
Her 10th mistake

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6 Chs


Do dreams come true, well I don't know about yours but my dreams just seems far fetched and unrealistic I'm sure my dreams where ran over by rhinoceroses having a stampede FYI nothing ever goes the way I planned. Juventas was sitting outside the house along with her elder sister but she was in a daze, just thinking about how things were in the past and what the future hold. she couldn't help remember how easy things were when she was much younger. Her parents had a good house and eight tenants, ahh the good old days that was until the whole area place got demolished by the government for reasons she don't quite understand cause the place is currently a waste land no development was made whatsoever not even a brick was laid the whole area is currently the home for snakes and rodents. She Sighs and turns to her elder sister and said " say Julia 20xx must have been the worst year in history " don't u think so? Julia looked at her and smiled after a while she said I'm sure it was cursed , they both burst into laughter, yes it was said juventas both grandmas died our house got. demolished debt rolled in dad quits his job you just name it. Hey juv Julia called her by her nickname she gave her I'm tired of being a burden and not being able to help in any way I really wished there was something I could do Julia said looking sad. Well you can get married to a rich man and help take care of me and Jayden juventas said smiling , well maybe I will Julia said. you should after all you are almost 22 and you know what they say 4 - 1=3 meaning more food to go around juven said they both laughed so hard that their stomachs hurts and tears came from their eyes, fine you can have my food when I'm gone Julia said. You better don't think of leaving me behind cause we are in this together wherever you go I will follow juventas said. their younger brother Jayden just stakes his head and sighs and said if she gets married you will be the first to cry your eyes out because you will miss her the most but don't worry I doubt if any of you are getting married anytime soon. And who knows things might get better before anyone one can and ask for any of your hands in marriage. they both immediately stopped laughing and look at their younger brother with a scrutinizing look Julia said are you trying to jinx me, just watch and see I will get married before the year runs out. Jayden revealed a shocked expression before laughing , he said do you know that we are already in the month of August so tell me, how are you going to get married in four months time?

well if you are able to get married before the end of December I will give you my one month pay but if you don't you will have to pay me 10,000 petal juventas said with a smirk, so are you in for it? her elder sister julie looked at her and said yes how can I give up the chance of making free money from you then its settled girl I can't wait for you to lose Julia, in your dreams juv I will be married before you know it. Julia stands up and walked outside the compound hey where are you going juventas called to Julia , I'm going husband hunting cause there is no way I'm losing my money she left and closed the gates. say juven do you think she would win? she turns her head mechanically and asked her brother Jayden how many times have I told you to call me big sister I'm four years older than you, you know. well technically its 3 years 5 months and 18 days and beside sister Julia is 4 years and three months older than you but you don't call her big sister so why should I Jayden retaliates. fine you win, but I'm curious why don't you call my full name like dad and mom juven asked , Jayden scoffs do you think I'm an idiot or what we both know you don't like the meaning of your full name because people always give you a weird look when you tell them the meaning and they always ask why dad gave you that kind of name that's why you decided to use just Juven back then when you were in school even all your documents carry Juven not Juventas

so don't act like you hate it when I call you juven. Juven chuckles well you are too smart for my liking, Jayden raised his face beaming with pride feeling like a million watts but to juven he just looked like a cat trying to act cute, well he does look cute though she just smiles and shakes her head. so juven tell me do you think sister Julia will win Jayden asked. juven raised her brows looking at Jayden like a dumb idiot and said I take my compliments back you are not smart at all where the hell would she get a husband from or did you forgot that she just broke up with the guy she was dating so tell where this miracle husband would come from. As for me I'm going to make a plan on how to spend the 10,000 petal she stood up going inside the house to write a list. Jayden couldn't help but feel something was amiss why do I feel that it's not impossible for he asked no one in particular...

petal is just an imaginary currency in this novel...