


The Government Ministries administrators staying behind from government to government might be the problem.

They are the ones who set my engagement in Thailand to fail and I lost marriage.

It was the filthy per say loose women of government prostitution and the government who sell poor insusceptible women from Thailand. Yes, it was Lithuanian government.

The ones who use tools of mind manipulation to gain their career ladder in international relations of business. Our previous female president and their magic mushroom in our society.

This is a sad story like I wrote to you before only coloured in words.

I had a social design to lure me to a problem and designed it to be a problem.

I was honest to keep writing diplomatic correspondence to be awarded one day in a letter the silver crucifix.

Corruption Scheme

The corruption of post communism, Lithuania and STT or Government Secret Service.

They open cases of government corruption in the media, seldom closing them to our press to know.

The corruption is alive and long years businesses have drawn in survival plans to know and communicate with politicians and law enforcement agencies to control local laws.

They mend the decision making to their side. Their way you can open a business investment portfolio and investors is to do business with local businesses or you have unfair competition.

You cannot open a business without working for local companies or they will have you close your portfolio investment earning from your investment.

The bribery works with government departments.

You are to agree to take a form of services, goods and contracts you are able to have in a month or six months later you were bribed to ignore and close your eyes to the problem.

Corruption is impossible to prove and it is a perfect form of pay.

The local control and harassment is a high degree of a problem leaving the nation in unfair competition losing investors money.


Lithuanian lawmakers are outspoken and Lithuanian Post should be black listed.

Their Post Office Customs Department charges goods from the United States of America sent goods.

The post service fees exploits customs fee legally all goods arrived in the post ports the charges from my case.

I paid 5 dollars for an item.

It cost 14 dollars to arrive.

I paid 19 dollars in total.

They force me to pay an item evaluation fee of 8 dollars.

I received a customs bill of 15 dollars.

The items I paid had 19 dollars worth and mandatory pay of 15 dollars. It was the sum of 34 dollars.

The customs mandatory check and fee per government laws legally to tax goods from the United States of America.

It alerts businesses not to trade with Lithuania because their goods are one single charge no matter the value per item.

The expenses you pay in foreign post offices. They charge them.

You generate Lithuanian government taxes from the items of customs received of the item value and postage expenses you pay hoping it arrives well to you.

Thank you Lithuanian government lawmakers. I love them to be fools thinking we are fools.

Lithuanian Public Relations should stop lying. I know they sell pornography in our dreams about fair trade.

How about Lithuanian JEFF economical agreement Lithuanian law makers are murdering the international agreement with local government laws between Republic of Lithuania, Netherlands Kingdom, United Kingdom and Scandinavian Nations.

The economical agreements were made only in the name of it. The name is FALSE.

They have no trade of goods, services nor money. It benefits us. I don't know.

The agreement is false like a spider web of dark web Tarantula sucking blood out of international laws like a thief. The blood sucks like a blood bath.

Government Social Media Annoyance

Lithuanian Police might be blackmailing social network platforms for social annoyance cases with Police social research libel.

The case might be a true civil libel case.

The social media you pay us or we investigate you and open a precedent about you on an international scale?

The social mass media libel case? I think it was our rights. Thank you Lithuania.

You write in the Police Department a precedent case opening doors for every democratic nation to sue Facebook in courts of civil libel.

The corporate giant Meta should be happy.

Lithuanian lawmakers are censorship and a pig's barn full of dirt. It might be right to say?

Yes if it is our interpretation we can explain to Facebook. It is Facebook's right to intelligence investigate their business.

I can now know Lithuanian lawmakers.

They should have only clicked the button to investigate rather than blackmailing our citizens for a financial racket.

The Hero History

I am like a literature smuggler in Soviet occupied Lithuania.

The government in Lithuania were occupants hoping to find and kill for smuggling Lithuanian news prints from Paris.

It is a long journey to deliver good literature. They are now hoping to have me manslaughtered for freedom of press.

It was not long ago many Lithuanian traders risked their lives to bring news. It would be read at night for children under candlelight.

We could save and preserve our national language. They would learn our native tongue when it was forbidden to speak Lithuanian. We were punished for it.

We have the dictator's government. It is our nation. It is our Lithuanian government ready to murder you for literature, stop you no matter what. They will pursue us reading this? I know.

I will not stop writing it. They became monsters they said them to be. Our government. I know.

It is like a foreign minister said it is a hybrid warfare.

We authors should be like Swiss Free Port writing without fear. I am not a politician. I do not write about politics.

I always communicate and have a right to network and democratic participation.

We had freedom fighters fighting occupants of oppression. The communist intelligence spies, our native Lithuanians. They spied and betrayed us. The Soviet Union government orders.

Freedom Fighters hid in the tunnels made under barns one freedom fighter wrote without disclosing in his journal how it was made or where it was made.

He wrote they were outnumbered.

When they found an activist home they would break his window and each fire a lethal shot to kill before they disappeared into the night. They were killing communist spies.

The logistics company is like a communist spy.

I am neutral to history.

A God of Business

Is the logistics company director a god of business I worked for?

Does he present us divine powers to corporate manslaughter, to a blood money, to our minds, hearts and souls in the spirit it would take to receive our hearts?

Does he never fail? Is he always right?

Is he a terrorist capable of business with Moscow?

Is he capable of crimes in the bible?

Is he capable of delivering biblical judgement?

How does my bibliotherapy reading make you feel?

Where his powers are coming from or the government supplies him a power of business registration certificate?

I wonder when I vomited blood at work out my intestines.

I wonder if I had a closure to cardiac arrest when I was driven across the nation in an ambulance to hospital.

Why I started working for the company?

The inadequate pay leads to inadequate results in inadequate work.

Is he a good businessman or a god of business?

The holy and divine business case would solve to find inquisition for our God of business?

I have millions of questions for him like any religious leader would have. I am not a religious leader and only an author questioning his spirit.

Is he a supreme leader or General Director or Directorate or President? I hold no knowledge of what they are capable of?

I think only God can answer. It would be wise for him not to go to the Vatican to seek an answer but seek within him.

Is he a supreme leader or director or a human?

We all will find out.