley slightly said: 'What do you guys want to order?' Walker ordered both their dish and said: 'that's all for now Ashley, if we need anything else we'll let you know cause there's a few more people on their way.'

Ashley nodded and she was about to leave when she bumped straight into a hard figure, she looked up and saw a man around his thirties looking furious and he shouted and said: 'What the fuck are you blind.' Ashley's eyes started tearing up and she stuttered and said: 'I-I'm s-sorry.' the man was about to say something when Dustin spoke up and said: 'Hectic it was a mistake, let the girl go.' the man sat down and Ashley walked quickly to the lift. Then Dustin turned to Hectic and said: 'You didn't have to shout at her!' his tone was serious and Hectic was shocked at his reaction and said: 'And why do you care, is she one of your sluts.'

Dustin grabbed Hectic by the collar and said: 'You better watch your mouth around me 'cause you know you would regret it later.' Hectic gulped and said: 'sorry.' Dustin let him go and said: 'apologies to her before leaving got it?' Hectic nodded but didn't say anything, after they were done and the business deal was closed, they went downstairs and Dustin scanned the room for Ashley when his eyes met her's it looked like she had been crying, he glared at Hectic and Hectic went up to her and apologized, and Ashley nodded and Her brother Dilan came up to Dustin and said: 'hope you had a good meal?' Dustin smiled and said: 'The food was amazing, who's the chef?' Dilan smiled and said: 'That would be me.' Dustin smiled and said: 'Well you're a natural, this restaurant will go to higher heights.' Dilan shook Dustin's hand for the last time and Dustin went out of the restaurant, we looked at Ashley one last time and she was looking at him too he smiled her way and he closed the glass door behind him.

In the car all Dustin could think about was Ashley, Walker looked at him and said: 'Hey Dustin what are you thinking?' Dustin looked at him smiling and said: 'Ashley my first impression about her was different her whole shy attitude was so cute.' Walker said: 'Oh so that's the reason you smiled like that in the restaurant earlier and that explains so much about why you got so mad on Hectic just now.' Dustin smiled and said: 'but just now she looked like she's been crying.' Walker said: 'Well she looks sensitive and even when she was talking to us I noticed an unusual fear in her eyes.' hearing Walker's words Dustin thought about why she was afraid of them, they didn't do anything to her except for Hectic's behavior with her.

He put the thoughts aside for a while when he reached his mansion, he went into his empty mansion cause his parents were in Dubai so he was alone at home, he walked into his housemaid Clair and he said: 'Hey Clair.' Clair looked at him and said: 'Hey how was the meeting?' Dustin flopped on the couch and said: 'Great.' Clair was more like a friend to Dustin than a housemaid so she sat down beside him and said: 'you sound excited, did something happen?' he sat straight and said: 'well I saw a girl there and she was cute, shy and she was so close to perfect.'

Clair looked shocked and said: 'Woah you talking about a girl like that is new, what's her name?' Dustin looked at Clair and said: 'Ashley.' Clair said: 'Nice name.' Dustin sighed and sat back in his chair and said: 'I don't know when I can see her again?' Clair said: 'If you guys are meant for each other you guys will meet soon enough.' Dustin smiled and said: 'What would I do without you or your boyfriend.' As in boyfriend Dustin means Walker, yep Walker and Clair are together, Clair nudged him and said: 'Speaking of him where is he?' I sent Walker to check on something at the office so I said: 'I sent him to check on something in the office.' she said: 'Oh okay.' Dustin said: 'I'm going upstairs if he comes back tell him to come to see me in my home office.' Clair said: 'Sure.' I went up to my home office cause I have some mail and a lot of files to sign since my dad left this company, I've been working so hard on bringing it to higher levels and now it's in the best 10 companies in the world so I'm proud of what I've made of this company.

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