

Mujidat_Shehu · Ciudad
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3 Chs


Felicia a timid looking young girl of about my age was spotted beside a rusted container gazing passionately at a piece of candy on the floor which fell from a baby's hand. With the look on her face I could tell she was hungry,I wished I could help but then I realized we were both in the same situation. How do people feel when they see their fellow human in starvation? Don't their conscience prick them? Why is life so unfair? so many questions ran through my mind as I looked pitifully at ourselves.

I decided to walk up to her. "Why don't you go get the candy instead of you salivating on what is within your reach?" I asked her. She trembled immediately she heard my voice,she tried running so I had to hold her and assure her that I was not going to harm her. "Who are you and what do u want?"she asked me with fear in her voice. I smiled....."I'm just a boy in the same position as you are who has to fend for himself in a cruel world where no one seems to care".

Felicia looked into my eyes,I could see the tears she tried to hold,I hugged her and apologised if I scared her or made her emotional. She kept on weeping,I got tired "Felicia!!"i called,She took her head up abruptly,she was surprised I knew her name. "This area is too small for us not to know ourselves"I said believing that statement answered whatever question she had in mind. After she cried herself to her satisfaction "Do you mind telling me your name? "she asked "I'm Jeremy" I replied. She then turned her back against me and said "Jeremy,i must leave now,as you know we are out here alone,nobody cares if we feed or not,if we live or not so I have to go in search of food for my junior ones".immediately she left I tried calling her back but she ignored me,then I turned to look at the piece of candy she was lusting after earlier behold it was gone.

I walked down the street with no idea of where I was going,all I knew was that I was in search of food. As I walked,the thought of Felicia kept flashing in my head,I was thinking of how I can be of help to her,but then "How on earth can a helpless person help another?"was the question that interrupted my thoughts. Ridiculous right?

I remembered vividly in my last chapter when I said the cause of my helpless predicament would be headed. Hmmmmmmmm.............

I was actually birthed the same way every child was given birth to,in a happy family to be specific. My mum was a Salvadian while my dad was a Percortian. I had a senior sister which I loved so much,she took care of me and never made me regret having her as a sister .Things were quite rosy for us,my dad was a civil servant and my mum was a petty trader, we weren't rich and at the same time we weren't poor,we were satisfied with the little we have and shared them with love.

As you all know life isn't a bed full of roses, things changed within a twinkle of an eye when the Percortians waged war against the Salvadians,for whatsoever reason,I didn't know the cause of the war because I was still very much little. The Percortians swooped in army into Salvare,they raided everywhere,killed both the young and old,raped the female ones and take the remaining of them along to percorte. Unfortunately for me,my dad was slaughtered,my mum was no where to be found and my elder sister was raped,She was raped to the extent she lost her life in a pool of blood,I tried saving her so we could both elope but she pushed me and told me to save myself when I still have the opportunity to do so,I refused and cried vehemently, but my sister Juliet was too weak to struggle for her life. Slowly her eyes closed and I felt her hand become cold and slipped out of my hand,I cried with bitterness and anger in my heart,the only word that came to my mind as at then was "vengeance". Slowly I walked away looking at Juliet laying dead on the floor like a random dog,I was pained but I had to run for my life away from Salvare.